May Day Message To Illegal Aliens; Other Criminals

30 04 2007

Cross posted from Illegal Aliens Must Go

By John W. Lillpop

Illegal Aliens and Other Common Criminals:

In case you skipped civics class in order to protest on the streets of Los Angeles recently, you need to understand this: The United States is a sovereign nation operating in accordance with the rule of law.

No one—-be it a Ph.D. Chemist or a toilet bowl cleaner— has the right to come into the U.S. based on that individual’s unilateral decision to do so.

U.S. borders & immigration laws govern access to America and must be complied with.

End of debate. Period. Done. Nada.

People who illegally cross our borders are outlaws, regardless of their purpose for invading.

An apt analogy may help you understand: Bank robbers (those engaged in undocumented withdrawals, if you prefer) commit their crimes only in pursuit of a better life.

But stealing from others to gain a better life is not only unlawful, it is un-American!

Illegal aliens are really no better than citizens who rob banks, except for this: Illegals have no legal, spiritual or logical basis for being in the US.

They are unwelcome here, and should be deported en masse. N

In fact, the U.S. should adopt policies employed by Mexico for dealing with illegal immigrants.

In Mexico, they do not reward illegals with in-state tuition, driver’s licenses, and other foolishness.

No! In Mexico, the government simply jails illegals and deports them ASAP!

Maybe we can learn something from our third-world neighbors to the south after all?

Finally, thank your protest last year. It helps our cause when American citizens can see a million illegal immigrants marching to protest rule of law.

Do it again and again, please!

And be sure to bring a few dozen Mexican flags—–that really helps U.S. citizens understand the urgency of closing our borders and deporting illegal aliens!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration

If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Illegal Immigration March Slogan Revisions

30 04 2007

Cross posted from   Faultlines USA

All over the U.S illegal aliens (aka: immigrants) and their advocates are getting ready to take to the streets today and Tuesday in another series of May Day marches calling for immigration reform. You will note that various socialist labor movements world-wide have celebrations on May 1st , May Day.

Here’s one of their slogans: “Today we march, tomorrow we vote.”

Here’s the revised slogan:

“Today you all march, tomorrow you all leave!”

¡Usted todo marcha hoy, mañana usted que todo deja!

Here’s an alternate revised slogan:

Today you all march, tomorrow you all return to Mexico!

¡Usted todo marcha hoy, mañana usted toda la vuelta a México!

Here are some more of the May 1st march slogans. Have a little fun revising and sharing these slogans!

Si` se puede, – (Yes, it can be done), Justice for Children of Immigrants, and No Human Being is Illegal.

I could swear that some enterprising bloggers have already created bumper stickers and they are up for sale, but I can’t remember where I saw those blogs. One site had all kinds of innovative ways to use the stickers besides just putting them on the back of bumpers.

More details on the May Day Illegal Immigration March

Illegal immigrants are demanding citizenship, and an immediate end to: planned increases in citizenship fees, guest-worker proposals, arrests and deportations, and increased border policing.

Additionally organizers want an end to the war in Iraq and policies that they say punish the poor.

Some march organizers have told marchers to leave their Mexican flags at tome and to wave only U.S. flags. Additionally, they are not to call for boycotts. On the other hand, other’s have called for a boycott:

“Besides the marches, the national pro-immigrant organizations have called for a Second National Boycott on the first of May that consists of not working, not buying or selling anything, and not going to school. It demonstrates that we are a vital part of this nation’s workforce and also displays our economic power.”

Some Hispanics think that last year’s marches didn’t do that much good and might have increased racism. You will note that the lefty MSM reporters usually make the word “racism” synonymous with The Minutemen!

“And the Yakima resident believes racism rippled through the community after groups demanding stricter immigration controls arose for the first time in the area — organizations like the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.”

In Tucson a toothless warning to “stay in school” was issued by the superintendent of Public Instruction, so march organizers are telling parents to request excused absences.

Now this takes the cake!

In Los Angeles another toothless warning to stay in school came from State Supt. of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell. . .

“But Los Angeles school officials, apparently resigned to the fact that some students will ditch class anyway, plan to provide bus service for students hoping to return to class after attending the downtown rally.”

President Bush appealed to graduating college students Saturday for help in persuading Congress to produce an immigration bill, while hundreds of immigrants marched in Houston — a prelude to nationwide marches and rallies planned for Tuesday.

I’d like to see what a President Fred Thompson would have to say!

Here’s an interesting article about the effect of last year’s marches and an immigration poll you can take today:

The poll results this A.M so far.

What should Congress do?

Pass a bill that beefs up enforcement, allows the estimated 12 million illegal residents to pay fines and earn their way to citizenship – 26%

Pass a bill that beefs up enforcement and deports illegal immigrants already here – 50%

Not pass any new legislation but require the Department of Homeland Security to enforce current immigration laws – 24%

Aside: Now we all know that Google is becoming more and more p.c. If you go to Google news and put in “illegal alien marches,” you won’t get much valid or current info. But if you put in the p.c. “immigration marches, ” – now that gets you to the info you need.

The Truth Smarts. This is from The American Daily on the Communist ACLU illegal immigration ties.

“ . . .Somewhere between 12 and 20 million illegal aliens, many of them dangerous criminals and others, members of known terror organizations, have broken into our not-so-sovereign or secure nation and set down roots illegally. But the ACLU is only concerned with the civil rights of these criminals as if they were legal citizens of the United States and any American not willing to offer full Constitutional benefits to these illegal invaders will be deemed “racists” or “bigots” by the ACLU and their friends in congress and the press.

One need not be a genius to properly interpret the clear intent of the ACLU, which today, remains entirely aligned with the stated goals of its founder Roger Baldwin, and fully engaged in the process (read as progress) of making those goals a reality, one law suit at a time.

For the terminally blind progressive, those goals bear repeating…“I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself… I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.” (Founder and long term director of the ACLU, Roger Baldwin.)

The ACLU is the legal arm of the Democratic Socialist Movement running roughshod over America today and there is nothing pro-American about any of it. The ACLU is responsible for making those laws which elected leftists (Democrats) in congress do not yet have the seats to pass into law via the legitimate legislative branch.

“Communism is the goal” and they are well on their way to achieving that goal. If you happen to disagree with their agenda, they will quickly label you a “fascist”. . .”

Join the Stop the ACLU coalition

Others Blogging about the May Day Illegal Immigration March:

Illegal Aliens Must Go, Slapstic Politics, American Conservative Daily

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal ImmigrationIf you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Americans Spurned for Family Planning

30 04 2007

Cross posted from The Peoples Patriot

The two income family epitomizes the decline in the American Standard of Living.Having grown up in the seventies, I witnessed first hand, the birth and prevalence of the two income family. The two income family phenomenon arguably and most prominently symbolizes the decline of the American standard of living. The effects of which are so far reaching that I will have to address them in another post.

With the advent of the two income family, came the demise of the large American family unit. It is a rarity today to come across families that consist of four, five, six or more children. My wife and I have just one child and judging from the relatively high number of “only child” friends my pre-teen daughter has, the “one child” family is fairly common today.

My generation was indoctrinated, through educational and social programs, to procreate responsibly. To this end, abortion was legalized and birth control was pushed like M & M’s at an eight year olds birthday party.

We were bombarded with messages like “out of wedlock births and lack of family planning” would lead to a lifetime of low income opportunities and poverty. Not heeding these warnings would lead to even fewer economic opportunities for our offspring. Which is counter to the cornerstone of American culture that dictates parents must create a better life for their children than the parents themselves have enjoyed.

American families unrewarded for prudent family planning.Americans love large families. We want large families. However, we don’t want to jeopardize the futures of our children by irresponsibly procreating. So for the sake of personal and social responsibility, we have downsized the family unit to the extent that we can effectively support them. The indoctrination has been successful. Mission accomplished!

American adults and families have met the objective of responsible family planning. Logic dictates, that for making the sacrifice of not having families too large to support, the rewards should follow. There is a rational expectation of future economic and social security on the parts of American families. Their children’s futures, the ones they so carefully planned on parenting, should be more secure with better educational and occupational opportunities.

A mature and wiser democratic republic should reap the benefits of controlling population growth. Such benefits would include the luxury of unstrained environmental and natural resources. Commodities should be readily available and affordable. Government and municipal resources, including the infrastructure and government services should be top notch in quality and economically manageable. All of these things are due families in exchange for responsible family planning and population growth. The American family has done its part and now its the governments turn.

American families unrewarded for prudent family planning.Families of America I hate to break it to you but the government is putting the screws to us. They have no intention of giving America what it deserves and they never did. I base these statements on our governments actions with regard to the well being of American families.

While we were practicing birth control and responsible family planning, the government has allowed 30 million uneducated, low skilled and very fertile replacements for the children we didn’t have. Had we thrown caution to the wind and fornicated with wild and reckless abandon, we could not have come up with a worse alternative. But don’t worry, the government issued shellacking gets worse.

These replacements, thirty million strong, for the children we didn’t have, are from foreign countries. They are here in violation of the laws designed to protect American families. Not only that, but these family substitutes are very needy. They have little education. They don’t speak our language. They have few skills. They come here with no money so they can’t or won’t adequately support themselves.

This is the government’s importation of a mini society completely contrary to what we were seeking through responsible reproduction. They essentially undid everything the American family has accomplished. And it gets worse.

Being that this substitute society is so needy, they use the social safety net designed and paid for by American citizens. Even though these people are here illegally, our government gives them permission to use the services that are supposed to be for the benefit of Americans. After all, they are paid for by American citizens. The net effect of this flawed policy is that these resources are strained and unavailable to Americans and the costs to Americans have skyrocketed. So having less is costing families more in the way of higher taxes.

Schools are overcrowded and resources are strained and expensive. Health care is unaffordable to a large section of the American citizenry. It’s quality and access is questionable. Our quality of life has been degraded with high crime rates and over crowded and expensive prisons. Housing prices are out of control. Gridlock on the highways is a way of life. Jobs are scarce for too many Americans expecting a fair wage for a days work. Those that have jobs are seeing their wages shrink because there are 30 million illegal substitutes ready to work for less.

The economic rewards of a small family are squandered on illegal aliens.When people sacrifice, act prudently and responsibly, logic dictates that rewards are due and expected. We as a society have successfully controlled population growth and this is how our government rewards us. The government is far from rewarding American families, they are instead punishing them for their good deeds.

The ultimate slap in the face however is the reason that our government gives us for committing these grave injustices. Our politicians are beholden to special interest groups and businesses, so naturally it is for the benefit of these concerns that they execute these crimes against the people and families of the United States.

The reason given is that U.S. population growth has slowed to the point where it cannot meet the labor demands of some businesses. Apparently, our government has bought into the racist rhetoric of the most hateful open borders lobby in existence, La Raza. La Raza means “the race” and here is what one of its founders has to say about the U.S. population trend.

We have an aging white America…, They are dying…, They are shitting their pants with fear…, I love it…

These are the words of Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, founder of the “The Race”. Our government’s justification for committing the crime of allowing illegal immigration is American families have been prudent and responsible by limiting their families to sizes they can afford to support. Thank you American families for your efforts but we are going to give the rewards you earned to 30 million illegal aliens.

My generation will never have their child bearing years back. The opportunity to have large families is forever gone. I use Don McLean’s words from his song American Pie to describe our plight. We are, in essence, “a generation lost in space with no time left to start again”.

The children American familes didn't have are replaced by a substitute illegal population.Worse than this though is that our reward for personal sacrifice and responsibility is the importation of a substitute society. One that we are forced to pay for. A substitute society that is inferior to the society that would have been created if we hadn’t been responsible in our family planning. The importation of an uneducated, low skill, highly fertile and needy substitute society that will one day replace the American middle class.

To use McLean’s words once more, “I drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry”.

