Sorsha the Dog

15 07 2011

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“Sorsha the dog”, our dog, passed away on Saturday July 2nd 2011, the day that the Declaration of Independence was written in 1776. She went to sleep peacefully in the grass looking out over the mountains of our remote property and was buried in a shady spot underneath a mighty Fir tree surrounded by many Aspens. She was fourteen years old and a beautiful fluffy Golden Retriever-Chow mix. She traveled the entire North American continent with us, when I was a Travel Nurse.

Our furry child led an incredible life. She has ridden in elevators in five star hotels, she swam on the shores of the Great Lakes; she has slept in a tent with on every mountain in the United States. Sorsha was very protective and loyal. She was gentle but quick to leap into action to protect her home and her family. She was known by many names; My personal favorite, “Misses Sorsha Fluffy Butt”, her Native American name “always in the way dog”, and her four wheeling companion name, “Sorsha the four paw drive doggie.” We loved her dearly and she is much missed. Thank you, God, for her presence in our life. May God grant everyone as special a pet that we were blessed with for fourteen wonderful years.  And always remember, God spelled backwards is: DOG. 

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2 responses

20 03 2012

I found this funny but touching, frankly because my name is Sorsha…

19 03 2012
department of immigration

The information looks real but could be some leaks

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