Don’t Allow Congress To Let E-Verify Die!

19 09 2008

Cross Posted from Conservative Common Man

Thank God for The Heritage Foundation and the alerts they disseminate!

I received an e-mail today which contained links and information
on several topics, but the one that grabbed my attention was the link
to this message from James Jay Carafano, Ph.D. “Time Is Ticking: Congress Must Re-Authorize E-Verify Now.”
It is no surprise that I had no idea that E-Verify is set to expire,
considering how dead set our congress seems to be on ignoring the will
of its constituents!

Congress steps in, on November 30, E-Verify is set to expire. E-Verify
is a system that allows employers to verify electronically whether
their newly hired employees are legally authorized to work in the
United States. E-Verify should be re-authorized.

A Valuable Voluntary Program

Through E-Verify, participating employers can
check the work eligibility status of new personnel they are hiring
through an online service that compares information from an employee’s
I-9 form against Social Security Administration (SSA) and Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) databases. This service is provided free to
employers (though the individual companies must bear the cost of
providing the infrastructure and people to enter the data). So far this
year, E-Verify has processed over 4 million eligibility checks. The
system has proven to be quite effective, and SSA and DHS continue to
work to improve service, reliability, and privacy protections.

Could our members of the
“do-nothing” congress (which would be a good thing if they would also
refrain from doing the things that harm our nation… perhaps “do-nothing
good” congress is more appropriate) be hoping November 30 will come and
go quietly? Could many off them be hoping the attention to the
presidential election will distract an already apathetic electorate? I
would suggest that some of the open borders, flood the labor pool,
amnesty for illegals liberals and RINO’s are indeed hoping this
deadline passes unnoticed by the masses. Of course some of the career
politicians may be too wrapped up in campaigns of their own or of
fellow partisans to be bothered by the work of the people. Obviously no
one expects my senators from Illinois, Barack “Born Alive, Let Them
Die” Obama and the equally worthless Dick Durbin to to their jobs, but
some of the rest of you might be able to get through to yours.

Remember that the next job that goes to an illegal alien might be
the one you previously held. I urge you to call your senators and
representatives! Make your voice heard (and hopefully your senators
aren’t as ridiculously anti-America as mine.) Visit the following links
to find the contact information for your members of our illustriously
incompetent congress:

While you’re at it you might want to let them know
that you aren’t fooled by Nancy Pelosi’s “compromise” energy bill that
only allows off-shore drilling were the bulk of the oil ISN”T!

 **This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration
(CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link
to learn more. Afterwards, email brianbonner90- at-gmail- dot-com and
let us know at what level you would like to participate.

The Uncooperative Radio Show!

7 09 2008

Do to demand and donations, we are coming back to the airwaves, so to speak. Starting Tuesday Sept. 9th at 8pm eastern! So, stop by or download the shows at The Uncooperative Radio Show!

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