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Deportation of illegal aliens, pros and “cons”

30 04 2007

Cross posted from   Right Truth

Deportation of illegal aliens. To some its a dirty word, never to be spoken and certainly not something caring people would actually do. Whether you are pro-deportation or anti-deportation, you can always find a story to support your belief. For Maria Carrillo, who is terminally ill, deportation might bring death more quickly; but for Javier Rico, deportation will be retribution for killing a young mother in a DUI crash. Natasha Korecki of the Chicago Sun Times reports.

Most of the nearly 7,000 people deported last year from the Midwest are from the Chicago area. Carrillo and Rico are two of the faces of deportation.Doctors told Maria Carrillo she has less than two years to live. But that’s only if she stays on schedule with treatment for terminal colon cancer. [snip]

Maria Carrillo, 45, is undergoing chemotherapy at a university hospital where her family has worked out a payment plan. [snip]

Maricela Samano, was among the 17 people arrested at Cano Packaging, an Arlington Heights candy warehouse, in March. [snip]

David Gorak has a different view of the issue. For Gorak, executive director of the Midwest Coalition to Reduce Immigration, deportations don’t happen fast enough or often enough. The only way to maintain an immigration policy is to enforce the law, Gorak said. Those who complain their families are being torn apart have themselves to blame, he said.

“The federal government isn’t breaking up anyone’s family,” Gorak said. “The sole responsibility lies with the individual who made the conscious decision to violate our laws.What kind of person would knowingly subject their child to the trauma that one can expect in the wake of an immigration raid? If you’re looking for sympathy, there is none on our part.”

Rosanna Pulido, director of the Illinois Minuteman Project, points to cases of illegal immigrants who break up families when they commit crimes. If it weren’t for one illegal immigrant, Javier Rico, Pulido said, a young mother would still be alive.

“Let’s talk about American families being separated,” Pulido said. (full story here)

John W. Lillpop says, “ Happy Cinco de Mayo. Now Get the Hell Out!”:

Bush et al. seem to have greater regard for illegal aliens than for hardworking, taxpaying American citizens. The president is particularly fond of referring to Mexican illegal aliens as hardworking, goodhearted folks who should be granted citizenship because they come only in pursuit of a better life.With all due respect to our addled president, I suspect that “pursuing a better life” is the universal excuse used by bank robbers, home burglars, auto thieves, extortionists, drug dealers, forgers, pimps, hard-money loan brokers, dentists, credit card companies, and other common criminals to justify taking that to which they are not entitled.

Dentists? You’ll have to go read John W. Lillpop’s article and ask him about that. Read the facts and figures while you’re there.

I’m anticipating more marches and rallies this year, but the turnout is not expected to be nearly as high as it was last year. We’ll be watching for news on the walks for dignity and self-respect for immigrants.

Ask Your GOP Sen. Who Opposed S. 2611 to Resist Amnesty Again This Year: This new Phone Call Request has been posted in your Action Buffet based on your answers to the Interest Survey.

You can find this Phone Call Request by proceeding to 7818

Also read Latest on Bush/Kennedy amnesty efforts by No Amnesty – GOT IT!

*This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration(CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.**

Happy Cinco de Mayo. Now Get the Hell Out!

30 04 2007

Cross posted from Illegal Aliens Must Go

By John W. lillpop

President Bush, in concert with RINO and Democrat politicians and the mainstream media seem totally committed to stupidity when it comes to illegal immigration.

Stupidity? That is what I would call an administration that welcomes third-world criminals with open borders and open arms!

Utter and complete, mind blogging stupidity!

Bush et al. seem to have greater regard for illegal aliens than for hardworking, taxpaying American citizens. The president is particularly fond of referring to Mexican illegal aliens as hardworking, goodhearted folks who should be granted citizenship because they come only in pursuit of a better life.

With all due respect to our addled president, I suspect that “pursuing a better life” is the universal excuse used by bank robbers, home burglars, auto thieves, extortionists, drug dealers, forgers, pimps, hard-money loan brokers, dentists, credit card companies, and other common criminals to justify taking that to which they are not entitled.

Should we grant pardons to all such criminals, and welcome them carte blanche into mainstream American life?

And if such a foolish policy were adopted, what would stop others from simply taking what they desire without regard to ownership, morality, or fairness?

Moreover, some startling facts and figures from the Los Angeles Times and other news outlets should cause any sane person to question the president’s judgment when it comes to criminals from Mexico.

For example:

* 40% of workers in Los Angeles County work for cash and pay no taxes, because they are predominantly illegal aliens without green cards.

* 95% of murder warrants issued in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

* 75% of those on the “most wanted” list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

* Over 67% of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal aliens.
(Mexican births paid for by U.S. taxpayers.)

* Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are here illegally.

* Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

* 50% of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border, according to FBI reports.

* 60% of all occupants in HUD properties are illegal aliens.

* 21 radio stations in Los Angeles are Spanish-language.

* In Los Angeles County, 5.1 million people speak English, while
3.9 million speak Spanish.

* Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.

* In 1997, the net cost of immigration to American taxpayers was $70 billion. The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services received) for the average adult Mexican immigrant is a negative number.

* 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

Isn’t it time for our “conservative” president and sensible lawmakers to forsake their patriarchal concern for illegal aliens and focus instead on protecting the interests of the American people as required by the U.S. Constitution?

In honor of Cinco de Mayo Day, I propose that the president should deliver the following national salute to illegal aliens during his May 5 Saturday radio address:

Attention All Illegal Aliens: Happy Cinco de Mayo. Now Get the Hell Out!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration

If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate

Latest on Bush/Kennedy amnesty efforts

30 04 2007

Cross Posted from   No Amnesty…Got It?

White House loyalty to amnesty confirmed again today

by Roy Beck

[This message received via email.]

At the White House today, several Administration officials made it absolutely clear that they did not care how much a “comprehensive immigration” bill costs the taxpayers; they are committed to a path of legalizing the 12-20 million illegal aliens no matter the cost.

I wish you could credibly accuse me of exaggerating. But that is the report we got from an unimpeachable source who couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

Of course, we already know that the Senate Democrats are just as committed to that path.

But will the necessary 16 Republican Senators follow the White House over this political and fiscal cliff to make it possible for Sen. Kennedy (D-MA) to pass the amnesty?

I really do think it mostly depends on all of you.

If it has been a few days since you made a phone call to your U.S. Senator, you might want to make another one today.

After several days of reporting that Sen. Kennedy (D-MA) and Pres. Bush (R-US) were near an amnesty agreement, Capitol Hill news media today switched to warnings that things are breaking down.

We are getting mixed signals from the actual Members of Congress themselves and from the report from the White House staff.

Here are the basics of where things stand this week:

1. You will remember when we broke the story to you about the White House amnesty plan in March. It included some good stuff like the end of Chain Migration and the Lottery and also had perhaps 90% of the enforcement measures we want. But it also included another 400,000 a year increase in permanent immigration and full legalization of nearly all the 12-20 million illegal aliens. The destructiveness in the plan far outweighed the benefits.

2. Monday, the Hill was rife with rumors that Sen. Kyl (R-AZ) had come to an agreement with Sen. Kennedy on the “principles” of the comprehensive compromise. Since nobody believes Kennedy would ever agree to anything that didn’t let illegal aliens stay permanently, that was terrible news. Kyl has tended to hold the line against any full-scale amnesty in the past. If he agreed to any kind of long-term legalization, that would bring along a lot of Republican Senators with him, according to conventional wisdom. We could not get any answers from his office. Because the rumors were primarily fanned by the White House, it is possible that the Kyl agreement with Kennedy didn’t really happen. Many House Republicans lately have complained that the White House has been pushing inaccurate information to create a sense of momentum behind its amnesty efforts.

3. Today, the news media is saying what we have been hearing for a week: that the White House has agreed to drop a whole bunch of the good stuff in its plan in order to get along better with Kennedy.

4. But Kennedy and his open-border-advocate allies are balking, saying that the tougher parts that remain are still too much for them. They are demanding that the White House compromise farther toward Kennedy.

5. The White House is apparently balking — not because Kennedy’s demands for giant new flows of foreign labor are outrageous but mainly because the White House is insisting on a guest worker program. Kennedy and his union allies admirably at least insist on more protections for American workers so that the guest workers will be less likely to drive down their wages.

6. The White House’s outlaw business friends (the ones who have broken immigration laws for years) are saying they will oppose the amnesty if it has too many worker protections in it. That is making it difficult for Bush to move any farther toward Kennedy.

7. Background of all of this is that most of the Republican Senators whom the White House is wooing to help him pass an amnesty are being hit daily by constituents demanding promises not to support any type of amnesty. It is so very important that the fax and phone calls do not stop.


During Pres. Bush’s highly publicized appearance on PBS’s Charlie Rose show this week, he made it clear that he regards pushing through his immigration agenda to be his most important big idea other than winning the war in Iraq.

It is especially astounding from the White House meeting today to realize the passion with which the White House opposes the American people and is willing to impose hundreds of billions of dollars of costs on them in order to allow outlaw U.S. businesses to continue to employ their illegal workers, most of whom are subsidized by a net of around $18,000 a year per household.

I cannot over-emphasize what it means to have the entire power of the Presidency (even a badly injured Presidency) lined up behind passing a destructive immigration law.

And I have to reiterate that there is no room for letting up on constituency pressure on your House Representative and your two Senators — especially on the Republicans (more on why later).

We are convinced that your incredible outpouring of faxes and phone calls the last month is the only reason the Kennedy/Bush amnesty has not already passed the Senate.

Wow, have you been effective thus far:

You have stalled the process enough so that Kennedy has not even yet introduced his bill (which he had promised for early FEBRUARY!).

Update on the Bush/Kennedy amnesty effort:

Here are the basics of where things stand:

1. You will remember when we broke the story to you about the White House amnesty plan in March. It included some good stuff like the end of Chain Migration and the Lottery a nd also had perhaps 90% of the enforcement measures we want. But it also included another 400,000 a year increase in permanent immigration and full legalization of nearly all the 12-20 million illegal aliens. The destructiveness in the plan far outweighed the benefits.

2. Monday, the Hill was rife with rumors that Sen. Kyl (R-AZ) had come to an agreement with Sen. Kennedy on the “principles” of the comprehensive compromise. Since nobody believes Kennedy would ever agree to anything that didn’t let illegal aliens stay permanently, that was terrible news. Kyl has tended to hold the line against any full-scale amnesty in the past. If he agreed to any kind of long-term legalization, that would bring along a lot of Republican Senators with him, according to conventional wisdom. We could not get any answers from his office. Because the rumors were primarily fanned by the White House, it is possible that the Kyl agreement with Kennedy didn’t really happen. Many House Re publicans lately have complained that the White House has been pushing inaccurate information to create a sense of momentum behind its amnesty efforts.

3. Today, the news media is saying what we have been hearing for a week: that the White House has agreed to drop a whole bunch of the good stuff in its plan in order to get along better with Kennedy.

4. But Kennedy and his open-border-advocate allies are balking, saying that the tougher parts that remain are still too much for them. They are demanding that the White House compromise farther toward Kennedy.

5. The White House is apparently balking — not because Kennedy’s demands for giant new flows of foreign labor are outrageous but mainly because the White House is insisting on a guest worker program. Kennedy and his union allies admirably at least insist on more protections for American workers so that the guest workers will be less likely to drive down their wages.

6. The White House’s outlaw business friends (the ones who have broken immigration laws for years) are saying they will oppose the amnesty if it has too many worker protections in it. That is making it difficult for Bush to move any farther toward Kennedy.

7. Background of all of this is that most of the Republican Senators whom the White House is wooing to help him pass an amnesty are being hit daily by constituents demanding promises not to support any type of amnesty. It is so very important that the fax and phone calls do not stop.

