Our Compassionate Conservatives pardon drug dealers but not the officers charged with protecting us from them

29 12 2006

Cross Posted From    Stiknstein…has no mercy

Republican conservative compassion doesn’t appear to extend to Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean. The two border agents which the Feds charged with the crime of shooting a drug smuggler in the butt as he was escaping back to Mexico, will start their 11 year and 12 year prison sentences in less than a month.

A compassionate Conservative was quoted as stating:
“They committed the crime of trying to stop a drug smuggler coming across our border and must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law……
All true conservatives know, the free flow of drugs from Mexico is essential to the Mexican economy and this years bumper crop of Michocan must be allowed free access to U.S. markets.

We believe a Presidential pardon would send the wrong message to all of the brave potential federal felons guarding our border with Mexico. The U.S Government wants to make sure they get the correct message.”

“We are however, pleased to announce Presidential Pardons for two cocaine dealers….. Marie Georgette Ginette Briere and George Thomas Harley as well as hashish dealer Eric William Olson. Though as a true compassionate conservative, the President was only willing to commute the sentence of methamphetamine dealer Phillip Anthony Emmert.”

As a side note in this Holiday Season we would like to wish a Merry Christmas to smuggler Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila of Mexico….And while the 800 pounds of marijuana he was smuggling wont make it to your kids in time for Christmas, in the spirit of the New Year, we believe our grant of immunity to this honest and hard working drug dealer demonstrates the compassion we conservatives of the Administration have for potential future guest workers.

And for the families of convicted Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean as they lose their houses and their lives are torn apart…..we would like to extend…….uh…….um…….Well, good luck and have a Happy New Year”…..!
This was a production of The
Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).

If you would like to
participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition…. brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com……and let
me know at what level you would like to participate.

Why Enforce the Law?….When you can just Embrace The Economic Reality.

28 12 2006

Cross Posted From Stiknstein…has no mercy

Wave a magic wand….Print up some new Id’s…….and create citizens where there were once felons….The convolutions and twisted logic the Economic Reality crowd put’s itself through in order to justify Amnesty seems to do just that…….

The Pensacola News Journal Ran this article:

( the important issues facing Congress next year are many……)
One of them is Drugs.

At its heart is one underlying reality: There is a demand for Marijuana in the United States — and a need to supply it from Mexico and elsewhere — that has to be satisfied.

If it isn’t done legally, it will be done illegally.

To deny that and to seek purely law enforcement solutions, ignores economic reality. (Our current) badly flawed effort costs hundreds of billions of dollars a year, fills our jails, fosters corruption, feeds the criminals who fill the demand — and fails to keep relatively cheap pot from being widely available in almost every community in the United States.
The only way to beat illegal marijuana is to include an effective pot legalization program that fills the demand for the most popular drug.

Then, instead of wasting tax dollars on a continued huge government administrative and police bureaucracy, we can all benefit from the economic impact of a solution that helps the economies of both the United States and Mexico.

Neighborhood dealers will benefit from a program that gives them assurance they are selling legal pot; both the local and national economies will benefit from legal dealers and users who pay their full share of taxes and can live, work and smoke openly; and the federal government can be spared the expense and turmoil of trying to root out millions of illegal drug users.

Call it amnesty if you want, but allowing current drug dealers who already sell here to enter the government drug program will give these dealers a seamless way of complying with the law and defusing the need for police action.
Then, after a grace period, they would face serious penalties for continuing to deal if they are not in the program.

You might have figured out by now this article wasn’t really about POT. But it might have well been. ( I ONLY CHANGED 22 WORDS)….

Justifying granting amnesty to those who break the law because it might make good economic sense is flawed policy. If it wasn’t we’d have legalized drugs years ago. It makes great economic sense…..But the issue demands an approach that is a bit more complicated.
Illegal Immigration demands a comprehensive solution too, but should economics be the factor over riding all others? In the last 20 years, poor policy, and just plain indifference have allowed a national security and national soverignty issue to somehow morph into an economic one.

The fact that we can’t and don’t seem willing to even control our borders should be our primary concern above all others! This goes beyond economics to National Security as well as a host of other issues like soverignty, and protecting our citizens. Is securing our borders and enforcing our current laws so great an economic threat to our country that we cannot now afford to do this? Do we have no other choice but to “submit” to the “Economic Reality” of our failure to secure our country?

Let’s change the Paradigm……………..
THIS IS “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”:

  • Secure the border by any means necessary. This includes the Military.
  • Stiff penalties for employers, which are actually enforced.
  • No taxpayer funded programs for illegals or their families.
    (including school for children of illegals and non-emergency medical
    care for any illegal)
  • No “Anchor Babies” (no automatic citizenship for children of
    illegals born in the US)
  • No path to Citizenship in any name or form for those here illegally.
  • No Guest worker program until the above measures are put in place
    and the need can be PROVEN
  • English only education and the official language of the USA

This is the “Comprehensive” Plan our elected officials should be embracing. We create our own economic reality……Do this, and the so called “Economic Realities” change significantly…….

Others who know what a Paradigm is and how to change it:
The Un-Cooperative Blogger Has a draft bill…..
Right Truth has Keith Ellison’s plan for the sharia paradigm

Common Sense America wonders does Congress have any Honor left
This was a production of The
Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).

If you would like to
participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition…. brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com……and let
me know at what level you would like to participate.

There Was A Time. . .

28 12 2006

Cross Posted From Common Sense America

There was a time in our history when our elected officials and our courts fought for the interests of the American citizen and not in the interest of greedy CEO’s. There was a time when the American citizen was important and if corporations perpetrated schemes that were harmful to the American worker, our elected officials and our justices were quick to stand on the side of the American citizen.

There was a time when America mattered.

In 1892, our Supreme Court Justices were deciding a case involving a foreign minister who was asked to come to America to enter into service as rector and minister of the Holy Trinity Church.

In U.S. Supreme Court RECTOR, ETC, OF HOLY TRINITY CHURCH v. U S, 143 U.S. 457 (1892), our government attempted to stop Holy Trinity Church under a law which read:

The first section describes the act forbidden, and is in these words: ‘Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America, in congress assembled, that from and after the passage of this act it shall be unlawful for any person, company, partnership, or corporation, in any manner whatsoever, to prepay the transportation, or in any way assist or encourage the importation or migration, of any alien or aliens, any foreigner or foreigners, into the United States, its territories, or the District of Columbia, under contract or agreement, parole or special, express or implied, made previous to the importation or migration of such alien or aliens, foreigner or foreigners, to perform labor or service of any kind in the United States, its territories, or the District of Columbia.’

The Supreme Court Justices were deciding whether a previous ruling by a lower court was justified and if this law was meant to address all foreigners who may wish to come to this country to work or if this law, in fact, had been enacted to prevent a specific type of immigration. While the case was being decided by the Supreme Court, some very clear statements were made that are still relevant to this day.

In their decision they stated:

And, referring back to the report of the committee of the house, there appears this language: ‘It seeks to restrain and prohibit the immigration or importation of laborers who would have never seen our shores but for the inducements and allurements of men whose only object is to obtain labor at the lowest possible rate, regardless of the social and material well-being of our own citizens, and regardless of the evil consequences which result to American laborers from such immigration.’


The inevitable tendency of their presence among us is to degrade American labor, and to reduce it to the level of the imported pauper labor.’ Page 5359, Congressional Record, 48th Cong.

We find, therefore, that the title of the act, the evil which was intended to be remedied, the circumstances surrounding the appeal to congress, the reports of the committee of each house, all concur in affirming that the intent of congress was simply to stay the influx of this cheap, unskilled labor.

You know, it would be nice to think that rather than falling all over themselves to cater to the greedy corporations among us who have lured so many illegal aliens to our nation, our elected officials would stop their foolishness and stand for the American laborers. It would be nice if they would applaud the American citizens currently lining up for the job openings at the Swift meatpacking plants and to hear them openly condemn the corporations and activists who spread the lie that Americans will not do these jobs.

It would be nice. . . but. . .

Will our new Congress have the courage and conviction of our forefathers? Or will they sell America to the highest corporate bidder?

It’s ironic. I used to be a Democrat. I left the party because of their entitlement program mentality and their steady shift to the left. But there was a time when the Democratic Party was known for standing up for the working American men and women in our country. There was a time when Senator Kennedy and other top members of the Democratic Party fought for the American citizen instead of giving speeches in a foreign language to illegal aliens brought to our nation merely to satisfy the greed of a few.

There really was a time when America mattered in the halls of Congress.

*** *** *** ***

See also:

Fingers Crossed! – Chicago church housing illegal immigrant mom fears raid imminent from Freedom Folks

AIM Report: U.S. Borders: Going-Going-Gone! from We Hate Gringos

It’s Not Over Until It’s Over On Illegal Immigration from Right Wing News

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let Brian know at what level you would like to participate.**

President Bush’s Legacy or America’s?

28 12 2006

Cross Posted From Liberally Conservative

With two years left in the Presidency of George W. Bush a term frequently floated in the media is “legacy.” It’s my opinion a President shouldn’t look at polls to make decisions and shouldn’t worry about “legacy” either. Similarly to wealth, a positive outcome arrives from sweat equity, sticking to your principles and working your plan.

Politics is different, so-called “compromise” is used to “get things done.” However, what if the “things” are not accomplishments but sweeping problems under the rug for future generations.

Two major domestic issues stand out, immigration and social security. Congress, with Liberals taking the helm, is looking to 2008 by claiming accomplishments and feel they have a mandate, which is not true. The President wants accomplishment, wishes to work with Congress but at what cost?

What price is Mr. Bush willing to pay and how much political capital is he willing to lose for conservatives? Does compromise open the door for Liberals to gain more seats in Congress and possibly the Presidency? Compromise with Liberals at a high political cost is unacceptable.

Taxes and Social Security 

Democrats want to raise payroll taxes by raising the cap on social security tax. This is a nice way of going after higher income individuals the Liberals like to call “rich.” Social Security is intended to be a “pension plan” but in reality is no more than a federal redistribution program of taxing the “wealthy” and paying the poor. It’s time the President sticks to his convictions and discuss private accounts as a necessary part of “fixing” social security.


Because of poor law enforcement and government “looking the other way”, we now have a major illegal immigration problem in this country without a real resolution in sight. There are so many illegal immigrants in the United States removing them would be more difficult than herding cats.

As reported in the New York Times, lawmakers are considering abandoning a requirement in the Senate bill that would compel several million illegal immigrants to leave the United States before becoming eligible to apply for citizenship.

How nice, the election is over and Senators of all stripes are now demonstrating they are “the emperor’s without clothes.” What lawmakers are suggesting is we provide blanket amnesty since the law enforcement folly of decades, gone unchecked, has led to a disaster of open borders, open immigration abuse, and an open checkbook gratis of the American taxpayer to subsidize illegal immigrants.

