Illegal Immigration Alert: It’s BAAAAACK!

16 07 2007

Cross posted from Common Sense America

What do our elected officials do when they don’t get their way on the issue of amnesty for illegal aliens? They simply piecemeal the amnesty bill and try to sneak it into other bills. They think we won’t notice.

Yeah, right!

This week, The Dream Act will rear its ugly head as Senator Dick Durbin tries to insert it into our Defense Authorization Bill. On Friday, Durbin stated:

What I tried to do several years ago was to write a law to take into consideration these young people. It is called the DREAM Act. The DREAM Act was a part of this comprehensive immigration reform bill. Here is what it says: If you came to the United States before the age of 16, if you have lived in this country for at least 5 years, if you graduate from high school, and then if you will complete either 2 years of college or 2 years of service in the military, we will give you an opportunity for legal status in America.

Durbin announced that he would be offering the Dream Act as an amendment this week:

On the floor of the Senate, when we return next week, we will resume consideration of the Defense authorization bill. It turns out that many in the Department of Defense believe, as I do, that the DREAM Act is an important part of making certain we have talented young men and women ready to serve in our military. I have spoken to people at the Department of Defense who support the idea of the DREAM Act. I think we ought to include it in the Defense authorization bill. I hope to have that opportunity. [snip]

I hope when we return to the Defense authorization bill we can make the DREAM Act part of that bill. Certainly, it is going to help our defense and help our military. I think it is going to help America even beyond that. [snip]

Mr. President, as I said, I rise to speak about legislation known as the DREAM Act, which I hope to offer as an amendment to the Defense authorization bill.

And Durbin goes on to say how much Americans need these illegal aliens – our military will crumble without them, ahem, well, at least according to Durbin:

Some people might ask why the Senate should revisit immigration again and whether an immigration amendment should be included in the Defense authorization bill. The answer is simple: The DREAM Act would address a very serious recruitment crisis that faces our military.

Under the DREAM Act, tens of thousands of well-qualified potential recruits would become eligible for military service for the first time. They are eager to serve in the Armed Forces during a time of war. And under the DREAM Act they would have a very strong incentive to enlist because it would give them a path to permanent legal status.

Trying to hide amnesty for illegal aliens in the Defense Authorization bill by pretending that it is necessary for our Department of Defense and our military is a bunch of hooey and we all know it.

And, of course, Durbin then goes into a chorus of “they are only here to do the job that Americans won’t do” as he cites a survey that compares Hispanics to Caucasians:

The DREAM Act doesn’t mandate military service. A student who is otherwise eligible could earn legal status by attending college. It would be inconsistent with the spirit our volunteer military to force young people to enlist as a condition for obtaining legal status.

But the DREAM Act creates a strong incentive for military service. And many DREAM Act kids come from a demographic group that is already predisposed towards military service. A 2004 survey by the Rand Corporation found that 45 percent of Hispanic males and 31 percent of Hispanic females between ages 16 and 21 were very likely to serve in the Armed Forces, compared to 24 percent of White men and 10 percent of White women.

Ok, that’s Dick Durbin’s spin on the Dream Act but let’s get a few thoughts from a person that actually possesses a bit of sanity and wisdom…

Kris Kobach wrote an article for The Heritage Foundation after the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 (S. 2611) was passed by the U.S. Sen­ate about this amendment in which he explains that the Dream Act has less to do with our military and a whole lot to do with a general amnesty:

The DREAM Act is a nightmare. It repeals a 1996 federal law that prohibits any state from offering in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens unless the state also offers in-state tuition rates to all U.S. citizens. On top of that, the DREAM Act offers a separate amnesty to illegal-alien students.

It also gives amnesty to ten states that openly violate Federal law, Kobach writes:

Events of the past 10 years illustrate how the DREAM Act would undermine the rule of law. In September 1996, Congress passed the landmark Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Respon­sibility Act (IIRIRA). Led by Lamar Smith (R–TX) in the House of Representatives and Alan Simpson (R– WY) in the Senate, Congress significantly tough­ened the nation’s immigration laws. To his credit, President Bill Clinton signed the bill into law.

Open-borders advocates in some states — most notably California — had already raised the possi­bility of offering in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens who attend public universities. To prevent such a development, the IIRIRA’s sponsors inserted a clearly worded provision that prohibited any state from doing so unless it provided the same dis­counted tuition to all U.S. citizens:

“Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an alien who is not lawfully present in the United States shall not be eligible on the basis of residence within a State (or a political subdivision) for any postsecondary education benefit unless a citizen or national of the United States is eligible for such a benefit (in no less an amount, duration, and scope) without regard to whether the citizen or national is such a resident.”

Members of Congress reasoned that no state would be interested in giving up the extra revenue from out-of-state students, so this provision would ensure that illegal aliens would not be rewarded with a taxpayer-subsidized college education. The IIRIRA’s proponents never imagined that some states might simply disobey federal law.