There is no room for letting up on your House Representative and your two Senators — especially on the Republicans (who may end up making or breaking amnesty).

We are convinced that your incredible outpouring of faxes and phone calls the last month is the only reason the Kennedy/Bush amnesty has not already passed the Senate.

Don’t let up now!

**This was a production of and
The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).
If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn
more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

An Inconvenient Truth about California’s Prison Crisis

30 04 2007

Cross posted from   Liberalism is insanity

By John W. Lillpop

California’s prison system has been, and continues to be, in severe crisis due to mindless policies on illegal aliens and the death penalty.

The population of incarcerated inmates in the Golden States exceeds prison capacity by a margin of 2-1, and the federal government has threatened to take over management of the system unless overcrowding is addressed.

California Governor Arnold Schwarchenegger attempted to alleviate overcrowding by sending inmates to leased facilities in other states.

However, on February 20, 2007 a Sacramento County Superior Court Judge ruled that Schwarzenegger’s plan was illegal.

Significantly, approximately 30 percent of the inmates in California prisons are illegal aliens, or “documented criminals,” if you prefer PCBS.

The cost of incarcerating these “good hearted, hard working” criminals amounts to about $1.4 billion a year (not including related law enforcement and judicial expenditures or the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration.)


Given the fact that illegal aliens are such a significant part of the prison crisis, one would expect any prison reform package to include specific proposals for dealing with this prison segment.

A serious reform package should have included:

* Plans for expediting deportation proceedings;

* Aggressive measures to recover incarceration costs from mother nations, and

* Demands that the federal government secure our borders and enforce immigration laws, including prompt deportation of illegal aliens.

Regrettably, none of the above issues was addressed in a ” historic prison reform package” passed by legislatures on April 26, 2007.

Instead, the legislature passed a $7.4 billion white elephant that does not address the core issues involved. That conclusion is shared by politicians on both ends of the political spectrum.

Now on it’s way to Governor Schwarchenegger for signature, the bill may avert a federal takeover of the prisons, but accomplishes little else.

See story

Overpopulated prisons are not the only problem brought to California by illegal aliens. The cost of educating, housing, feeding, and providing heath care to criminal invaders amounts to several billion dollars a year in California alone.

Despite what common sense and responsible governance would dictate, San Francisco Mayor San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom continues to declare The City to be a “sanctuary city,” and vehemently opposes federal raids to ferret out illegal aliens who have violated deportation orders.

Mayor Newsom even went so far as to say, “I will not allow any of my department heads or anyone associated with this city to cooperate in any way, shape or form with these raids.”

Debra Saunders

Odd that, the top law enforcement authority in a major American city prohibits city employees from following or enforcing laws he disagrees with!

Newsome is the same lawless thug who willfully, and joyfully, violated the will of the people and California state law by presiding over several gay marriage ceremonies on the steps of City Hall in 2004.

With dim wits like Mayor Newsome and the City’s Favorite Daughter, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, allowed to run around unrestrained, fascism looks to have a bright future, at least in San Francisco.

California’s prison crisis was further exacerbated by a liberal activist judge. In February 2007, U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel ordered California to alter its lethal injection procedures.

With that ruling, Fogel effectively delayed the scheduled execution of killer Michael Morales.

As of April 27, 2007, convicted killer Morales continues to occupy desperately needed prison space.

All because some fuzzy headed liberal judge was concerned that a brutal killer would suffer “excruciating pain” after being pierced with a needle in a procedure more akin to a flu shot than an execution.

Question: Why are liberals more concerned about illegal aliens and murderous thugs than they are about law-abiding citizens who respect and obey the law?

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration

If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.


Another BP Agent Charged with murder

27 04 2007

Cross posted from   Bear Creek Ledger

Sometimes you hate to be right.  In February I had written about this altercation between a BP agent and Mexican illegal aliens which resulted in the death of one illegal alien.

Mama don’t raise your child to become an illegal alien

Unfortunately this ignorant Mother encouraged her children to break the law of the U.S. of America. As a result one of her sons is now dead. Six of the seven illegals were taken into custody and her son decided to fight the Border Patrol. Of course I’m sure the case of Ramos and Compean has emboldened those from Mexico to defy and fight the Border Patrol. This ignorant Mother will probably also sue the BP just like the drug smuggler who was stopped by Ramos and Compean.

The Border Patrol, Department of Homeland Security, Justice Department and most of the politicians pushing for amnesty have created this monster we call illegal aliens. These illegals think they have the same rights as US Citizens and the fore mentioned are complicit in promoting this fallacy.

You can go to the link to read some of the ignorant statements made by the Rivera parents.

On April 23rd, BP Agent Nicholas Corbett was charged with 4 counts of homicide. Unfortunately, if a BP Agent thinks their life is in danger (like an illegal alien is picking up a rock to throw at the Agent) I guess they are supposed to wait until after the illegal alien has thrown the rock at them with the rock hitting them in the head before taking action. Of course by this time, it’s too late! I really wonder what constitutes a “threat” to these District Attorneys? Rock throwing is a common weapon of choice for illegal aliens when encountering the Border Patrol.


“The evidence shows that at the time he was shot, Mr. Dominguez Rivera presented no threat to agent Corbett and agent Corbett did not act in reasonable apprehension of imminent death or serious physical injury,” the statement says.A judge will schedule an initial appearance for Corbett likely by the end of the week where conditions of release, including whether bond will be set, will be determined, Rheinheimer said. Then, a preliminary hearing will be scheduled within 20 days, where a judge will decide if there is enough evidence for a trial, and if so, on what charges.

From his home in Cuautla, Morelos, the father of Francisco Dominguez Rivera, Renato Dominguez celebrated the news as the start of a formal process against the Border Patrol agent.

While he had earlier complained at the lack of progress in the investigation, Dominguez Rivera’s father said Monday he is pleased at the news the agent has been charged.

Wonder when we find out that maybe Mexican authorities had access to witnesses or what kind of sweetheart deal has been made with the witnesses and family of Rivera’s.  With all the recent BP cases the Mexican families and witnesses were given green cards, medical help along with no charges filed for their criminal activity.

Course the National Border Patrol Council has a different view of this:

The decision is a part of a nationwide pattern of politically motivated prosecutions against Border Patrol agents, said Brandon Judd, vice president of Local 2544, the Arizona Chapter of the National Border Patrol Council.The matching testimony from three witnesses has more to do with their blood ties and influence from the Mexican Consulate than what actually happened, Judd says. He also disagrees with Rheinheimer’s assertion that the physical evidence contradicts Corbett’s statements.“I’ve looked over the reports and I have a hard time seeing how they could do it unless of course this was politically motivated,” Judd said Monday.

There is a definite pattern which has been established with the prosecution of BP Agents with Ramos & Compean, Brugman, Hernandez and Sipe.  Go here for links to many postings on these Border Patrol Agents.

Other CAII news:
Georgia Colleges Want to Hear From You from GA Crime Watch

The Bastardization of Our Identities from The Peoples Patriot

What’s the Matter with California?: How Liberals Won the Hearts of Criminals from The Undocumented Blogger

But illegal immigrants are just here to work! from GA Crime Watch

Damn Those Birds from stikNstein

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration
(CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link
to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us
know at what level you would like to participate.

Damn Those Birds

27 04 2007

Cross posted from StikNstein…has no mercy

With apologies to Snowalker
Excerpted from an email to Protect Our Borders Now
Illustrations by StikNstein


I bought a bird feeder.
I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed.

Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous
flow of free and easily accessible food.

But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above
the table, and next to the barbecue. Then came the poop. It was everywhere:
on the patio tile, the chairs, the table…everywhere.

Then some of the birds turned mean: They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.

And others birds were boisterous and
loud: They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the
day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food.

After a while, I couldn’t even sit on my own back porch anymore.

MON: I called our Animal Control Department and requested help to prevent the birds from coming in and was told, while there were laws protecting me from bird infestations, they didn’t have the time or manpower to enforce these laws, and that I was on my own.

TUES: So I took down the bird feeder and the birds were gone.
I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.
Soon, the back yard was like it used to be…quiet, serene and no one demanding
their rights to a free meal.

WED: The next afternoon there was a knock at my door……It was the local Audubon Society wanting to know why I took down my bird feeder. When I explained, they called me a cruel and racist bird hater. I said I loved birds, and that the farmers should be putting up bird feeders. I was informed the farmers only needed them for pollination….Local animal ordinances require that I must provide the feed and care for them.

THUR:The next day, some local farmers approached me at the bank and said the birds I had attracted were necessary to pollinate their crops and They would go bankrupt without them. They served me with an injunction requiring me to continue to feed them. (I think they are in cahoots with those Audubon folks.)

FRI:My daughter was arrested today by the justice department and charged with violating the civil rights of some birds she was trying to shoosh out of the yard so she could hang the laundry. It appears she injured one with a broom. With luck she should get out in 10-12 years with good behavior…….

SAT: Today PETA and the ACLU (Animal Civil Liberties Union) filed 14 lawsuits against me and my family claiming my actions were a violation of federal law….that only The Animal Control Department had the authority to protect my property from a bird invasion….My legal fees are mounting.

Now lets see…our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free
medical care, free education and allows anyone born here to be a automatic
citizen. Then the illegals came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our
taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments are housing 5 families:
you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor: your
child’s 2nd grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn’t
speak English: Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to press
“one” to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other
than “Old Glory” are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more
rights and free liberties.

Maybe it’s time for the government to take down the bird feeder.

In Liberty
the snowwalker


Illegal Aliens Must Go….Will cheap fruit trump the rule of law?
The Peoples Patriot….The Bastardization of Our Identities.
Georgia Crime Watch……..But Illegal Immigrants are Just Here to Work!
The Undocumented Blogger….What’s the Matter with California?: How Liberals Won the Hearts of Criminals.

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration

If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

My Country-My View trackbacked with Those Dam Birds…
CommonSenseAmerica – Illegal Immigration, America, Freedom, News and Opinion » Damn Those Birds pinged this post.

An Apt Analogy for Bush Amnesty

27 04 2007

Cross posted from   Illegal Aliens Must Go

By John W. Lillpop

George W. Bush, for reasons known only to his therapist and pet snake, is intent on destroying America. His number one objective seems to be allowing enough peasants to come here illegally so that America itself will decay into a third-world cesspool akin to Mexico.

Excepting a few stalwart conservatives, the Bush plan to trash America has wide support from liberals who salivate at the prospect of 20-30 million new instant Democrats.

Profit-driven business tycoons with little or no concern for homeland security, U.S. sovereignty, rule of law, and preservation of American language and culture, are also eager to legalize millions of people who will work for below-minimum wage and without benefits.

Of course, elitists like Bush, liberal politicians, and business executives can dismiss valid concerns about the “Mexicanization” of America because their lives will be shielded from the devastation.

Elitists’ children will attend private schools free from the hordes of non-English speaking invaders who impede the instruction of real American students

Elitists’ homes will be in upscale residential areas where invaders cut lawns and scrub toilets, but cannot afford to live.

Elitists’ churches and other places of worship will remain segregated by neighborhood and wealth.

In other words, to elitists like George W. Bush, greedy business people, and Democrats, the deterioration of America will be virtually invisible.

However, for what remains of America’s middle and lower classes, the Mexicanization of America will mean an abrupt and bitter end to the American Dream.

Liberal spin-doctors will even try to sell the ruination of America as a good thing because, according to the socialist’s pledge of allegiance, “Diversity is our greatest strength!”

What hope is there if elitists in power cannot or will not understand the stupidity of open borders and amnesty?

Perhaps a graphic, but simple, analogy might help.

Let’s say you planned a grand birthday party to celebrate your daughter’s 10th birthday. Your daughter’s favorite treat is Dryer’s deluxe ice cream so you plan to serve that delicacy on the big day.

