Isolated measles outbreak has Indiana officials on alert

23 06 2011

FYI, just in case you live in Indiana, have relatives there, or are planning to visit there.


State Health Commissioner Dr. Gregory Larkin said his department had dispatched workers to seven nearby counties in northern Indiana to identify any additional cases of the highly contagious disease and to prevent its spread.

The workers have also been given additional doses of the measles vaccine. Individuals who have been exposed to an infected person can obtain the vaccine at no cost, according to a statement released by Larkin’s office.

The article does not go into why there have been these outbreaks. Can you say Illegal Aliens from across the globe and third world hell holes? Being an RN I know that this disease can be more serious for adults than children. Especially pregnant women and women of child bearing age. That is why we wiped it out. And I know there is a movement to not have children vaccinated and I know the pros and cons of that movement, but that will be for a different article. When I was growing up, our parents would just let us get all of these childhood diseases so we would build up our own immunity.
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A plan to take back the Republic

13 06 2011

By Brian Bonner

For those who do not listen to my radio show, I spent 10 years trying to figure out how to get back to the Constitutional Republic given to us by those who created the Constitution, with out bloodshed and this is what I came up with:

We need to take back our local and State governments with true Constitutional Conservatives. I am talking from the school boards, town councils to the Governor of the State. We the people have to get off our backsides and find candidates, convince them to run and help them get elected. We the people have been asleep behind the wheel for too long. Once we achieve this the State re-asserts their Constitutional Sovereignty and tells the federal government we will no longer follow your unconstitutional mandates, give you unconstitutional money, take money from you and we do not care what the courts think. We, the States, created you to serve our needs and not the other way around. There are no “implied powers” in the Constitution. The states purge their courts of those who have served in bad behavior and once enough states are taken back we hold an article 5 convention and make the Constitution CRYSTAL CLEAR, including stating the courts will use natural law as found in Emerich de Vatell’s Law of Nations and place limitations on the courts. We then purge the Federal courts of those who have served in bad behavior and replace them with people who understand the role of the courts is to look at the original intent of the legislators who created the law and apply it to the person or situation in front of them, not re-interpret the law. Now we get rid of all the unconstitutional laws and bureaucracy that were created and phase out all government entitlement programs. Anything we want to keep we have to amend the Constitution to keep them. Like we need the Air Force, but this requires an amendment. This puts the general government back into it’s Constitutional box.

Speaking of the military, no standing army, we have the militia, we the people and the organized militia, the National Guard and the Navy, with Marines, Seals and planes. I would pull ALL our military back home and close all over seas bases. Obviously the Navy would still patrol. Use the National Guard to secure our borders and build the dang fence with gun turrets, unmanned drones, and seismic sensors. The Air Force would have bases here in the USA to protect us.

Now we have our liberty back without a bloody revolution. Sending people to Washington will only slow the train wreck down, they will not and cannot dismantle the federal government from within, but the states have the power.

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We. Are. Finished. With. DC.

6 06 2011

Our hopes and prayers are with this brave band of Americans. Brian and I look forward to talking to Snooper on our radio show; The Uncooperative Radio Show this week.


Update on Mon, June 6, 2011 at 7:11 by Registered CommenterMark “Snooper” Harvey

I am about to enter into a Greasy Spoon in Someplace USA where I will strike up the conversations that I have been talking about to many, many people. Many have said that they will follow me and some said that they will ride with me. This isn’t what this trek is all about. I am Callin’ All the Clans Together and that is all.

My small group is not interested in starting a war with anyone except the marxist-moonbats that do exist. The marxist-moonbats have thrown the first punch and all we are doing is finishing the fight that they started. period.

I started this trek by using the following: Sick and tired – marching towards the Constitution of the United States. This was followed by a meeting with The Men of Laredo. This was followed by this very article that I am updating right now.

We are not here to kill anyone.

We are not here to wound anyone.

We are not here to make anyone happy, either.

We will defend ourselves against the marxist-moonbats should they come and see at least myself because I have no idea what the other 42 are doing. Three of the 42 are bloggers and they just might be writing on this now and you will have to see who they are because I’ll not tell you.

Some are saying that I am a retired undercover and armed CIA man…and I am not. I am armed with the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. I have a copy of Madison’s Notes. I have access to Vattel’s Law of Nations. This is what I am teaching. This is what I am preaching. Period.

So, onwards and upwards and I will update as I feel I must.


PS: I ran out of the 100 copies of the USC so I will have to stop someplace and get some more copies coming and this is what I need the donations for as well as gasoline and food…I am sleeping in no hotels or motels…I have been sleeping in my truck.

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