But, according to Kobach, that didn’t stop some of the states:

The majority of state legislatures had the good sense to reject the idea, but eight states followed the examples of California and Texas, including some states in the heart of “red” America. Today, the 10 states that offer in-state tuition to illegal aliens are California, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Washington.

In most of these states, the law was passed under cover of darkness because public opinion was strongly against subsidizing the college education of illegal aliens at taxpayer expense. The governors even declined to hold press conferences or signing ceremonies heralding the new laws.

Under the “cover of darkness” – sound familiar? What our constituents don’t know, won’t hurt us … or so they think.

But in-state tuition isn’t the only ‘gift’ in the Dream Act that Koback found:

This amnesty opens a wide path to citizenship for any alien who entered the country before the age of 16 and has been in the country for at least five years. As with the rest of the Senate bill, the guiding notion seems to be “The longer you have violated federal law, the better.”

Beyond that, all the alien needs is a high school diploma or a GED earned in the United States. Alternatively, he need only persuade an institution of higher education in the United States—any com­munity college, technical school, or college—to admit him.

The DREAM Act abandons any pretense of “tem­porary status” for the illegal aliens who apply. Instead, all amnesty recipients are awarded lawful permanent resident (green card) status. The only caveat is that the alien’s status is considered “condi­tional” for the first six years. To move on to the nor­mal green card, the alien need only obtain a degree from any institution of higher education, complete two years toward a bachelor’s degree, or show that doing so would present a hardship to himself or his family members. Of course, an alien with a normal green card can bring in family members and seek citizenship.

Furthermore, the DREAM Act makes it absurdly easy for just about any illegal alien — even one who does not qualify for the amnesty — to evade the law. According to Section 624(f), once an alien files an application — any application, no matter how ridic­ulous — the federal government is prohibited from deporting him. Moreover, with few exceptions, fed­eral officers are prohibited from either using infor­mation from the application to deport the alien or sharing that information with another federal agency, under threat of up to $10,000 fine.

Thus, an alien’s admission that he has violated federal immigration law cannot be used against him — even if he never had any chance of qualify­ing for the DREAM Act amnesty in the first place. The DREAM Act also makes illegal aliens eligible for various federal student loans and work-study programs.

What part of NO don’t these clowns understand? The American people have angrily tried to shout down amnesty and public benefits to people who illegally enter this country but Durbin and Company continue to try to spend our tax dollars on it anyway.

It is typical for our elected officials to betray us by taking parts of failed legislation and attaching them to legislation that they know will pass.

This has to be stopped now or the amnesty bill we just succeeded in killing will be resurrected and passed – piece-by-piece.

We are going to have to watch these guys like a bunch of two-year-olds. I’ve got to tell you, friends, I sure get tired of babysitting them and I hope we elect some adults in 2008.


Your Senators’ phone numbers are online here.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, DeMediacratic Nation, guerrilla radio, Adam’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, Webloggin,, Leaning Straight Up, , Right Celebrity, Wake Up America, Stageleft, Walls of the City, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Public Eye, The Yankee Sailor, and Church and State, Stop The ACLU thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

See also:Blue Star Deli Needs YOUR Help! from Miss Beth’s Victory Dance
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Documents Released Regarding SPP Activities from Freedom Fighter Radio Show
Mexico dissolving as a Nation-State? and Your help is needed to save business of anti-illegal immigration citizen from Debbie At Right Truth
Senate Hearing On July 17 Re: Ramos & Compean! from Conservative Common Man

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.



11 responses

1 08 2007

You people still don’t get it, do you? reusha2000 said: “Millions died to protect and prosper this country for future generations.” It’s true. But the point your missing is that those millions of people came from other countries. The ENTIRE foundation of the United States of America was built by immigrants. Even the Indians were immigrants: they immigrated from Asia through the Bering Channel; no humans originated in the American continent. Your forefathers were immigrants: British, Irish, German, Dutch; then came the forcible immigrants, the Africans. It’s just really sad and hypocritical that you won’t even give these people a chance to have a better life, to make something of themselves, for themselves and for their children. They’re illegal because they have to be; the government doesn’t give them a chance to be legal. Everyone deserves that opportunity.

21 07 2007

Dream act, for who? Stop government and businesses from hiring ILLEGALS. Don’t do business with businesses hiring Illegals. In fact report businesses hiring ILLEGALS. Stop government services. Stop “sanctuary cities and churches. Report ILLEGALS to local, state and federal authorities. Let the police do their job”ask legal status”.

Millions died to protect and prosper this country for future generations. We are obligated, like those who passed the country to us, to protect and turn back any grand scheme by business and government officials, selling this country for their personal gain.

To understand our government officials mindset since 9/11, look at our “insecure border”. Do they care for, you? NO! Any right minded person would implement solutions to secure the border and ports. But, 6 years after the fact, we are wide open for any and every terrorist, ILLEGAL, or drug cartel that want to destroy, sponge from or do business in this country. Now, after disrepecting our border laws, we are being pressured to pay for their total disregard for our law. “I DON’T THINK SO !

