We. Are. Finished. With. DC.

6 06 2011

Our hopes and prayers are with this brave band of Americans. Brian and I look forward to talking to Snooper on our radio show; The Uncooperative Radio Show this week.

From snooperreport.com

Update on Mon, June 6, 2011 at 7:11 by Registered CommenterMark “Snooper” Harvey

I am about to enter into a Greasy Spoon in Someplace USA where I will strike up the conversations that I have been talking about to many, many people. Many have said that they will follow me and some said that they will ride with me. This isn’t what this trek is all about. I am Callin’ All the Clans Together and that is all.

My small group is not interested in starting a war with anyone except the marxist-moonbats that do exist. The marxist-moonbats have thrown the first punch and all we are doing is finishing the fight that they started. period.

I started this trek by using the following: Sick and tired – marching towards the Constitution of the United States. This was followed by a meeting with The Men of Laredo. This was followed by this very article that I am updating right now.

We are not here to kill anyone.

We are not here to wound anyone.

We are not here to make anyone happy, either.

We will defend ourselves against the marxist-moonbats should they come and see at least myself because I have no idea what the other 42 are doing. Three of the 42 are bloggers and they just might be writing on this now and you will have to see who they are because I’ll not tell you.

Some are saying that I am a retired undercover and armed CIA man…and I am not. I am armed with the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. I have a copy of Madison’s Notes. I have access to Vattel’s Law of Nations. This is what I am teaching. This is what I am preaching. Period.

So, onwards and upwards and I will update as I feel I must.


PS: I ran out of the 100 copies of the USC so I will have to stop someplace and get some more copies coming and this is what I need the donations for as well as gasoline and food…I am sleeping in no hotels or motels…I have been sleeping in my truck.

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The Uncooperativeblogger’s Radio Show’s State of the Union Address

26 01 2011

The State of the Union sucks. There ya go people. No matter what our President/Caesar and our elected cockroaches did, said, or promised tonight, do not believe it. The Constitution is the solution!!! Did ya hear that word tonight? NOOOOOOOO. WhyYYYYY! And no, we did not watch it tonight. Brian was sick all day, but we did record it. Oh, and by the way, it is Unconstitutional to televise the State of the Union Address. It was only meant to be given to the congress and the senate. Not to “we the people”. We will review this on our radio show this Thursday 1/27/11 @7pmest, on uncooperativeradio.com.

11 Tucson teachers sue Arizona over new ‘anti-Hispanic’ schools law

19 10 2010

I am sooo glad that our country is starting to wake up and “smell, the minority tyranny”. I do not want my tax payer dollars to go to any “ETHNIC” studies. Teach the kids the basics so we can again have “achievers” and not “socially correct” morons. Keep up the good fight people. God is on our side. Oh, no, I said the “G” word.

From CNN U.S.;

Eleven Tucson, Arizona, educators sued the state board of education and superintendent this week for what the teachers consider an “anti-Hispanic” ban looming on Mexican-American studies.

The suit comes in a state already roiled by a controversial immigration law that is being challenged in court.

On Tuesday, state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne defended the new law, which will go into effect December 31. The law authorizes the superintendent to stop any ethnic studies classes that “promote the overthrow of the United States government … promote resentment toward a race or class of people … (or) advocate ethnic solidarity instead of treatment of pupils as individuals.”

Horne said he would seek the first-ever ban in Tucson for its “raza studies” program, now called Mexican-American studies. Raza means “the race” in Spanish.

If anyone wants to take these dumbass courses on their own, fine, but our children should not be forced, as prisoners of the public school system to do so. Parents please protest, it’s up to you.
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Administration’s ‘Silent Raids’ Lead to Firings, Not Deportations

11 07 2010

Yea, this administration is so much fun! They really respect the constitution and the rule of law! Whoo, Hoo!!!

The Obama administration’s new approach to dealing with companies that hire illegal immigrants results in firings, not deportations, the New York Times reported Friday.