The K Street excuse is “Jobs Americans Won’t Do.” What about medical and education benefits to illegal aliens which American citizens don’t have and can’t afford? What about accommodating non-English speaking people with special menus on ATM’s, phone services, and every direction pamphlet inserted in merchandise.

There is complete lack of leadership and we’re now engaged in further “liars poker” and the politicians continue to be the slick card dealers duping the public at every turn. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) is leading a new bill, which dissolves the earlier version and turns a socialist view to the term “worker.” Karl Marx would be proud. Unfortunately, John McCain (R-AZ) has teamed up with Kennedy in a move that will not endear him to Conservatives.

In a country based on the “rule of law”, legislatures are suggesting we provide a free pass to lawbreakers. Without consequences laws mean nothing. Passing laws are meaningless if enforcement isn’t the tool to keep our borders safe and prevent more of the same.

In a time when voters sent a message about corruption in government leadership is lacking and Hispanic votes are the driving force for immigration law. The tax and spend Liberals feel an obligation to raise taxes, redistribute wealth and disenfranchise honest, law abiding citizens and future citizens while increasing the size of government and the entitlements Liberals cherish.

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

The inscription on the Statue of Liberty is not a free pass; it indicates there is a “door” not an open path to break laws to enter the United States.

Politicians are discussing the selling out of American principles to provide rights to people who wish to avoid a legal path to citizenship. I repeat, there are no free passes to citizenship; our feckless “leaders” need to understand that for every vote they earn with amnesty is a vote they lose from Conservatives.

In addition, sending more hard earned money chasing a bankrupt system is not a solution built of solid economic fundamentals. Liberals claim a wish to compromise, but its only if they can invoke socialist systems to tax, regulate, redistribute wealth, and spend. Proclaimed “Conservatives” hiding under the banner of Republicans need to understand the dire political consequences they face.

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Remember Ramos and Compean

27 12 2006

Cross posted, with permission, from Freedom Folks

On the evening of February 17th, 2005 Jose Alonso Compean lay on the ground bleeding after a struggle with a drug smuggler. His partner Ignacio Ramos attempted to give chase, as the man fled the agent said he saw something shiny in his hand and fired one shot. More here.

Now Border Patrol agents Jose Alonso Compean and Ignacio Ramos have been sentenced to 12 and 11 years in prison for shooting a known drug dealer and not reporting the incident.

That is the basic story and it left me with a lot of questions, so I picked up the phone and called Rich Pierce, executive VP with the National Border Patrol Council.

“These are good guys,” is one of the first things he had to say when I told him I was calling about the Ramos and Compean cases.

My first question was one I hadn’t seen dealt with in the media, or, if it had been I hadn’t seen it: What was the normal punishment for this type of incident? Mr. Pierce looked it up in the “Table Of Penalties.” The specific violation would have been a “Failure to report the discharge of a firearm.” Normal punishment? Written reprimand or up to a one week suspension, or as Mr. Pierce put it “about a thousand dollar fine.”

So how did we get to this with respected and honored Border patrol agents facing more than ten years in jail?

Culture of corruption

“El Paso is like being in Mexico,” Mr. Pierce said when I asked how this kind of thing could happen. He also felt the link between local El Paso politicos and Mexican drug cartels was a bit too close for comfort. “Drug cartels have gained control of El Paso.”

He went on to explain that agents Ramos and Compean weren’t the first federal agents to find themselves in trouble in El Paso. “Four or five federal agents have been indicted in El Paso and found themselves facing the same prosecutor and judge.”

As the Houston Chronicle recently reported…” The culture of bribery is quietly seeping into new realms of government, from school districts to municipal court, experts say. Proximity to Mexico is at least partly to blame, said Anthony Knopp, a professor who teaches border history at the University of Texas at Brownsville. “What we’re dealing with is a Third World country on the other side of the border where there is a culture of corruption … corruption will show up here, naturally.” And show up, it has.

But the corruption goes higher up the food chain. DHS made harsh accusations against Ramos and Compean that could not be backed up…”Department of Homeland Security officials told congressional leaders last month that two Border Patrol agents convicted of shooting a drug smuggler admitted to supervisors that they were “out to shoot Mexicans” the day of the shooting, but have yet to provide proof the agents made such statements.

Press Secretary Michael Green from Representative Kenny Marchant’s office replied to my question of whether or not the DHS has released this information yet. “The first thing is a process of judicial review, no evidence can be released for at least sixty days after a trial and we’re waiting to hear back from the El Paso court system on that. However, DHS says they have prepared a report that would be a “Silver Bullet” against the agents proving all the DHS allegation, but the report is now in review in the administration.”

He said the review involved the report being bounced from DHS to the administration and then to DOJ and who knows from there? When I asked Mr. Pierce about this alleged DHS proof he was indignant. “Why didn’t it come out in the trial?”

Questions also seem to swirl about United States District Attorney Johnny Sutton, a Bush nominee and friend of Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. There is no proof of any wrongdoing, but President Bush and Alberto Gonzalez have shown themselves to be dead set against serious border security. Could these prosecutions be yet another way to frustrate proper control of our borders?

No pardon

“We’ll take a pardon if that’s the best we can get,” Mr. Pierce said, but “If all they get is a pardon their still guilty and they will not be eligible to get their jobs back, we need a reversal.”

A petition to pardon agents Ramos and Compean is percolating through the blogosphere, but what Mr. Pierce and the agents are really hoping for is a Congressional investigation. Though the agents deeply appreciate the effort to get them pardoned, Mr. Pierce says, it’s not enough.

An unnamed congressional spokesman assured me that there were concerns over the “proportionality” of the sentences, which echoes Mr. Pierce’s concern that this seems more appropriately an “administrative matter than a legal one.”

No one’s fighting for these guys

“The only congressman really standing up for these guys is Dana Rohrabacher,” Pierce responded when I asked where the fight goes from here for these two men. “Rep. Hostettler of Indiana had been spearheading the effort, but he didn’t make it (in the election).” He also wanted me to add that “Rohrabacher is the only one who has contributed to the legal defense fund out of his own pocket.”

Mr. Pierce hopes that somebody like Rep. Tom Tancredo might pick up the ball and run with it, but as of now no one has stepped up in a serious way for these agents.

“It seems no one is moving very quickly on this,” spokesman Michael Green said about DHS and the administration providing evidence that would exonerate or damn these agents.

No it doesn’t!

Ramos and Compean relief fund

Send the White House a “Christmas Pardon” email

Previous coverage:

Ramos and Compean Guard The Borders Blogburst

Civil Rights…Not!

Ramos and Compean Sentenced

More Questions on Border Patrol Case

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Jobs Dry Up With Housing Market

27 12 2006

Cross Posted From Common Sense America

With the housing market slowing down, it seems illegal aliens are having trouble finding work:

The gold rush came in drywall, laminate flooring and granite countertops, and Amilcar Guzman came with it.

Guzman left El Salvador at age 18 in 1999 and landed in Manassas. Soon he had $15-an-hour jobs cutting lumber, driving nails and running a Bobcat loader. He got a car, got married. The Washington region was hungry for houses, houses, houses, and word of the boom reached Mexico and Central America, drawing thousands more eager, jobless men like him.

Then sometime last year, Guzman said, the rush began to go bust, little by little, month by month. The contractors stopped hiring. The phone stopped ringing. Washington, it seemed, had all the houses it could hold .

So Guzman got a plane ticket. On Jan. 20, he is taking his family back to El Salvador, with plans to open an auto repair shop with the money he has saved. “There’s no work here anymore,” he said, having spent the past month unemployed. “And when there’s no work, it’s time for Latinos to go back to the countries where they came from.”

Hispanic immigration to the Washington region has always followed a seasonal pattern, as the winter puts a chill on outdoor labor and drives workers south. But with home sales and housing starts dropping after years of steady growth, many Hispanic workers — legal and illegal — say the good times are gone.

Oh no! The “good times are gone”??? We’d better do something quickly!

But, have no fear – oh, and get out your wallet – because the activists have a plan:

Gustavo Torres, executive director of CASA of Maryland, said he’s concerned that tensions over immigration will spread and intensify if large numbers of idle construction workers are not quickly absorbed by other services and industries. “We’ve seen workers leaving for other states for jobs in construction or agriculture,” he said.

Torres argued for the need for job training programs to help workers make the transition into other sectors, saying he feared that “confrontation will accelerate further” if the slowdown worsens.

Yes, that is just what the American taxpayer had in mind – using our tax dollars to train illegal aliens to move up the ladder to replace us in even more industries. You have got to be kidding!

See also:

Has Bush Lost His Mind? from Right Truth

Bipartisan Effort to Draft Immigration Bill from the Uncooperative Blogger

Like We Don’t Already Know! from My Country – My View

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let Brian know at what level you would like to participate.**

Keith Ellison stirs American Muslims with allahu akbar (Open Trackback Wednesday)

27 12 2006

Cross Posted From Right Truth

Representative Elect Keith Ellison (D-MN) spoke at the annual convention of two Muslim groups, the Muslim American Society and the Islamic Circle of North America. Here’s some of what he told American Muslims:

“Muslims, you’re up to bat right now…” he said. “How do you know that you were not brought right here to this place to learn how to make this world better? How do you know that Allah, sallalahu aleyhi wasallam,” (meaning peace be upon him) “did not bring you here so that you could understand how to teach people what tolerance was, what justice was?… How do you know that you’re not here to teach this country?” …”You can’t back down, you can’t chicken out, you can’t be afraid, you got to have faith in Allah, and you got to stand up and be a real Muslim,” Detroit native Keith Ellison said to loud applause. …

“Allahu akbar” – God is great – was the reply of many in the crowd. …

“We’re going to continue to face them,” he said. “They’re not going to stop right away. But if you, and me too, stick together, if we believe in Allah … if we turn to the Quran for guidance, we’ll find an answer to the questions we have. source

Thomas Lifson in the American Thinker asks:

Perhaps Rep.-elect Ellison would care to teach us about justice when it comes to women’s standing as witnesses in court, and in respect to inheritance rights. I am particularly curious as to his probably acceptance as a good Muslim of Quranic injunctions that women count as less than men in regard to these points.I eagerly await the National Organization for Women’s take on the subject.

I anxiously await the response of the New York Times, the ACLU, and other decriers of any hint of God talk on the part of politicians – at least when the God in question is mentioned in a Judeo-Christian context. Will we hear talk of a nascent “theocracy” from them? Somehow, I doubt it. Can you imagine the coverage which might be given to an evangelical Christian newly elected to Congress giving a similar speech, and receiving s similar response?

The Detroit Free Press broke the story, I have not found a full transcript or video of Mr. Ellison’s speech.