Secure the Border! Build the Fence! Fire, Mr Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland
“Insecurity” !

18 07 2007

Oookay. So there are several gigantic misunderstanding about the DREAM Act. Maybe people should read the whole thing before making judgments.

Fiction: People affected by the DREAM Act are criminals who violate federal laws.
Fact: ALL the people who will be affected by the DREAM Act have come to this country as little kids. The act clearly limits the effectiveness of the law to people who came to U.S. BEFORE they turned 16. They had no legal agency in the matter (i.e. they had no choice in the matter, so they should not be legally responsible for the action), so they cannot be called criminals. Remember, people. The Act targets KIDS, not the adults who CHOSE to cross the border illegally. Not only that, they are KIDS who have been culturally assimilated AND are willing to work hard to become productive members of our society. And remember, if these kids are delinquent in any way, their applications are thrown out and they are immediately deported.

Half-Truth: Of course, an alien with a normal green card can bring in family members and seek citizenship.
Fact: People who have been found to have lived in United States illegally cannot apply for the green card and consequently citizenship. Even if these students invite their family who hasn’t been in the country before, the family would have to wait behind a long, long, LONG lines of people waiting for their application to go through. (I should know. My uncle’s family just got their green cards, and they waited 10~15 years for it. (All hail the incompetent *#^%#^s at USCIS!))

Half-Truth: It repeals a 1996 federal law that prohibits any state from offering in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens unless the state also offers in-state tuition rates to all U.S. citizens.
Fact: Think real hard. How many illegal aliens in this country do you think actually pursues higher public education? What kind of illegal aliens do this? That’s right. KIDS. Sec. 3 of the Act is designed to work as a fail-safe in case there are kids who fail to meet one of the criteria.

18 07 2007
SSG Fuzzy

Are gorge, mayra and nathan serious?

If that isn’t sarcasm, wow what trolls!

17 07 2007

Hi Ladies,

Here is the easy way to solve the problems of illegals. Just give back California and Texas, which you stole from Mexico, to Mexicans. This way you can be get rid of most of them

17 07 2007

And here I thought you would make a worthwhile social commentary about the unfairness of the living situation in the United States. How wrong I was…

17 07 2007
gorge gomez

I am agree whit the illegal immgration, I will back to USA as soon as posible if you can caugh me, I will like. I think every body can live where he likes. I live in USA when I have 18 years old, I have many illegal friend that they went to Irak. They went to war for another country. But there some people that want to play war in Mexico frontier. Why you dont go to Irak war?
Ask me that question, please.?

17 07 2007
Top Posts «

[…] Illegal Immigration Alert: It’s BAAAAACK! Cross posted from   Common Sense America What do our elected officials do when they don’t get their way on the […] […]

17 07 2007
Stop The ACLU

Video: The ACLU On Immigration

Ten states are currently defying this federal law. Section 616 would allow these and all other states to offer in-state tuition rates to any illegal alien who obtains the Z visa and attends college.

17 07 2007
Thomas F. McKenzie


To ALL Elected Politicians Senate & House alike, Kindly READ the following for your continued (elected-by-the-people) political careers

As you undertake your solemn duty to vote on HR 1585 (or the Senate version yet to be put forth) , the House Defense Bill, please be well aware at all times that you took a solemn oath to represent the will of the people*** in your area. (*** denotes those legal citizens,legal residents, legal taxpayers and legal voters).

To the best of my knowledge, this legal citizen knows of no solemn oath spoken by any duly elected Representatives that was/is designed to protect illegal residents of your area.

I for one do not believe that we need a monstrosity of a huge wall to close our borders on any border to illegal immigration. (This is a pork barrel that probably would never end.)

I strongly, believe that we only need to to remove the incentive for the reason for these illegal immigrants to make their respective invasions. We need to formulate and strictly enforce a set of national (federal) laws which would criminalize the act of any U.S. employer who knowingly hires / employs / contractually consults with illegal aliens/immigrants. Laws should also be formulated, enacted and enforced that would also criminalize any landlord or real estate entity from renting or selling any residential property to an illegal alien except in the case of tourism where a known itinerary is provided & periodically updated with INS / ICE by the tourist. (This itinerary requirement could be foregoed in the event of a trip lasting 30 days or less.)

So, We request that you vote against the DREAM Education Subsidy of this Bill. If this cannot be accomplished individually, then we request that you vote no for the whole bill.

We will be watching for your compliance. Lack of compliance will most likely yield a reinforced opposition to your future re-election or other politically elected or appointed position that you may endeavor to pursue.


Thomas F. & Elizabeth J. McKenzie

17 07 2007
Michelle Malkin » What’s Dick Durbin up to?

[…] Durbin has announced he will stick the DREAM Act into the House Defense Bill HR1585. The lowdown is here. Durbin’s amendment would also welcome large numbers of illegal aliens into the military (you […]

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