On the day of the party, a liberal nut case crashes the party and heads for the ice cream vat. The interloper decides that the ice cream, although the very finest in the entire world, is too plain and thus decides to “spice up” the eagerly anticipated dessert.

She does so by adding a several scoops of potting soil to the vat of rich and creamy Dryer’s ice cream.

In so doing, the liberal has achieved the highly-coveted socialist goal of “diversity.”

Unfortunately, she has also ruined a vat of priceless ice cream, and destroyed a dream day for a precocious ten-year old.

Elitists must not be allowed to ruin our great heritage and culture for cheap labor, cheap votes, or very costly socialist schemes that would end the American dream for hundreds of millions of citizens who deserve much better!
This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration

If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

…But illegal immigrants are just here to work!

26 04 2007

Cross posted from    Georgia Crime Watch


Lula man sentenced in child porn case

Lopez had pleaded guilty to sexual exploitation of a child and surveillance that invades the privacy of another.

Videotaping girls nets 4 years in prison for 43-year-old man

According to authorities, between February and October 2005, Lopez filmed two girls he knew through an acquaintance, ages 11 and 13, as they used the bathroom or showered.

Tennessee near top of states with foreign-born Hispanic population

Still, the influx of Hispanics, particularly those in the country illegally, has prompted contentious debate – in the Midstate and throughout the country – over the strain on public resources and the need for tougher laws to curtail unlawful immigration.


CA: Rocky Plans to Knock Out Gangs in Los Angeles Delgadillo unveils anti-gang plan

Los Angeles Anti-Gang Unit Nabs 64

Over The Top Gun Rights Hatred In LA-LA Land

MD: Casting a Wider Net To Battle Gang Crime

TX: Judge takes lawyer to task over his claims


NE Ga. soldier killed in Iraq

Pfc. Ryen King was a two-sport athlete and member of the school’s Young Democrats.


University System to discuss immigration policy

David Kennedy, who practices immigration law in Gainesville, said he believes the law unfairly affects those “who clung to their mothers” as they crossed the U.S. border.


This column was not made in China

I’m no xenophobe who longs to isolate America from the world. I’m all for free trade and the melting pot. But it also should be fair trade and legal immigration.

Open Choke:

I finally figured out why people like my Pinko friend and I see things so differently. He grew up in the Midwest, and attended Prep Schools. I grew up on the Border and attending a public high school that was 70% hispanic… a small minority of which were true, color wearing gang-bang cholos.


ILLEGAL ALIENS MUST GO: Why does Bush prefer illegal aliens to Americans?

When National Guard was attacked, where was President Bush?

UNDOCUMENTED BLOGGER: What’s the matter with California?

**This was a production of The Coalition
Against Illegal Immigration
(CAII). If you would like to
participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards,
email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you
would like to participate.

What’s the Matter with California?: How Liberals Won the Hearts of Criminals

26 04 2007

Cross posted from The Undocumented Blogger

California, or Kalleeforneea as the Governer might say, has once again thumbed its nose at the rule of law. On Wednesday, April 25, 2007 in Oakland, CA, the self-proclaimed “City of Refuge“, city officials made it clear that they do not support government raids on businesses that hire illegal aliens. They vowed to continue to not assist the federal government’s efforts to enforce immigration laws.

This most recent attack on law and order comes as San Fransico’s mayor Gavin Newsome, who previously made headlines by ignoring CA’s marriage laws, simulating a sex act on a reporter’s microphone during an interview,, and having an affair with one of his aide’s wife, reaffirmed his city’s status as a “sanctuary city” for illegal aliens on Monday, April 23. “I will not allow any of my department heads or anyone associated with this city to cooperate in any way shape or form,” Newsom declared. “We are a sanctuary city, make no mistake about it.”

Meanwhile, Mexican dug cartels continue their campaign to setup local businesses to launder money and fund campaigns for mayoral and city council seats for the purposes of shaping policies and personnel decisions of local law enforcement. One Los Angeles subrub has become so corrupt that they fired their entire police force.

Richard Valdemar, a retired sergeant with the L.A. County sheriff’s, says, “In the typical scenario, a wealthy Mexican immigrant opens a business in a small town. It could be a very nice Mexican restaurant. He’s well-dressed, speaks English, seemingly a real gentleman. He gets involved in the community. His business welcomes police officers with discounts. He makes friends with city officials and other businessmen. No one has any idea where his money comes from – the Mexican drug cartels.”[1]

Valdemar has sited corruption by Mexican cartels in seven LA county cities: Southgate, Lynwood, Bell, Bell Gardens, Cudahy, Hawaiian Gardens and Huntington Park. He says that once these local businesses are setup and the necessary political connections made, the business owner throws there support behind several political candidates for the purpose of controlling the majority of political offices for his hand picked operatives, a technique these drug cartels perfected in Mexico. Federal and state law enforcement agency have had little success prosecuting corruption in the affected cities because of the wealth and poltical ties of those involved.

As Teddy Roosevelt once said, “by [these policies] we have failed to impress upon the immigrant and upon the native-born as well that they are expected to do justice as well as to receive justice, that they are expected to be heartily and actively and single-mindedly loyal to the flag no less than to benefit by living under it.”

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate

The Bastardization of Our Identities

26 04 2007

Cross posted from   The Peoples Patriot

Document forgery is a multi million dollar industry.Let’s face it our identities as American citizens boil down to essentially two or three documents. Our social security number, birth certificate and drivers license. Sure there are also passports and other forms of ID but in real life, at least as we know it for now, it’s social security number, birth certificate and/or drivers license.

Even though it’s not a form of ID in and of itself, arguably social security numbers are probably the most important form of identification for American citizens. A social security number allows you to work, earn money, apply for credit as well as qualify for social and retirement benefits to name a few. Social security numbers also allow us to file income taxes. It’s important to note that social security numbers aren’t issued by the IRS, rather they are issued by the the Social Security Administration. It’s also of interest to note that they consist of nine digits.

Illegal aliens cannot obtain a social security number legally. They lack the underlying document requirements necessary to get one. That doesn’t mean they can’t get them anyway. Often times they will buy social security numbers/cards, drivers licenses and immigration papers from a document forger. Document forgery is a booming business with 30 million potential customers just waiting their turn to buy in.

One such operation, doing the business that Americans won’t do, was shut down by federal authorities yesterday. The forgery business uncovered in Chicago, was kicking out 15,000 bogus documents per year. It was estimated that the “business” was in operation for four years before being shut down.

Take a look at the kind of money that this one operation was generating.

“The document dealers employed illegal immigrants to sell fake driver’s licenses, green cards and Social Security numbers in the parking lot of a mall in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood, court papers say. The sellers, as many as 20 at a time, worked in shifts, selling documents from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. for $200 to $300 for a set. The operation sold 50 to 100 document sets per day, the indictment says.

Prosecutors say the business netted between $2 million and $3 million a year and had been in operation at least four years.”

This is just one illegal enterprise operating in just one major city. Multiply this by cities and towns across the nation and you have mass fraud on the scale of tsunami. Not only does this allow illegal aliens to function in the country, often times leading to fraudulent access to tax payer paid social benefits, it also can have a profound affect on the lives of those whose identity has been stolen.

If this scenario isn’t bad enough, there are those in our government and government agencies themselves, who aid and abet in the process. Here is what United States Congressman Luis Gutierrez said about the raid that closed down the multi million dollar and multi national illegal enterprise.

“U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., who represents the community where the raid took place, called it “an outrage and completely excessive.”

“It only served to frighten and intimidate a vulnerable community and to drive a wedge between law enforcement and immigrants,” Gutierrez said in a statement.”

To him it’s more important to not frighten an community made up of illegal aliens than to protect the American people’s identities and the nation’s identity infrastructure. But the corruption goes deeper than that.

The father of Chicago Alderman, Ricardo Munoz owned one of the stores where the photos for the fake documents were taken.

“Inside the mall, the buyers of the fake IDs often got their photos taken at a store owned by the father of Ald. Ricardo Munoz (22nd). Munoz’s father wasn’t charged, but a federal complaint says undercover agents bought fake IDs inside the store four times.”

Adding to the aiding, abetting and advocating on the part of prominent politicians, are the policies of government agencies themselves.

Earlier I alluded to the fact that social security numbers are nine digits and issued by the Social Security Administration. To obfuscate social security identity, the IRS in its infinite wisdom issues ITIN’s or Individual Tax Identification Numbers to illegal aliens as well as legitimate individuals.

Instead of making these identification numbers unique in comparison to social security numbers, the ITIN’s are also nine digits. This makes it difficult or impossible for the average guy to differentiate between a social security number from an ITIN. This undoubtedly leads to fraudulent use of the ITIN. Which would include using the ITIN as identification or for the purpose of proving work eligiblity. Both uses of the ITIN are prohibited and it says so on the site.

However, how serious is the IRS and Social Security Administration about identification integrity when “no match” violations are rarely if ever investigated and prosecuted? They won’t even report these violations to Homeland Security for their follow up. No my friends, it’s don’t ask, don’t tell. This dereliction of duty directly undermines national and personal security. It’s almost like a wink and a nod in the context of allowing identity fraud and theft.

I have seen first hand, how identity theft can affect peoples lives. I have had clients denied for mortgages and other credit because of fraudulent use of their social security numbers. It also affects their ability to rent apartments, get some types of jobs and even affects their ability to buy auto and homeowners insurance. When identities are impaired due to theft or fraud, the personal impact is enormous.

Should identity theft or fraud happen to you, don’t expect help from the government or the businesses you deal with. The Social Security Administration and the IRS will not inform you of any impropriety with regard to your social security identity. You are on your own which is why the credit reporting agencies have been successful in marketing credit monitoring programs to the masses.

The police are reluctant to help because identity crimes are often not prosecuted. My co-worker had her purse stolen from our office. It took a call to the Mayor to get two detectives to investigate her plight. Even though the thief tried to use her credit cards fraudulently, my co-worker could not press charges. The credit card company has to press the charges as the fraudulent use of the card is considered a crime against the creditor and not the individual. How much sense does that make?

Our identities are being stolen, compromised and bastardized thanks to the system, government agencies, business, pandering politicians as well as the criminals themselves. All this to the detriment of national and personal security.

As long as Wall Street is breaking records, businesses are turning profits and paying off our politicians, you can expect no change in the very perilous status quo.

Chalk this up to yet another ravaging affect of illegal immigration. What are we to do when those who are elected and/or paid to protect us and our country refuse to do so

Other Patriotic Posts from CAII MembersStiknstein’s Still Holding Their Feet to the Fire

Illegal Aliens Must Go
“Family Values” Don’t Stop at Rio Grande? What About Abortion, Duyba?

GA Crime Watch
Georgia Colleges Want to Hear From You

Bear Creek LedgerRep Boehner’s Feet Held to the Fire

The Uncooperative Blogger’s Agents: No confidence in border chief and Illegal Aliens Get Tax Refunds!

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Exempt Spanish-speaking from Border Security, Immigration Laws?

26 04 2007

Cross posted from    Illegal Aliens Must Go

By John W. Lillpop

In a February, 2006 USATODAY commentary about illegal immigration (see link below), Marisa Trevino writes “…to date, no Spanish-speaking illegal immigrant has been jailed for being a terrorist.

Although her point is somewhat vague, Trevino seems to be saying, “Spanish-speaking illegal immigrants are not from the middle east, and are, therefore not terrorist threats.”

A defense based on reverse profiling, if you will. Not unlike some of the inane arguments made by our clueless president!

However, after 9/11, it is simply not in the best interests of America to allow anyone who wishes to invade America to do so, even if they are Spanish-speaking.

Why are people like Trevino unable, or unwilling, to accept that the fact that the US is a sovereign nation whose borders and immigration laws must be respected, even by Spanish-speaking folks, especially when America is at war?