Rep. Virgil Goode (R.-Va.) wrote in a letter to a constituent, “if American citizens don’t wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Koran.” Goode has been vilified for his comments and the Huffington Post wants to know why the White House has not condemned Goode’s letter.

Ellison was born in the United States and converted to Islam while in college. Chicago Sun-Times adds, ‘Ellison isn’t an immigrant. He’s an African-American convert to Islam who can trace his American roots back to 1742.’ So they think Mr. Goode’s argument about muslim immigration doesn’t relate to Ellison. Perhaps it doesn’t, but it is still a valid argument.

Robert Spencer wrote, “Criticisms of Goode shared a common assumption: that he had no reason to be concerned about Ellison, the Koran, or Muslims, and that any suspicion he did have was simply evidence of his bigotry and ignorance. In raising the specter of nativism, the Post was suggesting that America has been down this road before, and has nothing to show for it but shame.”

I think Mr. Goode makes very good points in his letter. Just who are these groups that Ellison is associated with?

MAS members maintain that the group has no ties to the Brotherhood, but there are indications that many in the group want to see the Constitution replaced by Islamic law. “We may all feel emotionally attached to the goal of an Islamic state” in America, said a speaker at a 2002 MAS conference, but “we mustn’t cross hurdles we can’t jump yet.” Likewise, according to terror expert Steven Emerson, the Islamic Circle of North America “is a Jamad Islamia group, which is on record as calling for jihad in the United States, to promote the notion of an Islamic world.”

Robert Spencer asks, “Bigotry is an obstinate and irrational hatred of a particular group. Is it obstinate or irrational, or any act of hatred at all, to ask Ellison to clarify where he stands on the MAS’s desire for the imposition of Islamic law in the United States?” I say we have every right to ask these questions of Mr. Ellison.

Rush Limbaugh on Goode (emphasis mine):

Sounds like what’s gotten everybody fired up is Virgil Goode saying, “I am for restricting immigration so that we don’t have a majority of Muslims elected to the United States House of Representatives.” He’s voiced a concern that many Americans have. They probably don’t have the courage to say it, but (interruption). My own staff, even in the spirit of Christmas, sees fit to argue with me. (interruption) He’s afraid of it becoming Europe! They have their lax immigration standards over there. That’s the point that he’s trying to convey, as I understand it: If we don’t get a handle on immigration, we are going to end up like Europe — and if you don’t think that there are a lot of people that think like that, then that’s why you’re screening and why I’m hosting because you are out of touch.

Others posting: Ellison Sends Muslims Veiled Message; Fight for Sharia Law, Big Dog’s WeblogLinked with
Jobs Dry Up With Housing Market, Common Sense America
Do You Believe?, Woman Honor Thyself
82nd To Kuwait, Cop the Truth
Moslems Do Ignore Fatwahs When They Want To, The American Israeli Patriot

Chaotic Synaptic Activity
Cigar Intelligence Agency
Stuck On Stupid, Gerald Ford
Gribbit’s Word, President Ford Dead
Diane’s Stuff, Age of Aquarius
Third World Country, Open Trackbacks
Samantha Burns, Queen of the Open Trackback Alliance, has An Olympic Moron Revisited

This was a production of TheCoalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).
If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards,
email the coalition…. brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com……and let me know at what level you would like to participate.

Has Bush Lost His Mind?

27 12 2006

Cross Posted From Right Truth

American voters are pretty smart, although we don’t always act like it. Take illegal immigration, which I prefer to call the influx of criminal invaders. Many of us have kept the phone lines to Washington burning with our pleas for legislation to stop this flow across our borders both North and South. We have blogged, faxed, text messaged, trying to keep this in the headlines. We feel like we are being betrayed by Washington. Nothing that was promised by the politicians is actually going to come to fruition.

Big Dog puts it like this, Bush Will Screw Up Immigration:

Where does President Bush stand on this? It is obvious that Bush is in favor of more robust immigration and that he supports some type of amnesty. His desire to establish the North American Union plays into his immigration position and in all likelihood, he will support an amnesty bill. Bush has turned from leading to worrying about his legacy. When any leader puts his legacy before the welfare of the nation the outcome can not be good. Clinton’s desire for a great legacy made him soft on terror and our national security and helped give us the mess we have today. Bush’s desire to ensure his legacy will give us similar problems because national security is taking a back seat to this desire to be remembered kindly by historians.God help this nation. Our leaders are selling us out and it is only a matter of time before we are weakened to the point of disaster or are engaged in our own civil war. When that war comes, the politicians will find no safe refuge. (Big Dog’s Weblog via Webloggin)

Chilling words from Big Dog, but I must agree with him. Americans are being sold out, we know it, and we feel helpless to do anything about it. The idea of a North American Union was so strange to me when I first read about it, I simply wrote it off as the ramblings of idiots. What American in their right mind would ever desire to open our borders North and South and put America at risk? It was too unthinkable to even give credence to, and yet now I see it is a real possibility.

Some bloggers have asked what President Bush’s reasoning could possibly be? Is he in cahoots with Mexican drug cartels, is he involved Mexican businesses, will he personally benefit from the open borders? Again, that sounds too much like a left-wing conspiracy nut’s ramblings. But there must be some reason he would be in favor of open borders. I am a conservative, Republican, who has supported President Bush. However, I think he has lost his mind. This cannot simply be about his legacy.

Other immigration news:

From the NY Times via The Uncooperative Blogger (emphasis mine):

Counting on the support of the new Democratic majority in Congress, Democratic lawmakers and their Republican allies are working on measures that could place millions of illegal immigrants on a more direct path to citizenship than would a bill that the Senate passed in the spring.The lawmakers are considering abandoning a requirement in the Senate bill that would compel several million illegal immigrants to leave the United States before becoming eligible to apply for citizenship.

The lawmakers are also considering denying financing for 700 miles of fencing along the border with Mexico, a law championed by Republicans that passed with significant Democratic support.

Also from the NYT via My Country My View, who says, “Like we don’t already know…”

U.S. Uncovers Large-Scale Identity Theft Scheme Used by Illegal Aliens to Gain Employment at Nationwide Meat Processor – Worksite enforcement investigation reveals that hundreds of U.S. citizens and lawful residents may have been victimized

No Human Is Illegal? from the Statesman via Immigration Watch Dog

Image_4988674 Offended by what she considered an immigrant-bashing climate at the University of Texas, the 23-year-old UT student leader fashioned a T-shirt that she spray-painted with a stripped-down message — “No Human Being is Illegal.” González prefers the term “undocumented immigrant” when referring to people not authorized to visit, live or work in the United States.Art Baisley, a 46-year-old Taylor real estate agent, says that’s political correctness gone amok.

“That sounds a whole lot better than ‘illegal alien,’ but if you put a dress on a pig, it’s still a pig,” said Baisley, a member of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, the civilian border patrol group. He prefers “illegal alien” — a term that the government uses but that many people consider a pejorative — and is irritated when he hears talk about immigration that doesn’t specify whether it is legal or illegal.

If anyone has a reasonable explanation for the direction our government is taking, please fill me in. As for Ms. González, if a person is here in the United States without proper papers, they are ILLEGAL and they are ALIENS, not immigrants.

This was a production of TheCoalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).
If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards,
email the coalition…. brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com……and let me know at what level you would like to participate.

Bipartisan Effort to Draft Immigration Bill

26 12 2006

Cross posted from The Uncooperative Blogger 

From the NY Times:

Counting on the support of the new Democratic majority in Congress, Democratic lawmakers and their Republican allies are working on measures that could place millions of illegal immigrants on a more direct path to citizenship than would a bill that the Senate passed in the spring.

The lawmakers are considering abandoning a requirement in the Senate bill that would compel several million illegal immigrants to leave the United States before becoming eligible to apply for citizenship.

The lawmakers are also considering denying financing for 700 miles of fencing along the border with Mexico, a law championed by Republicans that passed with significant Democratic support.

I Told you so… The Senate Bill was a sell out of this country to begin with and now they want to make it even weaker? These people do not care about you people. They do not care what these illegal alien invaders have done to your neighborhoods. They don’t care about the jobs they have taken from you and your children. They do not care about this country’s sovereignty.

Man I hate being right all the time.

Proponents said the prospects for such a measure, which would include tougher border security and a guest worker plan, had markedly improved since Nov. 7.

Tougher border security? Defunding the fence is TOUGHER border security? Guest worker program? What does that have to do with amnesty? Guest workers apply from another country, then they come here TEMPORARILY to work and GO HOME. People are NOT for a path to citizenship for those here ILLEGALLY.

The Senate plans to introduce its immigration bill next month with an eye toward passage in March or April, officials said. The House is expected to consider its version later. President Bush said last week that he hoped to sign an immigration bill next year.

Of Course you will President Bush, you one worlder illegal alien lover. This is what you have always wanted. I bet you are happy the Democrats won the election. After all you already signed off on the North American Union.

The major lawmakers drafting the legislation include Senators Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, and John McCain, Republican of Arizona, along with Representatives Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, and Luis V. Gutierrez, Democrat of Illinois. The four met this month, and their staffs have begun working on a bill.

“I’m very hopeful about this, both in terms of the substance and the politics of it,” said Mr. Kennedy, the incoming chairman of the Senate Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship Subcommittee.

You know you are in trouble when eddy kennedy is happy.

Officials say they would also prefer a less burdensome process than the original Senate bill outlined.

Yup, give away something as precious as U.S. Citizenship, make it mean nothing.

Also expected to have prominent roles in the debate are Representatives Zoe Lofgren, the California Democrat who is likely to head the House Immigration, Border Security and Claims Subcommittee; Howard L. Berman, a California Democrat who has followed immigration issues closely for many years; and Bennie Thompson, the Mississippi Democrat who is set to lead the House Homeland Security Committee and has said he plans to re-evaluate the 700-mile fence.

But Mr. Flake described himself as optimistic, saying the elections had disabused many Republicans of the notion that opposing legalization and guest worker plans would win widespread support.

First the elections did not send this message, you are telling people it sent this message. Many of the elections were very close and many of the democrats who won, ran on being tough on illegal immigration. They are falling back on the old adage if you say it loud enough and long enough people will believe you.

Mr. Flake warned that some Republicans might balk at proposals like broadening the number of illegal immigrants eligible for a less burdensome path to citizenship, making passage of bipartisan legislation potentially “politically more difficult.”

The prospects for a bill that contains such a proposal remain particularly uncertain in the House, where many prominent Democrats want to ensure broad bipartisan backing as part of their efforts to maintain their majority in 2008, Congressional aides said.

The House Democrats are concerned about protecting newly elected moderate and conservative Democrats, some of whom had campaigned against legalizing illegal immigrants.

It is also unclear whether Mr. Gutierrez and Mr. Flake will produce the only House legislation on immigration and whether their plan will ultimately become the basis for the bill that emerges.