Is this Hispanic racism?

Trevino goes on to question why Americans should fear illegal immigrants ” whose sole intent is to improve their quality of life?”

Of course, the obvious answer is that until an individual has undergone a background check and all of the procedures attendant to LEGAL immigration, “sole intent” is completely unknown.

Even if the individual happens to be Spanish-speaking.

Further, unlawful invaders wreak havoc upon America’s educational, health care and other vital institutions. Hospitals and medical clinics have been forced to close because they are required to serve those who have no health insurance or the means to pay for services received.

State governments are forced to turn to the federal government (US taxpayers) to meet the soaring costs associated with incarcerating illegal immigrants.

By the way of apt analogy, bank robbers (those engaged in undocumented withdrawals if you prefer) steal from others solely to improve the quality of their lives.

Intent is irrelevant: Crime is crime, and unlawful migrants cost US taxpayers scores of billions each year.

America is the most prosperous and advanced society in human history, whereas illegal immigrants crossing our southern border are mostly from third-world countries. Unlawful migrants must not be permitted to drag America into the abyss of third-world existence.

In order to prevail in the War on Terror, America must recognize that the war starts at the US-Mexico border. Secure borders, rigid enforcement of immigration laws, including deportation of illegal immigrants already here, are essential.

Regardless of how inconvenient that may be to the Spanish-speaking.


This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration

If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

America’s Future: Will Cheap Fruit Trump Rule of Law?

26 04 2007

Cross posted from Illegal Aliens must go;lory.gif

by John W. Lillpop

As America’s war on terror president, George W. Bush is perfectly right to be obsessed with homeland security as a means for combating terrorism.

Unfortunately, the president’s concern applies only to borders in Iraq and Afghanistan, but not here at home.

Although the president has ordered more than one hundred fifty thousand (and counting) American men and women to serve in harm’s way 10,000 miles from home, and has spent nearly one half trillion dollars of taxpayer money on the war, he refuses to secure America’s borders and to enforce U.S. immigration laws.

The Bush position on illegal aliens seems to be based on the following dangerously naive assumptions:

* Only “good hearted, hard working” people cross U.S. borders illegally, and they come only to do work that Americans will not do;

* Illegal aliens share values observed by most Americans: Family values do not stop at the Rio Grande; and

* U.S. borders cannot be secured until a guest-worker program is adopted to relieve “pressure” at the border.

But how can the president, or anyone concerned with the health and welfare of the American public, advocate on behalf of millions of unknown illegal aliens without the requisite health, background, credit, and criminal checks that must be confronted by those seeking legal entry?

Does this president really believe that non-American Latinos wishing to enter the U.S. should be allowed to do so, at their own discretion and without approval of the government?

Has there ever been a more blatant example of racial profiling?

It is almost as though George W. Bush has forgotten that 9/11 even happened.

It is as though George W. Bush believes that not a single terrorist or potential terrorist has entered America via our unprotected southern border.

Because President Bush refuses to live up to his constitutional responsibility to protect and defend America, even during a time of war, our nation has been invaded by 12-30 million uneducated, third world, non-English speaking criminals.

Our naive president blithely refers to illegal aliens as “good hearted, hard working” folks who come to America only in search of a better life, but the facts do not support those unsubstantiated beliefs.

Wasted Lives

As documented in a report by Joseph Farah dated November 28, 2006 and titled “Illegal Aliens Murder 12 Americans Daily,” illegal aliens murder an average of 4,380 Americans each year.

In other words, illegal aliens have murdered approximately 21,900 Americans since 9/11. More than seven times the number of Americans who died on that fateful day.

And that does not include the 4,750 Americans killed by drunken illegal aliens every year! That adds up to another 23,725 “wasted lives,” since 9/11.

Go here:
http://www.worldnet news/article. asp?ARTICLE_ ID=53103

Los Angles: Illegal Alien and Crime Capitol of America

Some startling facts and figures from the Los Angeles Times and other news outlets should cause any sane person to question the president’s judgment when it comes to illegal aliens from Mexico.

For example:

* 40% of workers in Los Angeles County work for cash and pay no taxes, because they are predominantly illegal aliens without green cards.

* 95% of murder warrants issued in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

* 75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

* Over 67% of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal aliens.
(Mexican births paid for by U.S. taxpayers.)

* Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are here illegally.

* Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

* 50% of gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border, according to FBI reports.

* 60% of all occupants in HUD properties are illegal aliens.

* 21 radio stations in Los Angeles are Spanish-language.

* In Los Angeles County, 5.1 million people speak English, while
3.9 million speak Spanish.

* Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.

* In 1997, the net cost of immigration to American taxpayers was $70 billion. The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services received) for the average adult Mexican immigrant is a negative number.

* 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

It is well past time for America’s elected officials to forsake their illogical concern for illegal aliens, and to focus instead on protecting the interests of the American people as required by the U.S. Constitution.

Illegal Aliens Share American Values?

Although the president is fond of saying that illegal aliens share American values, the exact opposite is true.

Most Americans are not criminals who cross borders illegally and steal public services to which they are not entitled. ALL illegal aliens are!

Americans value the great English language–illegal aliens generally refuse to learn English.

As to the president’s mindless prattle about “Family Values,” three recent stories contradict that foolishness rather emphatically.

Bob Clark directed one of the warmest and most enjoyed Christmas films in American history.

“A Christmas Story” became standard holiday fare along with “Scrooge,” “It’s a Wonderful Life,” and all of the other great American traditions that make Christmas the most wonderful time of the year.

Unfortunately for Clark and his 22-year-old son, Ariel Hanrath-Clark, their lives were snuffed out by a drunken driver on the Pacific Coast Highway in California on April 4.

Hector Velazquez-Nava, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, and will be booked for manslaughter once he is released from the hospital.

And, yes, Velazquez-Nava is an illegal alien.

He is a low-life, third-world scumbag who should not even be in America, must less driving drunk and killing American legends.

When will people like President Bush open their eyes to the truth about illegal aliens?

Then, take the case of Albert Vidal Torres, of Ontario, California. This shining example of “Family Values” has been charged with sprinkling glass and other debris into Chinese vegetable dumplings that were shipped to markets throughout California.

Prosecutors also believe that Torres contaminated the dumplings with seeds, pebbles, and spit. Torres must have left his “Family Values,” if he ever had any, at the Rio Grande.

And, yes, Albert Vidal Torres, is an illegal alien. This Third World monster should not have even been in the United States to begin with.

Then we have the story of Jason Okon, a three-year Army veteran who was awarded a Bronze Star for valor in Iraq. This genuine American hero recently returned from Iraq and was in the process of making a new life for himself.

Okon’s plans for pursuing the American Dream were abruptly halted by
Armando Martinez-Lozano. According to Okon’s wife, Jason was doing some yard work when Martinez-Lozano approached Jason with a knife and said something to him in Spanish.

When Okon told Martinez-Lozano to leave, the other man allegedly stabbed Okon in the stomach and ran away. Okon was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital, where he remains in the intensive care unit. He is comatose and on a ventilator.

Martinez-Lozano was arrested by police and jailed on charges of aggravated assault against Okon and the three officers who arrested him.

As withVelazquez-

Nava and Torres, Armando Martinez-Lozano is an illegal alien.

Yet another third world thug who was able to assault an American hero because George W. Bush does not want to apply too much “pressure” on our borders.

Hector Velazquez-Nava, Albert Vidal Torres, and Armando Martinez-Lozano are not statistical aberrations. In fact, as noted earlier illegal aliens kill 25 Americans a day through murders, drunken driving, and other violent crimes.

Illegal aliens are “good hearted, hard working” folks whose “Family Values” are as American as baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie. Right?

Perhaps our president needs to educate himself as to the likes of Hector Velazquez-Nava, Albert Vidal Torres, and Armando Martinez-Lozano.

Or does George W. Bush just not care?

From Baghdad to Arizona: Borders DO Matter!

Iraqi officials have apparently learned something that seems beyond the grasp of President Bush.

Specifically, Lt. Gen. Abboud Gambar, Iraqi commander of Baghdad security, has announced that Iraq would close its borders with Syria and Iran.

What a concept!

Imagine that, actually taking action to keep enemies out during time of war. This could actually mean that Iraq is finally getting serious about defeating the insurgents, thereby bringing some civility to this hellhole.

But what about a guest worker program, Lt. Gen.? Don’t you know that by putting too much “pressure ” on the border, you will only exacerbate the inflow of enemies into your nation?

At least that is the theory of America’s great intellect and war strategerist, George W. Bush.

Of course, the “Bush Doctrine” has lead to America being inundated with 30 million peasants from the third world, but remember, “Family Values do not stop at the border.”

And like the third world criminals who have invaded America, the Syrian and Iranian thugs headed to Iraq are probably “good hearted, hard working” insurgents– once you get to know them.

Here is more free, but invaluable, advise from the bully pulpit of George W. Bush:

Rather than securing your borders, why not create a guest worker program for all insurgents now in Iraq, and establish a program that allows insurgents in-waiting from Syria and Iran to come as guest workers?

Mind you, this is NOT amnesty! Never, ever, use the word amnesty when Bush double-talk will do.

Complete the Bushwacking of Iraq by giving all insurgents free education, health care, housing, food, and a path to immediate citizenship.

In short order, there will be more insurgents than Iraqi citizens in Iraq, but at least they will all be fed, educated, and healthy!

Too Old to Remember 1986?

A misguided blogger has cluttered cyberspace with views in support of President Bush and illegal aliens.

His articles are immediately recognizable because he uses Barbra Streisand as his spell check guru. With predicttabkle reessultgs!

This old man, who shall remain unnamed, has pontificated on and on about what Native American Indians faced when the pilgrims invaded Plymouth Rock in the 1600s.

His blathering can be modestly entertaining, unless one has a radio, a telephone, or indoor plumbing.

In the interest of spreading truth and wisdom, I often try to remind this misinformed codger that we are living in 2007, not 1607, and that America is not an unsettled continent.

Furthermore, the United States has absolutely no obligation to honor any psychotic notions that illegal aliens may have concerning their Manifest Destiny or retaking (Reconquesta) of the American Southwest.

The realities of 2007 are quite clear: America is a sovereign nation with defined, established borders. We operate under the rule of law, including procedures that those who wish to migrate here must follow.

Americans welcome newcomers with open arms, provided that those who wish to join us do so in a logical, orderly and lawful manner, AND provided that the aspiring residents will make America better.

Invading across our borders illegally, ignoring our laws, stealing public services, refusing to learn English, and demanding immediate access to the American Dream are not traits one would expect to find in those who would improve America.

This is true whether one is brown, black, yellow, lily-white, red, or an exotic hybrid of lavender and green.

That is the way immigration works in 2007, and it is not open to negotiation just because one can operate a leaf blower or clean toilets.

The United States is hardly alone in this civilized approach to borders and immigration laws. Indeed, I suggest that my open borders opponent try to sneak into Mexico illegally, and see how tolerant Mexicans are when it comes to illegal aliens.

In addition, although I can not be certain, my guess is that if this was 1607, Native Americans would not look kindly on 30 million illegal aliens invading their land and otherwise plundering their assets.

My blogging buddy also advocates a form of amnesty so that we can secure the borders and move on. In other words, this is last 30 million to get amnesty!

In 1986, the U.S. tried that approach. About three million illegal aliens were granted amnesty and tough new laws were codified to prevent future invasions.

Now, 30 million illegal aliens later, we have the same problem, but much larger and, because of the threat of terrorism, far more dangerous.

Amnesty will never work, because it is serves as an incentive to those still in Mexico.

The 1986 experience proves that we need militarized borders and merciless enforcement of our laws, including mass deportations.

But perhaps my cyberspace competitor is too old to remember 1986?

Illegal Aliens Are NOT Immigrants!

Those arguing on behalf of illegal aliens and their rights
often play word games in appealing to the pride of real Americans.

“Immigrants Built America” and “We are all Immigrants” are popular slogans at pro-illegal alien protests and in jargon used by those who favor open borders, regardless of the impact on America’s homeland security, economy, or culture.

What the anti rule-of-law crowd omits is the crucial word “legal,” as in “legal immigrants.” While it is true that we are all descendants of immigrants, it is not true that our forefathers came to America illegally.

America was not built by illegal aliens!

Migrating to America legally is, and should be, a long, drawn-out procedure meant to protect the interests of American citizens. It involves more than simply jumping a fence and heading north in pursuit of free health care, education, food stamps, and other handouts paid for by U.S. taxpayers.

Legal immigration means enduring rigorous hurdles like background checks to detect a criminal background or possible ties to terrorists.

It means medical examinations to detect diseases still prevalent in third-world nations, but long since eradicated here.

It means proof of financial solvency so as to prevent newcomers from becoming a burden on U.S. taxpayers, and

It means passing tests for knowledge of American history and English skills.

Those who have jumped the fence into America in order to avoid our immigration checks are not immigrants.

Rather, they are illegal aliens, with no claim whatsoever to the welcome mat extended to legal immigrants.

Such people do not deserve recognition or sanction by the United States, and should be rounded up and deported as soon as possible, without exception.

Another word game played by pro-illegal aliens is to call these miscreants “undocumented.” The implication of this term is that the invaders are simply missing a piece of paper or two, probably some unnecessary bureaucratic red tape designed to keep brown people out.

In truth, illegal aliens have invaded our nation, leaving America vulnerable to undetected crime, terrorism, disease, and financial devastation at the hands of people with no legal or moral justification for being here.

Do not be fooled by word games and euphemistic cover-ups.

People here illegally are illegal aliens. Period!

America Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Reform!

With all due respect to President Bush and his Mexican handlers and underwriters, America does NOT need immigration reform, comprehensive or otherwise.

What this nation desperately needs is a President and Congress that will apply due diligence on behalf of America, rather than working solely for huge U.S. corporations, illegal aliens, and the Mexican government.

In other words, Mr. Bush, you can solve the immigration nightmare overnight by simply living up to your constitutional responsibility to defend America “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Or to put it more succinctly, Mr. President, secure our borders and enforce existing immigration laws. Period!

Forget about “comprehensive” reform, which is nothing more than code-speak for amnesty.

The president is reportedly a student of history. Perhaps he would benefit by boning up on recent immigration history.


In 1986, the United States adopted the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) (Simpson-Mazzoli Act, IRCA, and Pub. L. 99-603, Nov. 6, 1986, 100 Stat. 3359).

IRCA was enacted to reduce illegal immigration, which was a problem for the American economy. Three million illegal aliens were granted amnesty as a result of IRCA.

The new law would have worked–if it had been enforced. Unfortunately, both Democrat and Republican administrations have failed (refused?) to enforce the IRCA.

As a result, twenty years later America is saddled with upwards of an additional 30 million illegal aliens.

Most distressing is the fact that the “surge” from south of the border continues unabated, in spite of 9/11 and the threat posed by terrorists.

Apparently the president would have the American people believe that securing the borders 8,000 miles from home is vital to U.S. homeland security, but that securing our own borders is not vital.

And how can that be, Mr. President?

Is it because, in your mind, illegal aliens are “good hearted, hard working folks” simply looking for a better life?

And does that description also apply to the scores of millions of third-world peasants still in Mexico and other Latin nations, thinking of heading north to America?

All are good hearted and hard working? Without a single Jihad, or potential terrorist, in their midst?

The 1986-amnesty disaster proves that America needs secured borders and rigid enforcement of our laws.

Or, to put the issue in terms even most illegal aliens could understand:

America don’t need no stinkin’ reform!

Why is it Impossible to Deport Illegal Aliens, Mr. Bush?

President Bush has undertaken the onerous task of converting Muslim dictatorships and theocracies in the Middle East into enlightened democracies.

The president apparently believes that America can, and should, determine the form of government that billions of Muslims live under.

But while our commander-in- chief is downright eager to impose American ideology on billions of Muslims in nations thousands of miles removed from our shores, he is downright squeamish when it comes to defending America’s own borders and enforcing our immigration laws.

Most distressing is Bush’s assertion that deportation of millions of illegal aliens is “impossible.”

How in the world can it be impossible for the most powerful and technologically advanced nation in the world to remove criminals who have invaded our nation at time of war?

Surely the greatest hope for the civilized world in the global “war on terror” is not helpless when it comes to criminals inside its own borders? Some of who are most likely terrorists?

If America is really that impotent, Osama bin Laden and other Islamofascists will see that as great news, and a source of inspiration for continuing their Jihad on the civilized world.

Moreover, if America is unable, or unwilling, to control who enters and who stays here, victory for terrorism and world domination by Islamic extremists are all but assured.

Is that really the message you wish to convey to the world, Mr. President?

The great-unanswered question in all of this is:

Why does President Bush always act on behalf of illegal aliens, rather than America?

Why does he arrogantly and foolishly deny the truth?

Namely, illegal aliens:

* Feed at the public trough for health care, education, food, housing and other vital services to which they were not entitled.

* Overwhelm American hospitals, medical clinics, and emergency rooms and refuse to pay for medical services received.

* Force medical facilities into bankruptcy, resulting in the loss of vital medical services for American citizens.

* Manage to send $30-40 billion a year back to Mexico while dumping their medical bills on the backs on U.S. taxpayers.

* Refuse to learn English, and demand that America provide services in Spanish at considerable cost to American citizens.

* Impede the education of American children because of language and cultural issues.

* Demand drivers licenses despite being in America illegally, and demand that driver instruction and testing materials be in Spanish.

* Demand reduced tuition rates offered to American students here legally.

* Vote in U.S. elections and alter election results.

* Overwhelm America’s penal system, making it impossible to deal effectively with the citizen inmate population.

* Engage in wholesale forgery of vital public documents and commit identity theft in order to secure employment, education, credit, and access to public services.

* Take to the streets to protest pending legislation that would tighten border security and enforce the nation’s immigration laws

* Wave the Mexican flag and scream “Yes, we can” and “We are America” in Spanish as they march to protest the rule of law in America

* Cry “racism” every time they are criticized for being in America illegally or challenged to learn English and assimilate into American society.

In other words, this corrupt bunch of third-world bandits is under the misguided notion that America has no sovereign rights or borders, and that our great nation should be open to every Mexican peasant that decides unilaterally to squat in America.

And the government of Mexico has violated the sovereignty and borders of America by encouraging millions of illiterate peasants to invade America.

Again, the unanswered question: Why does U.S. President George W. Bush consistently side with Mexico and illegal aliens, instead of fighting on behalf of Americans?

Do NOT Break Up Families: Deport Them All, Including Anchor babies!

Illegal aliens who scheme to have anchor babies born in America just to avoid justice (through deportation) are among the most despicable criminals in our midst.

Only Democrat and RINO politicians are less honorable.

By callously manipulating infants for personal gain, illegal aliens clearly lack the moral values and judgment essential to being good Americans. Unless one is planning on becoming a Democrat politician.

Moreover, the presence of anchor babies gives weak-minded knot heads who favor open borders and non-enforcement of immigration laws a lame excuse for doing nothing.

Again, infants are manipulated for political purposes by those who scream “We cannot split families,” when arguing against deportation.

However, that argument is embarrassingly specious.

To begin with, illegal aliens willfully abandon family when they leave their nation of origin, usually Mexico, in order to invade America!

Apparently, “Family” is trumped by dinero when deciding whether or not to jump a fence to pursue the mother lode, AKA free public services, in America!

Secondly, deportation decisions cannot be based on whether or not the offending criminal has a family.

Consider a parallel: Illegal aliens are like bank robbers–they steal property belonging to others. However, when an American citizen is found guilty of robbing a bank, does the presiding judge decide against prison because of concern about separating the criminal from family?

Of course not!

Criminals are criminals, and should be dealt with according to the law, especially when it comes to illegal aliens.

Third: Who says that the illegal alien family has to be split? For illegal aliens with children under 18, it should be mandatory that the entire family be deported!

In fact, because they are the most burdensome to American taxpayers, deporting such families should be the greatest priority of our federal government.

In other words, Pancho, get the hell out and take your moochachoo brats with you!

Finally, instead of trying to rip-off the government with demands for lavish air travel, Speaker Pelosi should work with other Twinkies like Senator Harry Reid to close the anchor baby loophole with respect to children of illegal aliens.

Mr. President, Members of Congress: Americans Are FED UP!

As required by the U.S. Constitution, President Bush delivered the “State of the Union” speech in January. The Bush speech was annunciated in Texan–that is, pidgin English with a drawl.

After the president had spoken, the Democrats responded, in both English and Spanish.

The president and the Democrats focused on what politicians wanted Americans to think, rather than the actual state of the union.

For a change, our politicians need to hear the State of the Union from the perspective of an ordinary American citizen.

This citizen proposes the following response:

Mr. President, members of Congress:

The state of this union is: In grave peril and in danger of collapse!

Due to inappropriate actions and or inaction on the part of those entrusted with managing this great nation–that would be YOU, ladies and gentlemen–the United States of America is on the brink of declining into a third-world cesspool.

It is imperative that our government recognize the fact that we the people are FED UP with the attempt to undermine American sovereignty, homeland security, and culture.

In short, we the people are:

FED UP with plans to merge the United States into a North American alliance with Canada and Mexico. Such a plan would destroy American sovereignty and is totally unacceptable.

FED UP with the refusal of the federal government to secure our borders at time of war.

FED UP when armed Mexicans illegally cross our borders and assault Americans, yet our government takes no action, and refuses to even protest.

FED UP when Americans defending the U.S. from drug smuggling illegal aliens are sent to federal prison, while invading criminals are to be forgiven via amnesty for violating our borders and laws.

with the fact that upwards of 30 million illegal aliens are currently in America, and cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars every year.

FED UP with a president who orders thousands of young Americans into harm’s way thousands of miles from home, but who refuses to secure America.

FED UP with politicians who refuse to enforce immigration laws and who claim it is “impossible” to deport criminals here illegally.

FED UP with illegal aliens who can not and/or will not speak English.

FED UP with taxpayer dollars being wasted to print documents in foreign languages.

FED UP with illegal aliens who dump their medical bills on the backs of U.S. taxpayers, but who send $30-40 billion a year back to Mexico each year.

FED UP with the fact that providing free medical services to illegal aliens drives hospitals out of business, making those facilities unavailable to American citizens for whom the medical centers were intended.

FED UP with our schools being invaded by non-English speaking children who impede the learning process of students who genuinely belong here.

FED UP with the fact that federal, state, and local penal systems are overrun by illegal aliens, again costing taxpayers billions each year.

FED UP with the fact that, on average, illegal aliens kill 12 Americans every day.

FED UP with the fact that the overwhelming majority of felony crimes being investigated in Los Angeles have been committed by illegals from Mexico.

FED UP with politicians who refuse to round up and deport millions of illegal aliens who are destroying American culture and language.

FED UP with politicians who pamper illegal aliens with driver’s licenses and free public services, which encourage even more invaders to come to America.

FED UP with the attempted Mexicanization of America. Mexico is a third- world slum, and we are FED UP with those who want America to be like Mexico!

Finally, Mr. President and members of the U.S. Congress, we the people are FED UP with those who consistently work on behalf of illegal aliens and the state of Mexico, and against the interests of the American people!

Please do not underestimate the dissatisfaction and rage swelling in the hearts of patriotic Americans on this vital issue.