As I said, this election did not send a message to give amnesty to illegals, as they just admitted. I love when they contradict themselves.

The House is going to be our hope again, because the Republican run Senate past a give away Bill and now the Democrats in the Senate want it to be even easier on illegal alien invaders.

OK people we have got to stop this now! Contact your elected cockroaches and tell them no, to any path to citizenship for those here illegally and no bill is better than a bad bill.

  • Secure the border by any means necessary. This includes the Military.
  • Stiff penalties for employers, which are actually enforced.
  • No taxpayer funded programs for illegals or their families. (including school for children of illegals and non-emergency medical care for any illegal)
  • No “Anchor Babies” (no automatic citizenship for children of illegals born in the US)
  • No path to Citizenship in any name or form for those here illegally.
  • No Guest worker program until the above measures are put in place and the need can be PROVEN
  • English only education and the official language of the USA

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.


24 12 2006


There is Goodness in Celebrating with those close to us………



















Today’s Roundup

22 12 2006

 Cross Posted by Liberally Conservative

December 22, 2006

Illegal Immigration Daily Roundup

by @ 7:20 pm. Filed under Immigration

Everytime some group wants to add shock to a claim, they draw a Nazi analogy, which only serves to diminish the horror of the Nazis.

Suddenly ICE officials are the Gestapo oppressing the peaceful law abiding Jews, not US officials enforcing both Imiigration and Identity Theft laws.

Read entire article at Leaning Straight Up

Hundreds line up for “The Jobs Americans Won’t Do.”

GREELEY – The line of applicants hoping to fill jobs vacated by undocumented workers taken away by immigration agents at the Swift & Co. meat-processing plant earlier this week was out the door Thursday.

Read entire article at Stikenstein

Wanted for Questioning.

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Edgar Pena-Fernandez is asked to call The Gwinnett County Police Accident Investigation Unit at 770-338-7430.

Read entire article at Take Back Georgia

The failed Congress, which is mercifully coming to a close, didn’t meet its obligation to properly fund border patrols and establish immigration laws to secure our porous borders. The government has spent a lifetime looking the other way while current laws are not enforced.

Read entire article at Liberally Conservative

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Wanted for questioning – need your help

22 12 2006

Cross Posted by Take back Georgia


Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Edgar Pena-Fernandez is asked to call The Gwinnett County Police Accident Investigation Unit at 770-338-7430.

Police release name of car owner involved in hit and run

Hit ‘n’ run vehicle found, teens identified

Killed was 17-year-old Jacob Palleta of Lawrenceville. Injured was 17-year-old Walter Lester of Suwanee, who is expected to survive his injuries.

Four [ILLEGAL ALIENS] indicted on drug trafficking charges

Four illegal aliens have been indicted on charges relating to a large scale methamphetamine and cocaine trafficking conspiracy in Barrow and Gwinnett counties.

Arnulfo Nunez-Villanueva, 26; Miguel Angel Gonzalez, 20; Rafael Garcia-Nunez, 33; and Mauricio Medina-Mojica, 26, all believed to be from Mexico, were indicted by a federal grand jury late Wednesday.

Search warrants yielded over 280 pounds of illegal drugs and a rifle, according to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Atlanta.

“We are coming after those responsible for the scourge of methamphetamine and other dangerous drugs that undermine the well being of our community and our country,” said United States Attorney David E. Nahmias.


Tell me, WHY the media is NOT REPORTING THIS???

Illegal Aliens and American Medicine by Madeleine Pelner Cosman, Ph.D., Esq.

Speak out


Walt Studley of Flowery Branch, GA SPEAKS OUT:

The sad state of the nationwide illegal immigration problem is yet another outstanding example of the tolerance of our government toward the deliberate violation of federal law by this group of noncitizens. From a practical standpoint, we all know what is the real controlling force involved: Money, and lots of it. Millions of these illegal citizens are employed at substantially lower wages, greatly increasing the profit margins which are already inflated by the prevailing high prices in the market place. However, the Congress experience no such assault on their incomes.


Ga. 4th fastest-growing state; La. big loser



Leaning Straight Up: Illegal Immigration Raids likened to Nazi Oppression?

Liberally Conservative: Not too Swift Commentary

StiknStein: [ARE YOU LISTENING, PRESIDENT BUSH???] Hundreds line up for the jobs AMERICANS WON’T DO…

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration(CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.

Protest on illegal immigrant raids likens them to Nazi oppression

22 12 2006

Cross Posted by Leaning Straight Up

The comparison kind of pisses me off.  Everytime some group wants to add shock to a claim, they draw a Nazi analogy, which only serves to diminish the horror of the Nazis.

Suddenly ICE officials are the Gestapo oppressing the peaceful law abiding Jews, not US officials enforcing both Imiigration and Identity Theft laws.

Hispanic groups call for moratorium on work raids

U.S. Hispanic groups and activists on Thursday called for a moratorium on workplace raids to round up illegal immigrants, saying they were reminiscent of Nazi crackdowns on Jews in the 1930s.  

They accused the Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement of “racial profiling,” or selective enforcement against Hispanics, for arresting 1,300 workers on immigration violations in December 12 raids at meatpacking plants in six states.

“We are demanding an end to these immigration raids, where they are targeting brown faces. That is major, major racial profiling, and that cannot be tolerated,” said Rosa Rosales, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, at a news conference.

Short answer.  NO.  If the people are here on legal work permits they have no cause for concern.  The quote from this article that irritates me the most is this:

“This unfortunately reminds me of when Hitler began rounding up the Jews for no reason and locking them up,” Democratic Party activist Carla Vela said. “Now they’re coming for the Latinos, who will they come for next?” (emphasis added)

The groups, which included LULAC, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the Hispanic National Bar Association, and the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, sent letters to U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, urging a halt to the raids.

Who is next?  Answer:  Anyone who violates immigration laws.

You seem to forget that the people in question were NOT rounded up for no reason.  They were rounded up for violating Federal Immigration laws, Identity Theft laws, Social Security laws and other crimes.

Crimes.  Get it?

Chertoff explains:

Chertoff said the raids showed that illegal immigrants, estimated to number 12 million in the United States, contributed to the problem of identity theft because they worked under false or stolen identities.

Exactly.  Would these people who protest be so upset if their identity had been stolen?

“Every labor-intensive industry including the hospitality, construction, agriculture and restaurant industries will be adversely impacted if these raids continue,” Rosales said.

Wah!  As the recent hiring blitz showed, there are plenty of legal workers wanting to take those jobs after all.

And maybe if the companies do not want their workforce disrupted they should excercise more care in who they hire, instead of looking the other way in a wink nudge fashion, and then cry foul when their workers are eventually caught.

And I still call for employers to face increasingly harsher penalties for hiring illegals.

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).

If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition…. brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com……and let me know at what level you would like to participate.


22 12 2006

Cross Posted by  Stiknstein…has no mercy

Guess what?………..They’re paying more too…………..

Via the Rocky Mountain News

GREELEY – The line of applicants hoping to fill jobs vacated by undocumented workers taken away by immigration agents at the Swift & Co. meat-processing plant earlier this week was out the door Thursday.
Greg Bonifacio heard about the job openings on television and brought his passport, his Colorado driver’s license, his Social Security card and even a color photograph of himself as a young Naval officer to prove his military service.

Well whaddya know…… An american citizen eager to stand in linewith hundresd of other American citizens to get one of those horrible jobs ( according to President Bush) Americans won’t do.

(Maxine) Hernandez, who had gone to the employment office because her husband was there to apply for unemployment insurance, decided to apply for a job at Swift.”My whole family used to work there. My mom, my aunt, uncles,” she said. “I guess it sort of runs in our blood.”

Let’s see…..was going to apply for unemployment…..now has a Job. I guess this process doesn’t quite mesh with the Current administrations perception of who’s happy and willing to work in our country. Gee how could they have missed it?

Travis Stoltz, 19, of Greeley, uses the glass door at the entrance of the Weld County Human Services office as a writing surface as he fills out an application for a job at the Swift & Co. meatpacking plant in Greeley. Applications were being taken for positions that opened because of Tuesday’s raid by agents of the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

Via The International Herald Tribune

OMAHA, Nebraska: Fewer Hispanic immigrants are being hired to replace former meatpacking workers arrested during last week’s raid of Swift & Co. plants in Grand Island and Greeley, Colorado, according to local union presidents.
Local 22 union president Dan Hoppes said Tuesday that between 40 and 50 new workers have been hired at the Grand Island plant since the raids.
“The lion’s share of those people were Caucasian,” Hoppes said.
Before the raids, roughly 90 percent of the Greeley plant workers were Hispanic….
In Greeley, where Swift is headquartered, Duran said about 75 new workers have been hired — including about 30 Caucasians, 15 Somalian immigrants and seven Hispanic immigrants, with the rest U.S.-born Hispanics.

Several union officials said Swift has offered better wages, benefits and bonuses since the raids.

“They’re trying to staff up their plants and they’ve been raising their wages the past few weeks,” said United Food and Commercial Workers spokeswoman Jill Cashen. “To me, it’s an example that when you make the job more attractive you get a different kind of applicant.”

Dang…..Who woulda figured?

At the Greeley plant, Duran said the hiring office was filled every day, with many immigrants still applying for the jobs.”

You know, I could care less what the skin color these applicants are( though the union guy seems to) Who cares if they are immigrants……so long as they are legal.

This should be a huge EMBARRASSMENT for those claming there’s no one to do these jobs. President Bush Tried to spin the Raids by inferring our immigration policy is “FORCING” these illegals to steal our Identifications. How he can say this with a straight face is beyond me.


I made a comment on another thread about this. According to Tancredo who appeared on Phillis Schlafly’s radio show, Swift has received thousands of job requests from people all over the country. Yet Chertoff claims that the vacancies prove the necessity of illegal aliens to American companies. Actually proves the opposite and at the same time proves the just how corrupt Chertoff is himself.

There really needs to be an all out effort to get rid of Bush before he can complete his mission of destroying this country.

Burma Shave posted on 2006-12-16

Greg Bonifacio heard about the job openings on television and brought his passport, his Colorado driver’s license, his Social Security card and even a color photograph of himself as a young Naval officer to prove his military service.

This was an American that didn’t have a job because an illegal alien had it with the blessings of GWB.

82Marine89 posted on 2006-12-16

The law means nothing today, unless you’re a working American, that is.

Scrivener posted on 2006-12-16

“Yep. And the politicians have become lawbreakers by allowing the lawbreaking, themselves.”
That’s my point. From the president on down, all elected officials have broken the law re borders and our sovereignty. The problem is, how can we as citizens make corrections, when the law breakers and enforcers are one and the same?

Byteshredder posted on 2006-12-16

President Bush is just doing the usual – ACTING THE PART OF A KING rather than a president and REPRESENTING FOREIGN NATION’S BEST INTERESTS over those of the people he has sworn to defend.
You know, he’s really gotten to the point where I’m as disgusted with him as Clinton…..and you have no idea how much that “man” disgusts me.

Scrivener posted on 2006-12-17

I know people who woked on the line at meatpacking plants in Denver in 1979 that were making $15 per hour. The lowest paid job there started at around $11 per hour. This was in 1979. If they said the workers there had only been getting paid $8 per hour in 2006,that tells a story.

sneakypete posted on 2006-12-17

Isnt this wonderful how corporate globalist and government PIGS treat our vets?
Few are more disgusting than the neocon, open border globalist.

Joe Hadenuf posted on 2006-12-17



Joe Hadenuf posted on 2006-12-17



Morning coffee is for suing the employers.
My Country My View is fed up with the Whiners.
Right Truth wonders about a pardon.
Liberally Conservative laments a failed congress(don’t we all)

This was a production of The
Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).

If you would like to
participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition…. brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com……and let
me know at what level you would like to participate.

Not Too Swift – Commentary

22 12 2006

The Coalition Welcomes Liberally Conservative to the Group

Cross Posted from Liberally Conservative

The failed Congress, which is mercifully coming to a close, didn’t meet its obligation to properly fund border patrols and establish immigration laws to secure our porous borders. The government has spent a lifetime looking the other way while current laws are not enforced.

President Bush recently commented on the Swift packing fiasco stating, “It just reminded me that the system we have in place has caused people to rely upon smugglers and forgers in order to do work Americans aren’t doing”

Raiding Swift was like placing a band-aid on an open chest wound. It wasn’t news to government agencies that Swift was hiring illegal immigrants.

The Wall Street Journal states:

Since 1997 Swift has voluntarily participated in a government program for vetting new hires known as Basic Pilot. Under this system, the names and Social Security numbers of all job applicants are checked against a federal database. Which is to say that the presence of illegal workers at Swift is not the result of a company’s indifference to the rule of law. It’s the result of a flawed government system for determining who’s eligible to work here. A few years ago Swift’s management attempted to go even further than Basic Pilot to screen job applicants, only to be sued by the Justice Department for employment discrimination in 2001.

What the WSJ failed to emphasize is the illegal workers were using false documentation and illegal ID’s. The Journal should know market forces of capitalism don’t constitute the use of illegal activity for better economic results. Apparently Swift didn’t perform its due diligence when “vetting” their workers while our own Justice system cried fowl under the premise of discrimination.

The folks at K Street work in Washington D.C., on average, 75 days per year. Nice work if you can get it. In addition, the politicians are busy taking lobbyist money (known as legal bribes), jetting off to warm destinations for golf, sailing and a nice massage while people illegally stream across our borders and place enormous stress on law enforcement, which is understaffed, poorly paid and ill-equipped to properly do their jobs.

Presidential hopeful, Mill Romney (R-MA) has assigned 30 Massachusetts state troopers to “enforce” current immigration laws. Aren’t we supposed to enforce our laws without special instructions and using election politics to make a point? We’re waiting with baited breath to hear Mr. Romney’s solution for protecting borders well beyond Massachusetts.

Local governments claim that a relationship with communities based on mistrust and fear of deportation would only make their job more difficult when it comes to preventing and solving serious crimes. However, state and local authorities typically don’t make arrests on civil immigration violations so the train has already left the station and we have millions of illegal “residents” floating within every state of the Union.

At SFGate some good news is enforcement on hiring illegals may be taking place in Southern California.

In Southern California, where two executives from the Golden State Fence Company pleaded guilty to hiring 10 illegal immigrants in 2004 and 2005. They have to big fines to pay, but biggest news is that they may actually go to jail. If they are sentenced in March, it would be one of the very few cases in which an executive is actually sent to prison for violating federal immigration laws.

Unfortunately this is too little too late. While politicians on both sides of the aisle fire shots at each other, argue about earmarks, terrorism, Iraq they fail to perform their obligations to secure the United States borders and ensure we are truly a country that follows “the rule of law.” What’s so difficult with that?

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

A visit to the Emergency Room……

21 12 2006

Cross Posted by Stiknstein…has no mercy

The other day, I needed to go to the emergency room.Not wanting to sit there for 4 hours, I put on my old Army fatigues and
stuck a patch that I had downloaded off the internet onto the front of my
When I went into the ER, I noticed that 3/4 of the people got up and left.
I guess they decided that they weren’t that sick after all.

Heres the patch. Feel free to use it the next time you’re in need of
quicker emergency service.


Well this is not…………………….

Medical facilities in border counties have to deal with some of the nation’s highest rates of uninsured patients.

Nationwide according to the US Census Bureau data…..Free emergency room services cost taxpayers an estimated $2.5 billion a year.

via Yahoo News
Local hospital emergency rooms have no way of tracking the costs of treating illegal immigrants. They don’t ask about immigration status because they are mandated by law to treat anyone in need.

via Rocky Mtn NewsIt’s difficult to pinpoint growth in the costs of caring for illegal immigrants, but one measure is emergency Medicaid – which has gone up 57 percent in the past six years.

An estimated 1,880,000 American workers are displaced from their jobs every year by immigration; the cost for providing welfare and assistance to these Americans is over $15 billion a year

A new study by the Rand Corp., a nonpartisan think tank, says that as recently as six years ago 1 percent of government health care went toward treating illegal immigrants.

Some emergency rooms have shut down because they cannot afford to stay open. Local tax-paying Americans are either denied medical care or have to wait in long lines for service as the illegals flood the facilities. In California, the losses are calculated to be about $79 million, with $74 million in Texas, $31 million in Arizona, and $6 million in New Mexico.”

The Florida Hospital Association surveyed 28 hospitals and found that health care for illegal aliens totaled at least $40 million in 2002.”2

The Gwinnett, Georgia, Hospital System expects has established a $34 million reserve to cover its anticipated outlay for illegal aliens in 2003.


via News initiative
Officials estimate that illegal immigrants seeking emergency and follow-up care cost Los Angeles County $340 million in 2003 – or $1,000 per taxpayer.

via American Resistance
FAIR estimates “there are currently between 287,000 and 363,000 children born to illegal aliens each year. In 1994, California paid for 74,987 deliveries to illegal alien mothers, at a total cost of $215.2 million (an average of $2,842 per delivery). Illegal alien mothers accounted for 36 percent of all Medi-Cal funded births in California that year.”

via USA today
In Pima County, Ariz., hospitals reported having to absorb $76 million in treatment costs in 2000, about one-third of it from treating illegal immigrants.

This was a production of The
Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).

If you would like to
participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition…. brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com……and let
me know at what level you would like to participate.

“For Divided Family, Border Is Sorrowful Barrier”

21 12 2006

Cross Posted by Demediacratic Nation

This mornings New York Times has a heart wrenching story about one woman’s illegal crossing into the U.S. and her voluntary eventual return home to Mexico.

For Divided Family, Border Is Sorrowful Barrier,” has it all: domestic abuse, pregnant young daughters, and longing for family members separated by a border.

As usual, for my limited mind the juxtaposition between a fluff piece; the intent of which is to grab at your heartstrings, and the reality that what is being written about is illegal just doesn’t make sense to me.

I feel for this person and I feel for anyone that wants to make their lives better. But doesn’t the “reporter,” Mireya Navarro feel the least bit of a tug at the logical portion of her brain when she ignores the difference between legal and illegal?

I, the reader, am supposed to feel bad for Irma, which I do; but I also see the other side. When the article quotes Irma regarding her desire to return to the U.S.:

“Getting through the border, Irma noted, is not as daunting as coming up with the $2,000 she said she would need to pay for fake identification papers and a coyote to drive her through as his wife or sister. When she first crossed by car in the late 1990s, as the coyote’s “wife,” she paid only $500.”

I get the impression I am supposed to feel bad about this. ‘My God, how can someone charge this exorbitant fee just for helping someone break the law?’ It’s right there in black and white or pixel by pixel, to pay for fake ID and a coyote.

Another quote (well the whole article is supposed to emote an emotional response),:

“More and more, her days here are filled with daydreaming about crossing back. A six-hour drive is all that separates her from her daughters in San Antonio. But Irma said she was stuck, with no money to pay for an illegal crossing and no prospects for a tourist visa because she did not own property, hold a full-time job or offer any evidence that she had ties to Mexico that would compel her to return after a visit.”

“….evidence that she had ties….to return after a visit?” You have got to be kidding me. The whole article is about her dream of returning to our country by any means. Sounds like the guidelines for a “tourist visa,” are appropriate and the entire article oozes with why this is so.

“Her daughter Barbie gave birth to a second child in December. Once again, Irma missed out on welcoming a new grandchild.”

A second American to an illegal alien. I’m sorry, it just doesn’t have the necessaries to make me truly pity her situation. So often we want government to have a heart. Government is not human and to try and make it so or expect it to be is barking up the wrong tree. Look at what government with a heart has brought us to.

We as human beings should feel for Irma and others in her situation because we are human. At the same time, since it’s illegal we shouldn’t condone it just because it feels good.


“Her brush with American life has made Irma less tolerant of the poverty, quick to find fault with her surroundings.”

This is something I would think most in Irma’s situation feel. Where it gets real screwy is that too often the “fault” is at OUR feet, not the country of origin. To Irma and others, I would suggest taking the bull by the horns and fighting to change her home country and to leave ours alone. OLE!!!

This is a four page article so I didn’t go into a lot of detail describing it. Give it a read and you’ll see what I mean: “For Divided Family, Border Is Sorrowful Barrier

More from the Coalition Against Illegal Immigration:

Christy at CommonSenseAmerica with “The American Dream

Karl at Leaning Straight Up posts “Legal workers sue Swift for favoring illegal workers- and a few other thoughts

Stik at stikNstein, “REAL CLEAR POLITICS ……..misses the mark….Illegal Immigrants are not Scapegoats

From InMuscatine, “Operation Cockroach

Morning Coffee brews up, “Going after Employers of Illegals

From Take Back Georgia, “MCDC chapter started in Georgia

From My Country – My View, “Yet another bleeding heart!

From RightTruth, “A Christmas Pardon for Border Agents

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.**

Yet another bleeding heart!

21 12 2006

Cross Posted by My Country My View

I found this article….. Oh !@# How do I start this?

Anyway just check this out, sadly we have someone else whining about how sad and bad we are for the actions that were taken during the ICE raids.

I think it’s pretty good although I don’t feel one bit sorry for anyone.
You all know already how COLD and CALLOUS I am.

The comments are pretty good also.

I can’t forget to back-up my words with a few links on the hard-working ILLEGAL CRIMINAL INVADERS though.





The American Dream From Christi @ COMMON SENSE AMERICA

Legal workers sue Swift for favoring illegal workers- and a few other thoughts.