The state of this union is untenable and must not continue as is!

We the people DEMAND our great country back!

Open Letter To President Bush, Members of Congress: Immigration Reform

Mr. President, Honorable Members of Congress:

Because our government has refused to secure America’s borders and enforce our immigration laws, our nation is struggling to deal with 12-30 million illegal aliens who have entered this great nation unlawfully.

Many are good-hearted, hard working folks, simply looking for a better life.

However, that description also applies to scores of millions of others throughout the world, just as eager, and just as deserving, for a chance at the American Dream.

But while America is overwhelmed with illegal aliens who have willfully violated our borders and laws, people in other parts of the world are ordered to stand in line, wait their turn, and do that which is required for legal immigration.

We tell such hopefuls that America operates in accordance with the rule of law, and that their immigration wishes must be handled fairly, according to law.

Many of those waiting in line are highly educated and well trained.

Unfortunately, the same can not be said for most illegal aliens currently in America.

Predominately from third-world Latin nations, they are typically non-English speaking, unskilled and poor. Such people impose extraordinary burdens on our all-ready stressed education, health care, and legal systems, and cost American taxpayers hundreds of billions each year.

In addition, while young American men and women are sent to serve in harm’s way in Afghanistan and Iraq, our own borders remain unsecured, making America vulnerable to further terrorist attacks.

Failure to secure the home front during time of war can only be seen as a mockery of the American lives and treasury sacrificed to secure freedom in foreign lands 10,000 miles from home.

Americans are well aware of the fact that immigration is the subject of intense debate in the hallowed halls of congress. We also hear that some legislative proposals would actually forgive those who have broken into America in defiance of our borders and laws.

In Washington parlance, the euphemism is “Guest Worker” Program.

Guest worker is understood by everyone to be “amnesty,” and is totally unacceptable to a large majority of the American people.

To reward those who are here illegally would only serve to invite another 30 million or so to invade, and would be an unmitigated outrage.

At some point, our government (you) must decide that America is a sovereign nation with borders and laws that really mean something.

Again: Guest worker is amnesty and is totally unacceptable.

A sensible approach to immigration reform should incorporate the ideas offered below:

Employers Must Be Forced to Follow the Law

Businesses that employ illegal aliens represent a major threat to U.S. homeland security and the war on terror. Such businesses must be punished to the full extent of the law, including severe criminal sanctions against management.

Deportations Essential

America can no longer tolerate a policy whereby the immigrant decides unilaterally to invade America—and gets away with it!

The U.S. government must have total control over who enters the nation, where they will reside, for what purpose authorized, and date by which that individual must leave.

No reform scenario should sanction illegals currently here. Intelligent reform should require that every illegal alien be deported.

Use Military Force to Secure Borders

Our borders must be secured by sufficient military troops and or national guardsmen authorized to use force (including lethal) as needed to prevent illegal entry into the U.S.

Temporary Work Permit (TWP)

A worker in a foreign nation wishing to APPLY for a TWP should be allowed to do so, PROVIDED he/she has not been in America unlawfully within the last five years.

Other conditions

An American employer seeking services from a foreign worker should, in effect, sponsor the worker. That means assuring there is NO burden to the community by way of health care costs,
education, crime, and the like.

Employers may chose to form cooperatives to purchase health insurance at group rates. However, any and all costs of such coverage should be absorbed by employers, not taxpayers.

A TWP should authorize a term of not greater than 18 months, and pertain only to the worker.(A worker’s family could cost U.S. taxpayers substantially for health care, educational and legal services systems, thereby mitigating any benefit realized by employing the worker.)

No worker on a TWP must be allowed to parent an �anchor baby.” Existing U.S. laws conferring citizenship on those born to illegal aliens must be changed, retroactively.

Criminal behavior of any sort, even a misdemeanor, should require immediate deportation of the worker.

All of the worker’s income should be subject to tax withholding according to procedures administered by employers.

The worker should acknowledge, in writing, his/her understanding and agreement that the TWP has a limited, non-extendable term, and that it confers no other benefits such as driver�s license, social welfare, in-state tuition breaks, or citizenship.

Employers must assure that the worker leaves the U.S. before expiration of the TWP. Any violations should cause the employer to be severely punished.

The labor needs of American business can be satisfied without jeopardizing homeland security or the economic and cultural stability of the American people.

However, we must secure the borders permanently, force employers to obey the law, deport those here illegally, and stop making it so easy and attractive for illegal immigrants to invade America.

Any amnesty or “guest worker” proposal is NOT an acceptable alternative.

Trusting each of You to protect and defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, I remain Sincerely Yours,

John W. Lillpop

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration

If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

STILL….Holding Their Feet To the Fire

25 04 2007

Cross posted from StikNstein has no mercy



The time to act is now………..

Americans from near and far have come to the Capitol to speak their minds to the President and Congress about amnesty and guest worker shamnesty. By early afternoon Sunday, over 1000 people had streamed into the Phoenix Park Hotel, two blocks from the steps of Capitol Hill, to sign up for a week long protest – “Hold Their Feet to the Fire” April 21-26.

This is an unprecedented gathering of 40 radio talk hosts, national political bloggers; and an army of citizens who have taken time from their lives and livelihood to face their elected representatives – whom many among them believe have betrayed the nation’s security and future wellbeing in exchange for campaign contribution from employers of cheap and docile illegal alien labor.

This trek to Capitol Hill to demand secure borders and the enforcement of immigration law is the 12 th in an annual series sponsored by former mayor and talk show host Roger Hedgecock of KOGO radio station in San Diego, California. This year’s gathering signals a significant surge on the number of radio talk hosts and organizations taking a leadership role, among them the Federation of American Immigration Reform (, Americans for Legal Immigration (, the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps ( and over 20 more (see

For three days beginning Monday, the combined listenership of 35 radio talk hosts adding up to tens of millions across the nation will be treated to daily report on how their home town elected Congressmen and Senators justify their failure to abide by their oath of office to secure our borders and enforce immigration, tax and identity fraud laws.

Some 500 of the volunteers got an early start by dropping in on a rally organized by D.A. King, President of the Dustin Inman Society (, which is dedicated to a victim of illegal aliens. The gathering at Lafayette Park , across from the Whitehouse, attracted a distinguished list of speakers representing legal immigrant groups, victims of illegal aliens, veterans, victims of the 911 attack at the Twin Towers , Black Americans and many other groups impacted by our government’s addiction to political contributions from illegal alien profiteering.

Monday, April 23 will see the first day when the volunteers fan out through Capitol Hill letting our public servants know what the folk back home think about them and gathering their reports to be broadcasted by the radio show hosts on duty in DC for the duration of Hold Their Feet to the Fire.

You can chime in to lend your support to so many who are making the sacrifice to come to DC. Starting immediately call your Senators and Congressman at the DC office and their local district office. Call many times, call all day long. Do it for your countrymen and women who are here at their own expense. Your calls and faxes will make their voices that much louder. For a list of elected representative and FREE faxes to be sent, visit
Do it right now.


Contact Your Legislator in Washington…………..

We want to make the folks in Washington not only pause and take note, but to fear for their jobs as well.
Send a fax a day FREE from Numbers USA


We all know:

A face to face conversation is best……….

A letter is next………………..

A phone call…………..

A fax……………

An Email……..

Find out your local and State offices for your Representatives…..When you email them in Washington, send a blind carbon copy to their local office. They are less likely to get thousands a day. ……

Better yet give their local or state office a call….Be polite, but firm.

AND… your friends and ask them to act…….better yet, forward this email to them explaining what’s going on and ask them to act too.

These Bloggers are in DC…..Visit their sites for updates

* Diggers Realm
* Hold Their Feet info at..
* Stop the Invasion Blog
* Tony Dolz Blog (MCDC)
* Save Our
* Freedom Folks Blog
* Chapel Hill Blog
* Frosty Woolridge

Participating Groups

H.R.1645 will give amnesty to every illegal alien who has sneaked into America.


COSPONSORS(50) Is your representative here?

US Capitol Switchboard Toll-free Numbers


This is a call to action! Make their phones ring. Keep the messages simple.
“Secure the border”…..”No amnesty”,or anything that pretends to be something else but is amnesty. Our patriots lobbying Congress at this moment are the initial punch.
Our phone calls are the knock out punch against amnesty.

Copy of hammeranvillogo1.jpg

Bear Creek Ledger…..Rep Boehner’s Feet Held to the Fire
Illegal Aliens Must Go……Mexico Is a Foreign Enemy of America!
Georgia Crime Watch….Georgia Colleges Want to Hear From You.
The Uncooperative Blogger…..Agents: No confidence in border chief and Illegal Aliens Get Tax Refunds!

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration

If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Dear God: Please Send Another Teddy Roosevelt

24 04 2007

Cross posted from Illegal Aliens Must go

In 1907, America had an intelligent, articulate, and patriotic president.

100 years later, we are stuck with an inarticulate alcoholic dyslexic chowder head who speaks better Spanish than English, and who believes American sovereignty and homeland security are less important than cheap lettuce!

Face it tribe, George W. Bush is a Mexican mole pretending to care about America.

Read President Teddy Roosevelt’s words below and mourn for the America that we have lost:

Theodore Roosevelt’s ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Every American citizen needs to read this!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Georgia Colleges Want to Hear From You

24 04 2007

Cross posted from   Georgia Crime Watch

Public Invited to Comment on University Tuition Policy for [Illegal]Immigrants

Individuals interested in speaking at any of the four sessions must sign up for a designated three-minute slot on each program. To register, or for more information about the sessions and locations, contact: 1-800-903-0929 or link below.

For more information on illegal immigration and American education, please visit FAIRUS.ORG

Here’s a message from the Georgia MCDC:

Dear Fellow Patriot,

Below is an announcement from the University System of Georgia concerning public hearings on their practice of giving in-state tuition to illegal aliens. Jan Boutwell Gonzalez, an American citizen, has contacted Lawrence Headrick, Northwest GA MCDC Chapter Director about her first hand experience in competing with illegal aliens at Dalton State College. The president of Dalton State College has given in-state tuition to 40 illegal aliens and denied Jan in-state tuition since she had lived as a resident of GA for only 359 days (six days short of the required one year residency requirement). So Jan, a U.S. citizen, has paid 4 times the tuition that an illegal alien must pay. She wants the University System to refund her tuition.

Please plan on attending one or all of the public meetings to voice your support for equal application of our laws. To speak at these meetings, you must sign up in advance for a three minute time slot. The website below has all the details on the four meetings coming up in May 2007.

Our University System wants input on “policy interpretation”, whatever that means. We need to help them interpret their policy of granting in-state tuition to illegal aliens as unlawful. The Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act will be implemented July 1, 2007. Let your voice be heard!

For our Children and Grandchildren,

Todd Walker
Georgia State Director
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps


ILLEGAL ALIENS MUST GO: Why illegal aliens must be licensed to drive

Why illegal aliens invade America

**This was a production of The Coalition
Against Illegal Immigration
(CAII). If you would like to
participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards,
email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you
would like to participate.

Mexico Is a Foreign Enemy of America!

24 04 2007

Cross posted from   Illegal Aliens Must Go

By John W. Lillpop

To: President Bush and Members of the U.S. Congress

Each of you has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution, and to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Your authority to govern We the People is contingent on fulfilling that solemn oath.

You serve at the will of We the People; you have no other claim to power.

The American people intend to hold each of you responsible for meeting the conditions of your oath of office.

Mexico is obviously a foreign nation, and is also a third-world, socialist nation, which because of corruption, greed, and incompetence, is unable to feed, educate, and provide minimal health care to its citizens.

Rather than reforming the political and economic policies that make Mexico a failure, the elitist socialists that govern Mexico have decided to “redistribute” America’s wealth to 12-30 million peasants who have invaded America across the border.

Mexico’s outrageous disregard for American borders and immigration law clearly makes that nation a “foreign enemy.”

The unlawful invasion by Mexican citizens, encouraged by the Mexican government, results in great harm to America’s homeland security, economic and cultural stability, and the rule of law.


Immediate action must be taken to protect the American people from the undeclared war being waged against our interests by Mexico.

The single greatest priority in defending America is to secure the borders. If that means positioning 100,000 or so troops at the border, then so be it.

America must defend its borders against foreign invasion, including use of force if necessary.

Some immigration reform proposals now in congress entertain the notion of “amnesty,” called guest worker in Washington.

All such proposals are unacceptable because they would simply encourage even more illegal aliens to invade America.

We must not reward criminal behavior with foolish amnesty programs!

If illegal aliens are uncomfortable about living in the shadows as second-class citizens,THAT IS NOT THE CONCERN OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!

Illegals are here illegally, and should not be made to feel good about themselves—they are criminals!

Illegal aliens have the option—make that obligation— to go back to Mexico.

Bottom line: Secure our borders NOW, deport those here illegally NOW, and enforce all immigration laws NOW.

Please do not underestimate public passion on this issue!

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration

If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Rep Boehner’s Feet Held to the Fire

24 04 2007

Cross posted from   Bear Creek Ledger

A group of citizens attending the “Hold Their Feet To The Fire” Capitol radio rally were rudely thrown out of House Minority Leader John Boehner’s office.  Sounds like Boehner doesn’t like citizens visiting his office holding him to account.

Congressman John Boehner Throws Out Citizen Lobbyists

The office of Congressman John Boehner, minority leader in the House, threw out the first of our citizen lobbyists that went on Capitol Hill this morning to discuss illegal immigration. Most of the groups went out as five with a leader. The group that consisted of Jeff Liegey and Ed Liegey of Pennsylvania and Scot Toops and Maylene Miller of Ohio just got back about 5 minutes ago and said the staff of Boehner’s office were rude. Maylene said that she went into the office and respectfully requested a discussion on the issue and the office staff told her to stop yelling at them and eventually had them leave.

The group had no trouble at Rep. Duncan Hunters office, they were turned away at Rep. Murtha’s office but the staff was not rude to them.

Check out Hold Their Feet To The Fire for updates on the 3 day event at the capital. Our own Freedom Folks (Blogs for Borders) are also in attendance.

Cross post from the Uncooperative Blogger:


ALIPAC supporters:

This area has been set up for those of us blogging in DC to post written updates, pictures, audio, and video for you. Please help us tell others on the Internet about this effort.

Only Moderators can post new Topics in this area, but you can comment and reply to those posts that will contain the reports, videos, etc…

We also encourage you to monitor the other blogs participating in Blogger Row organized around

These bloggers will be working hard to broadcast out of DC and each one will have different interviews and experiences to share with you.

Here are the links you will need.

Other CAII news:
Rhonda Vincent (Blue Grass singer/award winner) killed by drunk driving illegal alien from Double Barreled Opinions

Agents: No confidence in border chief and Illegal Aliens Get Tax Refunds from Uncooperative Blogger

Tax Refunds for Illegal Aliens? from Illegal Aliens Must Go

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Tax Refunds for Illegal Aliens?

24 04 2007

Cross posted from Illegal Aliens Must Go

Reports indicate that some illegal aliens are actually filing federal income tax returns for 2006.

Speculation is that the invading criminals are trying to establish a record of cooperation with the government so as to cash in on the amnesty surrender expected from the Bush administration and Congress.

It is even reported that our government is issuing tax refunds to these 3rd-world vermin invaders!

The big question: Why is the U.S. Treasury refunding money to criminals who have most likely stolen public services to which they are not entitled?

Why not hold any and all refunds until it is known how much money any illegal alien owes U.S. taxpayers?

Better still, why not report the fools to ICE and deport them now?

Americans here legally but with certain outstanding obligations–unpaid taxes from previous tax years, for example–will be distressed to learn that that expected refund check has been slashed to satisfy all such obligations.

Why in the hell does the United States government make life unbearably miserable for those who belong here, while coddling to invading criminals from the 3rd world?

John Lillpop is a recovering liberal.

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Drunken Illegal Immigrant Kills 21 Year Old Student in Car Crash

24 04 2007

Cross posted from   Double Barreled Opinions

Missouri: On 4/21/2007 in Maryland Heights, MO, a drunken illegal immigrant rear-ended a car stopped at a stoplight, killing one passenger and injuring the other passenger and the driver. The illegal immigrant ran from his car and was found hiding in near by woods 3 hours later, still intoxicated.

Here’s the link to the newspaper article:

I learned of this tragedy from the message board on Rhonda Vincent’s web site ( Rhonda is a bluegrass superstar, 7 times IBMA (International Bluegrass Music Association) Female Vocalist of the year award winner. There was a message posted on Rhonda’s web site by her husband asking for prayers for the family: the father of the girl that was killed was his best man at their wedding 23 years ago. Please say a prayer for this girl’s family.

Then, take action and ask your elected officials to keep this kind of criminal out of our country.

Until next time…

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.

Agents: No confidence in border chief and Illegal Aliens Get Tax Refunds!

23 04 2007

Cross posted from The Uncooperative Blogger 

We have got to do something before this country loses it’s ever fading culture…

From The Washington Times:

The leaders of the U.S. Border Patrol’s rank-and-file agents have unanimously voted a no-confidence resolution against Chief David V. Aguilar, citing, among other things, his willingness to believe the “perjured allegations” of criminal aliens over his own agents.
The resolution won endorsement from all 100 top leaders of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), which represents all 11,000 of the U.S. Border Patrol’s nonsupervisory field agents, and targeted Chief Aguilar’s lack of support for field agents, several of whom have been prosecuted on civil rights grounds involving arrests of illegal aliens and drug-smuggling suspects.
“Front-line Border Patrol agents who risk their lives protecting our borders have every reason to expect that the leadership of their own agency will support them,” T.J. Bonner, NBPC president, told The Washington Times yesterday. “When this does not occur, and instead they are undermined by their so-called leaders, no one should be surprised when they express a loss of confidence in those managers.”
The group will release the resolution to the public today.
The NBPC leadership and rank-and-file agents have criticized the chief for failing to publicly support Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean, convicted in Texas and sentenced to lengthy prison terms for violating the civil rights of a drug-smuggling suspect they shot in the buttocks as he fled back into Mexico after abandoning 743 pounds of marijuana.
Ramos, 37, and Compean, 28, were sentenced to 11 and 12 years in prison, respectively, after shooting Osbaldo Aldrete-Davila, a Mexican national who was located in Mexico by Department of Homeland Security officials and returned to the U.S. under a grant of immunity to testify against the two agents. The agents said they fired at the man after he pointed what they thought was a gun at them.

We have got to keep hammering congress that we DO NOT want a path to citizenship for those here illegally. We must never reward people for coming here defiling our national sovereignty.

Did you know this is a boon year for tax preparers filing tax returns for illegal aliens? How can illegal immigrants file tax returns you ask? Simple the IRS gives Illegal aliens Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) so they can file tax returns! Why would they file tax returns? Simple, with all the talk about amnesty they are trying to create a paper trail showing they are good little illegal aliens. But there is another unexpected benefit to illegal aliens, since they make so little money, they will be getting a REFUND!

It is time for you people to wake up and take back our country!

So what do the Democratic presidential candidates have to say about illegal immigration?

…Democratic candidates remain firmly behind legalization of most illegal aliens. Still, they are almost apologetic as they make their pitches.
“You can be in front of a very, very rabid Democratic crowd, and there will be a lot of people in the room who do not agree with what I just said,” former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina said earlier this month in a speech at the University of New Hampshire as he defended his support for legalization. “The very same people … are strongly against the war and strongly for universal health care. So there is nowhere close to unanimity among Democrats about this issue.”
But all of them support allowing illegal aliens to gain legal status and eventually be eligible for citizenship if they pay back taxes, pay a fine and pass a background check. They also support a proposed guest-worker program that would allow foreign workers to come to the United States and take a path to citizenship. All of them couple that with calls for more border security, and some of them stress the need to crack down on employers as well.
Advisers to several candidates said privately that Mr. Richardson is in a good position to attack the other candidates on their support of building more fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, who are running for the Democratic presidential nomination, voted last year for the Secure Fence Act, which sponsors say mandates 854 miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border. Hispanic and immigrant rights groups argue that the proposed fencing is insulting and probably ineffective.
Mr. Richardson ridicules the idea. “I would not have this stupid wall between Mexico and the United States,” he said.
Richardson campaign spokesman Pahl Shipley said the governor will let his immigration positions be known, but will not use the issue “for meaningless partisan political rhetoric.” He said Mr. Richardson instead will talk about what he supports: increasing the U.S. Border Patrol force, adding technology and working with Mexico.
“He believes the majority of Americans agree with that position and don’t believe that building a fence is the right thing to do. It will not work, and it sends the wrong message — an un-American message,” Mr. Shipley said.
Sen. Christopher J. Dodd, Connecticut Democrat, has been on both sides of the fence issue. He voted against a Senate amendment that would have required a total of 370 miles of border fence and another 500 miles of vehicle barriers, but later voted for the Secure Fence Act.

I know for a fact citizens that are democrats are not united on this issue and many do not want what Edwards stated.

Please call, fax and email your elected cockroaches!

Contact info
Free faxing on illegal immigration

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

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Blogs from DC Hold Their Feet To the Fire Videos and Reports!

23 04 2007

Cross posted from The Uncooperative Blogger:


ALIPAC supporters:

This area has been set up for those of us blogging in DC to post written updates, pictures, audio, and video for you. Please help us tell others on the Internet about this effort.

Only Moderators can post new Topics in this area, but you can comment and reply to those posts that will contain the reports, videos, etc…

We also encourage you to monitor the other blogs participating in Blogger Row organized around

These bloggers will be working hard to broadcast out of DC and each one will have different interviews and experiences to share with you.

Here are the links you will need.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

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Tn Senate passes ‘Employer Responsibility in Hiring Practices Act’

23 04 2007

 Cross posted from    Bear Creek Ledger

Tn Senate Bill 1870 by Sen. Jack Johnson would be a significant step forward in demagnitizing Tn from illegal aliens.

April 20th:

Known as the “Employer Responsibility in Hiring Practices Act”, the bill requires employers to use the Employment Eligibility Verification Basic Pilot Program to ensure that new hires are eligible to legally work in the United States.The program is a web-based system that is operated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

“We are the first state in the nation to require that all employers use the Employment Eligibility Verification Program,” stated Sen. Johnson. “State government must be proactive in providing employers the tools they need to comply with federal immigration laws.”

Under the provisions of the bill, there will be no cost to the employers. If the employer does not have Internet access, they may contact the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development by telephone, mail, or facsimile to verify the employee’s employment eligibility.

Of course the chances of this becoming law are about nil to zilch since the Dhimmicrat controlled House and the Dhimmicrat Governor Bredesen will never approve the bill. At least the Republican Senate is showing Tennesseans what could happen if Republicans could wrestle control from King Jimmy Naifeh.

Other CAII News:
Illegal Immigrant Crime Rampant in Georgia from GA Crime Watch

“Radical Islam…Coming to a Border Near You”
from Demediacratic Nation

IT Field – Another Job Americans Won’t Do from Common Sense America

Facts About Illegal Immigrants? from Undocumented Blogger

U.S. vs. Vargas from GA Crime Watch

The Land of the Free from Common Sense America

Solving the Illegal Immigration Dilemma from The Peoples Patriot

America and Australia swapping asylum seekers from Right Truth

Enough Already! from My Country – My View

Environmental Destruction on the Border from stikNstein

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).
If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn
more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at
what level you would like to participate.