Operation Cockroach From INMUSCATINE -And-
Vilsack Chilly to ICE

Going after Employers of Illegals From MORNING COFFEE

MCDC chapter started in Georgia FROM TAKE BACK GEORGIA

From The Herald Journal

Immigration dialogue a must

To the editor:

The effects of the events of last week when armored immigration officials took illegal immigrants from their workplace in six states are only beginning to be felt. The men and women that were taken into custody left behind families with children, many of whom are American citizens. Picture this, on Tuesday there were children who were not picked up at schools and daycare centers around Cache Valley. On Wednesday, families that lost their sole breadwinner were left without food to eat. What is going to happen to these families and children in the weeks to come should concern all of us.

Dare I ask of what is to become of the AMERICAN breadwinners that have lost their jobs due to the fact that an ILLEGAL CRIMINAL INVADER has either taken a job that an AMERICAN needs or that they simply BORROWED their Social Security Number?

What can we expect as the benefits to justify this human tragedy? Yes, the individuals taken into custody likely broke the law, and it is important that we remain a nation based on laws. But can we realistically expect these raids to have any major impact on illegal immigration?

Hell yeah we can! Keep it up and maybe they will all go home!

We know why people come illegally to our country — to provide a better life for their families.


Unlike where they come from, here there are opportunities. The demand for unskilled and low-skilled labor is great in this country. While it may seem offensive or awkward to acknowledge, we know that they are doing jobs that most of us, you included, would not want to do.


A real solution will require a more meaningful dialogue. For example, some have advocated holding companies accountable. If companies like Swift were held to be socially, legally, and financially responsible for those they hire, they would be pushing for legislation that allows them to bring workers to fulfill their labor needs.

Yeah right!

But dialogue would be needed as such programs would result in pressure for companies to provide health care and other benefits to their workers. And you know the argument — that would be too expensive. In the meantime, we the taxpayers cover the cost as families around the country are shattered and then provided with crisis services.

It doesn’t much matter I can tell you of my personal experience with ILLEGAL CRIMINAL INVADERS.
Do you really think that all they do is work?

NO! I know… How do you think they can afford to drive those big fancy trucks and buy their children all the gold they are wearing?
Yeah, they work!
They also collect Welfare, Foodstamps. and Medicaid!

A real dialogue about immigration reform would also require that we consider our foreign policy. It is time to accept the fact that unless the countries around the USA become prosperous, people in those countries will do whatever they can to come to our country. This problem is confronting European countries because of labor shortages. Certainly, the United States can not be held responsible for the mismanagement and corruption of governments in Latin America. But, we are affected by these problems, and, as the most powerful country in this hemisphere we can put pressure and develop policies that encourage development and prosperity for all.

Talkin out your???

My fellow Americans, please write to our policy makers and demand a realistic dialogue about immigration reform.

Patria de Lancer Julnes

River Heights

WHOA-FACTS &MYTHS wrote on December 21, 2006 5:04 AM:“I am surprised and disheartened to see such uninformed remarks about HUMANS that cross our borders for a better life….They often times pay with their lives and their children’s lives. They die crossing the border to come here. Once they are here, they start working,,,and you need a Social Security Card to work…then they work very,very hard trying to stay uner the radar,and yet live a life and provide a better life for their children….What is so wrong about that???? We do not realize how fornuate we are in this country do we???? Why are we so selfish and so cruel not to realize this…???”

On Taxes. wrote on December 21, 2006 12:29 AM:“That undocumented immigrants don’t pay taxes is an urban myth. The VAST majority have taxes taken out of their checks just like the rest of us. Fill out as many dependents as they can? I don’t know a single person in my life who doesn’t try to get every tax break they can through write-offs, dependents, deductions, etc. This is their right, and immigrants are no worse than any of us IF they indeed do that. Plus, immigrants pay the same sales tax as you our me when purchasing items in our local economy. They pay taxes. PERIOD. Drain on the system? Nope. If they are undocumented they are not eligible for welfare benifits, and are not wasting ANY of our state resources in that way. Another race-baited myth. People need to get their immigrant facts straight before spewing hate.”

Very Good Letter! wrote on December 21, 2006 12:25 AM:“I am glad that there are still some people in Cache Valley with Christian values. They are few and far between on all of the comment boards on this site. This letter addresses some major points– that until foreign policy is changed to help our neighbors economically, we can expect lots more undocumented workers– and that people need to keep in mind that of the 12 million estimated undocumented immigrants in the U.S.– over 7 million of them are from mixed families– meaning that the husband may be a citizen while the wife is still working on it. 7 million! We show a true disregard for “family values” when we split up 7 million families that way. Also– keep in mind– that being an undocumented worker is a procedural crime… it is not even a felony. It does not deserve the hatred it’s getting.”

Pat wrote on December 20, 2006 10:43 PM:“Someone without a name like normal said… “Maybe they should put up a fence to keep people like you in” Maybe we should put up a fence and keep people like you out! Of the USA that is! People like you have no respect for the laws of this country. If you would give aid to illegals, you are breaking the law as well. Hello! These people broke the law OK! They broke the law! Start standing up for your own country and it’s laws!”

WHAT??!! wrote on December 20, 2006 9:06 PM:” They’ve risked everything to make a better life for their children? The same argument can be made about a bank robber!”

Whoa here wrote on December 20, 2006 6:54 PM:“You know I would do anything to make a better life for my child….why are you so angry EXCUSE ME….they have risked everything to make a better life for them and their children and you do not understand that??? I would rather be in a room full of illegal people than a room full of people like you….I hope you are never in a foreign country….and never want a better life for your children….I think you had better stay in Cache County for a very long time…Maybe they should put up a fence to keep people like you in….and away from the rest of us….”

verlo wrote on December 20, 2006 11:29 AM:“How does paying taxes work when you are using a stolen social security card?”

Gilberto Urroz wrote on December 20, 2006 10:27 AM:“Patria: Your letter to the editor is a jewel: eloquent and to the point. A dialogue on immigration is definitely needed. A dialogue where points are exposed and backed up with facts, not unfounded statements like those exposed by the previous post. It will be nice if people make a point to back it up with facts. Where is the evidence about the tax abuse from illegal immigrants? I don’t have evidence to the contrary, but would like to see the evidence for the tax abuse. Care to share it “they pay taxes?””

they pay taxes?? wrote on December 20, 2006 10:10 AM:“Most of them claim as many dependants as they can, and then do not pay their taxes at the end of the year. If the tax man comes after them they crawl into their holes and come back with a new ID, leaving the people who’s identity they stole to pay those taxes, or wait for 4 years for it to clear off their record. Pay taxes bullcrap”

Pat wrote on December 20, 2006 9:47 AM:“Close the borders!”

Kyle wrote on December 20, 2006 9:37 AM:“Hey, Excuse Me, what did you do to become a citizen? Oh, right, you were born here. So, if you don’t think those kids should be citizens “just because they were born here”, then maybe you shouldn’t be considered a citizen either. How about them apples?”

whoa/excuse me wrote on December 20, 2006 7:44 AM:“A little bitter now are you. Man what did they ever do to you?? A drain on our society?? How can you say that without understanding what you are talking about?? These were all hard working people paying their taxes, Taxes were taken out of their paychecks, were they not. Now the children wil be in the system because they have no parents to take of them. No many of these ILLEGAL people were not on welfare they were at work when they were swept away from their families”


**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let Brian know at what level you would like to participate.

MCDC chapter started in Georgia

21 12 2006

Cross Posted by Take Back Georgia

 Chris Simcox-MCDC

This is interesting…

Minuteman group finds its footing
Border control corps holds first meeting

Am I pleased to see Patriots signing up for secure borders in Georgia? Yes.
But – isn’t Chris Simcox and the MCDC surrounded by controversy?

Anyone have details?

El Wal-Mart


I had a CLASSIC experience in my local Wal-Mart last night. Not only is walking into the Wal-Mart in Gainesville, GA like walking into a third-world country, but when I asked Esmarelda Sanchez (That was the name on the nametag) if I could have a gift receipt, SHE DIDN’T UNDERSTAND WHAT I WAS SAYING.


PLEASE complain to Wal-Mart HERE.

This is what I sent to them today:

I saw an opinion piece in the paper that suggested that Wal-Mart is hiring illegal aliens. I wasn’t so sure, until I shopped in your store last night. My cashier didn’t understand me when I asked for a gift receipt. Is it not a requirement for your employees to speak English? Is it not a requirement for your employees to have legal, resident status? Do you have any plans to check the validity of the SS numbers your employees are using? It is a requirement for American Citizen’s to speak the English language and after last night, it is clear to me that what you are hiring are NOT legal citizen’s of the United States.

Illegal Immigrant Farm Workers


If illegal immigrants are coming to America, because they can’t find jobs in Mexico; then why is Mexico’s border cities desperate for workers?

Companies in Nogales, Ciudad Juárez, Reynosa and other border cities are sending recruiters hundreds of miles to hunt for workers in southern Mexico. Many are offering signing bonuses, housing and even free lunches to lure employees.

Illegal Immigrant Terrorists


FBI probing ‘nuclear info leak’

The FBI is investigating whether information from a US nuclear weapons laboratory was found in a police drugs search of a New Mexico trailer park

Hall county most wanted 2006-Fransisco Cana


Meeting addresses north Georgia gang problem

In August, five members of a Gainesville street gang were ordered to federal prison and in February a $260,000 marijuana bust was tied to local gangs.
..communities in Georgia’s Northern District are not exempt from the terrible impact of gangs. Gang violence has culminated in alarming, threatening, and even fatal events, including home invasions and drive-by shootings.
Predominant groups include: SUR-13, 18th Street, Vatos Locos, Westside Vies, Northside Locos, LaRaza 13, MS-13, La Grande Familia (including Latin Kings, Malditos 13, Pachucos 21, Brownside Locos, Gangsta and Riverside Locos 13), Disciples, Bloods, Crips, Asian Bloods, Asian Crips, Puro Locos 14, Nuestra, and Raza Locos 23.
Georgia’s target areas for gang activity are: Counties of Fulton, DeKalb, and Gwinnett and the cities of Atlanta, Doraville, Chamblee, Norcross, Lawrenceville, Duluth and Suwanee.
…approximately 25% of violent crimes investigated in the Buford Highway/Singleton Road area are gang related, including 20 homicides, 100 shootings, 300 assaults, 300 fights, 1 kidnaping, and 200 vehicle thefts.

Mexican national sentenced for transporting illegal immigrants

Ortiz-Castaneda pleaded guilty Sept. 1 to 19 counts of transporting illegal aliens and one count of illegally re-entering the United States…He also admitted using someone else’s Social Security card, a felony that carried a possible five-year prison sentence and $250,000 in fines…passengers – were bound for Georgia and North Carolina to look for work.

U.S./Mexico Border


Graves: Trip shows severity of illegal immigration

“Until the federal government does its job, what we will do is continue enacting legislation to make it less attractive for an illegal alien to live in Georgia,” Graves said.



Georgia Colleges to Stop Giving Tuition Breaks to Undocumented Students

Here’s my letter responding to the article:

Pulling special funding for illegal alien students is a victory for American citizens.

I am a full-time college student and American Citizen and have to pay the full out-of-state rate.

Why should someone, who is not even in this country legally, be allowed a discount tuition?

This isn’t about punishing the student. It’s about doing what is RIGHT.

Illegal aliens can pay the same rate as the U.S. citizen.

No more handouts!

Action Alert


Many of you know the work of D.A. King and the Dustin Inman Society. D.A. is a strong member in the fight against illegal immigration. He is responsible for much of the legislation that is being passed in Georgia.

He has helped us, now it is our turn to help him.

Please consider giving to the Dustin Inman Society so he can continue fighting for us in 2007.

He escorts and educates our local government at the border, he schedules rallys, he petitions our elected officials, he speaks in our behalf to the Federal Immigration panel, he appears on numerous national television stations – all at his expense.

He supports our cause, now we need to support him. Thank you for your consideration.

Please e-mail Representative Tom Graves and encourage him to enact legislation that will deter illegal immigration in Georgia.

Please offer your comments to Diverse Magazine. They want to know your thoughts on why tuition breaks should not be given to illegal aliens.


**YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK (for illegal immigration)**

Want to see what your tax dollars are funding? Let me introduce to you the Academia Semillas De Pueblo. Get ready – YOUR Georgia School Board officials are appealing to the Federal Government to have charter schools just like that one built in Georgia.

Deputy Jason Smith


Yep – here’s some more braggin’ about THE best Sheriff’s office in the U.S.!

Church, deputies pass along love
Teddy bears help children cope with trauma



A MUST READ – StiknStein: This New American Sends Us All a Message

Morning Coffee: Illegal immigration and politics in the Land of Lincoln

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration(CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.

Going after Employers of Illegals

21 12 2006

Cross Posted by Morning Coffee

This article describes something that is all to rare in efforts to efforts to curb illegal immigration. Criminal Prosecution of those who knowingly hire illegal immigrants. To be effective in addressing illegal immigration we have to not only make it harder for illegals to cross the border, but we also have to reduce the incentive for them to come here to begin with.  

The only honest way to combat illegal immigration 

SAN DIEGO — Christmas came early for those of us who believe that the only honest way to combat illegal immigration is to bring criminal charges against the employers who hire illegal immigrants.

That’s what happened recently in a case involving Golden State Fence Co., a Southern California-based company that has built fences on the U.S.-Mexico border to keep out illegal immigrants. The company and two of its executives recently pled guilty in U.S. District Court to knowingly hiring illegal immigrants in violation of the Immigration Reform and Control Act.

Perfect. And don’t kid yourself. This doesn’t seem to be a case of a well-meaning employer who tried to do the right thing but couldn’t tell a fake ID from a real one. According to federal investigators, Golden State Fence Co. had repeatedly been warned not to hire illegal immigrants but did so anyway. The company even rehired some workers after being told not to because the workers were here illegally.

How brazen. It’s as if company officials either didn’t care about the law or perhaps never thought they’d get caught. Now that they have worked out a plea agreement with the government, the company and top executives have openly admitted to repeatedly hiring illegal workers between January 1999 and November 2005.

During roughly the same time period, Golden State Fence Co. — which now employs about 750 people — enjoyed a boom in business. According to The Associated Press, sales for the company went from $60 million in 1998 to $150 million in 2004.

As part of the plea, the company agreed to pay a penalty of $4.7 million. In addition, Mel Kay, company founder, chairman and president, will hand over $200,000, and office manager Michael McLaughlin agreed to pay $100,000.

The charges also call for potential jail time, anywhere from six months to five years, for the two executives. Sentencing is set for March 28.

Michael Williams said it best.

Building fences to keep out illegal immigrants won’t work unless we also go after the companies that employ them. As long as there are jobs and government benefits to be had, people will find a way to come get them.

Some other recent CAII Posts on similar topics:

InMuscatine provides some more information about going after the employers of illegal immigrants, as Judicial Watch files FOIA lawsuit to seeking documents identifying the top 100 corporations in the United States receiving the highest number of “no match” letters from the Social Security Administration.

Leaning Straight up Points out that while no criminal charges have been filed against Swift company executives as of yet, there is a civil suit pending aginst them brought by former employees who claim that the Swift company favored illegal workers to lower wage costs.   

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.


Operation Cockroach

21 12 2006

Cross Posted by Inmuscatine

Judicial Watch Lawsuit Seeks Social Security Data…:

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against the Social Security Administration (Judicial Watch v. Social Security Administration, Case No. 1:06CV02034). Judicial Watch is seeking documents identifying the top 100 corporations in the United States receiving the highest number of “no match” letters from the Social Security Administration.

What a master-stroke of genius!

Sunshine is always the best disinfectant, and Judicial Watch stands poised to dump boatloads of sunshine on the employers of illegal aliens. CAII members stand vigilant about getting the word out about the damage being done to the country by illegal aliens; however, this is the first tangible means of getting to the root of the problem I have seen in a long, long time.

Encourage your friends, families, and even complete strangers to donate a small sum to Judicial Watch to ensure this battle is won. Here is a link to the PDF of the complaint. And here is a link to donate. As always, keep pressure on your congress-critters to grease the wheels for Judicial Watch.

I believe this is one of the most important things to come down the pike in quite a while. CAII members should keep a close eye on this suit, and we should come out with guns blazing – so to speak – as soon as the Top 100 list is made public. Do not give the guilty one moment of rest, and give them no quarter when they start lobbing cover fire.

Let’s let the sunshine in, and see if any cockroaches scatter!

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.**

REAL CLEAR POLITICS ……..misses the mark….Illegal Immigrants are not Scapegoats

20 12 2006

Cross Posted by Stiknstein…has no mercy

In a recent article at Real Clear Politics, Mary Eberstadt seemed to shrug off the issue of illegal immigration as one of the “scapegoats” in American politics today. She infers the “REALITY” of the illegal immigration issue is not much more than “a few grape-picking, toilet-cleaning Mexicans whose idea of Wal-Mart is a gift card rather than a car bomb.”
Ms. Eberstadt seems to think that the only “real” threats are confined to folks who vow to kill us with a bomb or destroy our way of life through an Al Jazerra video, rather than the ones who are actually doing it every day.
She claims we are somehow transferring our angst to those “working-class, poor, Spanish-speaking, largely Christian migrants from Mexico and other points south who break U.S. immigration laws by crossing the border in search of work.”
1) Working class…..CHECK
2) Poor……………..CHECK
3) Christian………..CHECK
4) Migrants………..CHECK
What’s not to love about these folks?……c’mon…..

“One result of that transposition, the record shows, has been the creation of a world of political scapegoats for the unease and anxiety that are the unwanted companions now of Westerners everywhere. These scapegoats, perverse non-explanations for what really ails us, can be identified by features common to the breed everywhere…..

Millions of aliens from another country who break our laws, take our jobs, lower our wages, bring drugs to our kids, kill thousands of us every year……are a “non-explanation of what really ails us”?

She justifies her “they are just a scapegoat” argument with:

“…….in addition to fulfilling the first condition of scapegoating — insisting that one has found the threat to our civilization — the effort to put illegals at the red-hot center of what ails us also fulfulls condition two: explaining too much (or trying to). Like a lawyer with too many arguments, the anti-immigration troops inadvertently undermine their own credibility with the sheer multiplicity of complaints, thus inviting the question of what is really going on in this furor.”

There are a multiciplicity of complaints…..this is not a case of protesting too much……there’s a lot to protest.

I agree with her understanding that the threat of Global Radical Islamism is our (and the worlds) greatest threat. But to lump the threat to our nation from the effects of wide open borders (both North and south) in with “the Bush haters”, and “the Christian Right” implies a simplistic understanding of the impact this issue has on millions of Americans every single day……..

For her edification, she might consider:

The billions of dollars worth of heroin, meth, cocaine that pour into our country through our border to the south and the hundreds of thousands of lives those drugs destroy and yes KILL every year…..

The cultural impact of our Government inviting people of another nation by the millions into our country who are not interested in becoming a part of our Nation….and the cost to Americans in taxes, services and infrastructure.

The impact of the 40 thousand or so Americans Killed in car accidents every year by people who have crossed our border illegally…can’t read road signs or speak our language.

AND FINALLY….. The total disregard our Government has for the laws we have, to protect the soverignty, regulate and control our borders, and protect our citizens lives and property from those who feel they can cross our borders at will. This degrades and demeans our faith in our elected officials as well as our governments will to meaningfully protect us.

SORRY…..this is not “overblown nor is it a cleverly manufactured smokescreen dreamed up to find something to blame our problems on…….it is very real to those of us who have to deal with it’s consequences every day.

On Sept 11th millitant Islamists killed 2996 of us. That they continue to threaten our way of life is very real.


Right Now, the sorrow, the destroyed lives, the deaths, and disregard for the law that result from our governments policies regarding these “grape pickers and toilet cleaners” are an immediate daily threat that is just as real……..and should be considered as much.
This was a production of The
Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).

If you would like to
participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition…. brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com……and let
me know at what level you would like to participate.

Legal workers sue Swift for favoring illegal workers- and a few other thoughts

20 12 2006

Cross Posted by Leaning Straight Up

The country is still buzzing about the ICE raids of several swift meat packing plants that netted 1200 suspected illegals.  Read about it here.

Well in an interesting twist, the companies claims that it did not deliberately hire illegals is being challenged by former workers who claim Swift not only knew, but favored the illegal workers in a deliberate attempt to lower wage costs.

Legal Immigrants Accuse Company of Favoring Illegals to Depress Wages

Eighteen former employees who worked at Swift & Co. have filed a $23 million lawsuit alleging that the meat packing company conspired to manipulate and depress the labor market and wages by hiring illegal immigrants. Earlier this week federal immigration officers raided six Swift production facilities in six states, arresting nearly 1,300 people in what is believed to be the nation’s largest-ever workplace raid on illegal workers.

“These plaintiffs are legal residents and victims in a longstanding scheme by Swift to depress and artificially lower the wages of all its workers by knowingly hiring illegal workers,” says Angel Reyes, of Dallas’ Heygood, Orr, Reyes & Bartolomei, attorney for the plaintiffs. “By lessening its labor costs and increasing its profits, Swift has severely damaged the potential earnings and livelihood of these hard-working men and women. This litigation seeks to redress those wrongs.”

Each of the plaintiffs were employed at the Swift facility in Cactus, Texas, located north of Amarillo. A total of 295 people were arrested on immigration violations or other criminal charges in a raid of the Cactus facility on Tuesday, Dec. 12.

According to the lawsuit, Swift executives “actively sought to locate these illegal immigrants and hire them — knowing full well that it was in violation of the immigration laws of the United States to do so.” The lawsuit also accuses the company of transporting, smuggling, harboring and concealing illegal immigrants.

If true it would prove what many have long since believed, that some employers deliberately take advantage of the lax enforcement of illegal workers to make profits.

One thing is clear, it is proof that there are workers willing to do these jobs, other claims not withstanding.

The ugly truth is that the immigration problem will never go away until the employers who hire them are punished.  These workers were involved in identity fraud, and Social Security Fraud.  Those are supposed to be crimes, on top of the crime of being in the country illegally.  Let’s start making laws that have some consequence.

I had a conversation with a friend in Texas who also happens to be of Hispanic descent.  They had some interesting thoughts from a perspective I can only pretend to understand.  This is what they said (name withheld):

I live along the Texas-Mexico border.  I have first hand knowledge of the danger that we face by our unprotected borders.  Kidnappings run rampant here.  Law-abiding people have been kidnapped for large ransoms….all for the benefit of the drug kingpins that reside in Mexico. 

If you have ever seen the movie “Munich”…you will know that ridding the world of one thug only provides an opportunity for a meaner thug to control the drug trade along the border.  The problem lies in the supply and demand.  American citizens are the largest consumers of illicit drugs and it has gotten out of hand. 

We need another approach to stem the flow of drugs into the USA. There is corruption in every country.  Most wheeling and dealing occurs without our knowledge.  It is sad.  Do you know what scares me? The fact that terrorists are entering Mexico, learning to speak Spanish, changing there names to Hispanic names, and acquiring visas to enter the USA. 

The problem is that they have the same facial features as we do.  We, the Hispanics. Furthermore, all the ranting and raving that was going on at the federal level about securing our borders was a joke. 

It was in August of this year that the government did away with the catch and release program for those illegal aliens classified as OTM’s…(other than Mexicans).   Thousands of people from other nations, even people from questionable nations, were entering the USA illegally, were processed, (which took like 3 hours per person), and released into the community with orders to show up for a court hearing in a year.  How scary is that? 

I am more afraid of the OTMs than I am of the illegal Mexicans. I have relatives that are US Customs agents and border patrol agents. I have property by the Rio Grande River.  There have been many shoot-outs between the people from the Mexican side of the border and our federal agents.  Stories that don’t make it on the national news.  We live with it everyday. 

Recently, there was a case along the border that ICE agents received harsh punishments, (long prison sentences) for their involvement in trying to prevent drug smugglers from crossing drugs into the US.  What a shame.  Our ICe agents are busting their butts out in the fields. My nephew, a border patrol agent, works a 60hour week before he can get overtime.  Also, he has to account for every bullet he has been issued.  If he is in pursuit of drug smugglers or illegal aliens, and wrecks the company vehicle, he has to pay for the damages to the vehicle.  Something is just not right with this picture.We need to stand up and be heard.  Fight for our men and women that are risking their lives for us.  We can make a difference. 


It certainly offers some food for thought.  Living in Washington we are not immune from the effects of illegal immigration, but our involvement is nothing compared to those who deal with it in their face.

Just something to think about.


This was a production of The
Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).

If you would like to
participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition…. brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com……and let
me know at what level you would like to participate.

The American Dream

20 12 2006

Cross Posted by Common Sense America

There are many apologists, activists, and even illegal aliens willing to label illegal aliens ‘the victims’ as we debate the issue of illegal immigration in our nation.

Look at this statement of an illegal alien after he was convicted of raping an eight year old girl:

“Why are they trying to harm me?” Juarez said. “Is it because I’m Hispanic?”

He then proclaimed his rights were violated.

Of course, you also have the apologists who try to soft-soap the issue:

The raids left more than 100 children with no parents present, church officials and community organizers said. Hundreds more struggled in newly broken families, asking questions such as “Where is my daddy?” and “Why does immigration exist?”

And if you are the victim of illegal immigration through identity theft, there are some that believe it is your own fault:

The lesson: Government isn’t going to save citizens from identity theft, said Rick Johnson, immediate past president of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado.

The greatest measure people can take to protect themselves is just that – self-protection.

“People are careless with their personal information,” Johnson said. “Their bank accounts. Their health information. They don’t use shredders at home. They just throw stuff away.” [snip]

“People don’t want to hear it, but (carelessness), that’s what it is,” Johnson said. “When something gets lost, they squawk to someone else to take care of it. But it starts at home. Take care of your own stuff.”

As this year winds down, I want to clarify a few things about my view on the subject of illegal immigration.

I don’t write about my childhood very often but there is no subject that will get me more fired up than liberal entitlements, welfare programs, and victimhood.

You see, I grew up in the ghetto of St. Louis. I was just one of my mom’s 5 kids. I grew up with the welfare abuses, the drugs, and the insane mindset that comes from having the government as your sugar daddy. And I saw the idleness that sets into not only the minds and bodies of the recipients, but their souls as well. There is no pride to be learned from collecting government money or special privileges.

I worked my butt off in school because I was not going to spend my life like that. Now some will say that because I am white, I had an advantage. Wrong. Because I worked, and played by the rules, I had an advantage. And since I was one of the only little white girls in the area, I had a lot of black friends who worked hard and made it out as well. The ones that did not try, the ones that bought into the victim mentality, are the ones that are raising their babies there now. The only inequality in America is that you’ll never make it if YOU are not willing to make the effort.

Unfortunately this is not a fictional story or something I have to make up to provoke liberals. This was my life. If you weren’t raised in the shame of poverty, you may never understand. Unless you have lived in poverty, you will never know. You will never know the feeling of wanting to become invisible as your perfectly able-bodied mother hands the store clerk food stamps for a cart full of junk food – a clerk that is looking from the cart to your mom and back with her raised eyebrow of judgment. You will never know the shame of listening to your mother threaten relatives by saying that if they don’t give her money, again, it will be their fault that her kids starve. You will never know the embarrassment of never having a new dress, new socks, or even essentials such as electricity and phone service because mom had ‘other things’ to do with the welfare check. You will never know the shame of lying to friends by saying that the phone lines must have been down when they tried to call. You will never know the humiliation of taking out your sack lunch at school, knowing that you only have two pieces of bread with nothing in-between them but yet your pride makes you pretend you are eating a sandwich just like everyone else. You will never know the constant feeling of abandonment, envy, hopelessness, sadness, and shame. You will never know the prayers, the tears, the fear, and the heartbreaks.

I know them intimately. They were my childhood.

But you see, right about now, bleeding heart liberals are thinking, “Oh no, we have to stop this, no child should live like this.” I don’t know if it is their ignorance or their arrogance that leads them to believe that they can do anything at all. Believe me, what you have done is enough. I still have family members who depend on the liberal ‘generosity’ and I watch them wallow in the sick and disgusting way that you have ’saved them’.

But there are also a couple of other things liberals will never know. Again, I’m sure it is just a matter that they have never walked in my shoes. But because they have never truly known poverty, there is something they lack. They will never know that deep longing. A longing so great that it begins to guide your every move. A longing so great that even in the depths of poverty it can give you the strength to rise above it all and refuse to accept it. And with that refusal of acceptance comes action that strengthens your character like nothing you will ever know. Action replaces doubt with confidence, dependence with self-reliance, fear with courage, tears with happiness, but most important of all, it replaces shame with pride and dignity.

So, given my background, many people think I would be more sympathetic to the illegal aliens and their story. They simply come here to get out of poverty. They are simply fighting, as I did, to have a better life. Wrong.

You cannot buy, beg, or steal, pride and dignity. And no one, no matter how well intentioned, can deliver it to you on a silver platter. You must want to earn it for yourself. And that means you have to be willing to play by the same rules as everyone else. The liberal way merely assures some people that they don’t have to play by the rules by once again giving entitlements or amnesty to people who don’t deserve them.

There is no dignity in breaking the law to achieve your goals. My friends from the ghetto who took that route are in prison now. They took the easy way out rather than play by the rules because they bought into the liberal entitlement and victim mentality. They accepted the words of the liberals who told them that because of the color of their skin, or the address of their birth, they had no chance to make it in this country. That is nothing more than a gutter mentality instilled into people by those who wish to control them with entitlements and it should not be condoned by our government with amnesty. My American friends didn’t get amnesty, they got hard time.

I played by the rules. Many other Americans play by the rules. I believed in my God, myself, and the American dream and I am living proof that this dream exists. But while the American dream exists for everyone, it isn’t free. And we should never allow it to be stolen.

So, you can choose to say that I am against illegal aliens but you could also choose to say that I truly stand for the American dream for everyone who wishes to earn it by making the right choices. You see, life is all about choices. You can play by the rules and win or you can cheat and wallow in self-pity while you blame others for your life. As Joyce Meyers is fond of saying, “You can be pitiful or you can be powerful. You cannot be both.”

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let Brian know at what level you would like to participate.**

Visacks Chilly to ICE

20 12 2006

Cross Posted by Inmuscatine

Des Moines Register | Vilsack: Swift raids put Iowa Guard at risk:

In a blunt and stinging letter, the governor and the top officer of the Iowa National Guard today called federal immigration officials’ actions in the Swift raids “completely unacceptable,” saying agents undermined the public’s trust in government, potentially jeopardized the safety of law enforcement personnel in Iowa and could have compromised undercover operations.

Gov. Tom Vilsack and Maj. Gen. Ron Dardis, in a letter today to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, said they will not cooperate with federal immigration officials in the future unless they act more responsibly and provide better coordination with state officials.

Reminder # 1 : Vilsack is running for President. NEVER, EVER FORGET THAT FOR EVEN A MOMENT

Remider # 2 : Vilsack and his “co-operation” with immigration officials ends in a couple of weeks when his term as Governor expires.

All Vilsack is doing is blowing a hurricane’s worth of smoke up our collective asses. I have a news flash for Tommy-boy : Just reporting for work is a risk for a cop ! It goes with the job. Your mock-concern for cops and the guard stinks of pandering to hispanics to garner votes for a Presidential run that has zero chance of being a success.

The thrust of the rest of the letter is – for the next two weeks – that ICE had better come to the Governor, kiss his ass, make nicey-nice with the “mother-may-i’s”, and for all practical purposes give the entire state of Iowa a heads-up of what they are going to do.

Well, Governor Pander – you forget that you have to come kiss MY ass to get elected. And since you taken sides with the criminals in our society, attempted to thwart law enforcement, AND act like a prissy frigtard you will get my vote when hell starts an ice hockey league !

‘ Nuff said.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.**