Instead of immigration sweeps at factories and farms which used to lead to illegal workers being shipped out of the country, the administration’s new policy—government conducted audits labeled “silent raids” by employers—usually only result in the workers losing their jobs, the Times said.

The Times article comes just over a week after the president delivered his highly anticipated speech on immigration reform, which was criticized on both ends of the political spectrum.

In these audits, federal agents examine company records to find illegal workers on the payroll, forcing “businesses to fire every suspected illegal immigrant… not just those who happened to be on duty at the time of a raid,” the Times said. This makes it more difficult for companies to hire undocumented workers to fill these positions in the future, the article explained.

These audits reach more companies than the Bush raids, employers said. This year alone, Immigration and Customs Enforcement have facilitated the firing of thousands of immigrants and “levied a record $3 million in civil fines,” the Times reported.This current policy is a contrast to the Bush-era work-site roundups where undocumented employees were deported en masse. It also represents the current government opinion that treating the nation’s 11 million illegal immigrants as criminals would overwhelm the system.

First, every place in this article that they state “Immigrants” or “Illegal Immigrants” insert- “Illegal Aliens”. Which is the legal term for non-citizens under Federal law. Second, how in all that is holy does this help? Where will all these displaced workers go, pray-tell? And how much money were the companies fined? Can they stay in business as a result? Don’t get me wrong, I hate companies that hire illegal alien invaders, especially when there are so many Americans are out of work. But, useless raids that waste tax payer dollars and put non-citizens on unemployment is ludicrous. Cause you know, that is where they are ending up. And by the by, every time a business is raided and the Illegals are ousted, Americans take the jobs that Americans do not want. Brilliant!
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THE UNCOOPERATIVE RADIO SHOW The Finest Radio Show on the Internet

16 06 2010

Brian Bonner is the Uncooperative radio show host. He along with his lovely wife and producer Susan will bring you independent and conservative views on politics and culture through opinion and Humor. Find out what it means to be an Uncooperative Citizen of these United States of America! Join us Thursday, 6/17/10, 7pmEST @ uncooperativeradio.com
Show Segments: Brian opines on the President’s speech from the Oval Office on Tuesday. It was Flag Day on Monday, what is that? Then, the Second Amendment Report. We will bring you the ultimate smack down: Islam vs Jesus. And we cont. with the Food Police and what they are up too, and in the end; Medical Madness.
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10,000′ throng to stop Ground Zero mosque

10 06 2010

This is a really indepth article and one that no one, and I mean no one, reported. Not even Fox News. That is scary folks. Please read the entire article and pass it on.
From World Net Daily:

As many as 10,000 protesters from across the country – including family members who lost loved ones on Sept. 11, 2001 – took to the streets in New York City Sunday to fight construction of a 13-story Islamic mosque to be built just steps from Ground Zero where Muslim terrorists murdered 2,751 people in the name of Allah.

Robert Spencer who helped set this up had this to say:

Spencer said despite the crowd’s size and the presence of media outlets from around the world, the U.S. mainstream media failed to show.”ABC? NBC? CBS? CNN? Even FOX?” he wrote. “AWOL.”

And where did they get the money to buy this plot of land that used to be a Burlington Coat Factory?

The building was purchased last July by real-estate company Soho Properties, a business run by Muslims. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, Kuwait-born founder of ASMA, was an investor in that transaction. Pajamas Media reporter Alyssa Lappen noted that Rauf’s father was Mohammed Abdul Rauf (1917-2004), an Egyptian contemporary of Hassan al-Banna, founder of Muslim Brotherhood – parent organization of al-Qaida, Hamas and other front-line terror groups.

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Congressional Leaders to Host “End the Bailouts: A Greek Forum”

19 05 2010

Pence Featured in Roll Call’s “Office Space” Series (VIDEO):

The Greek Bailout Forum here if you missed it this morning:

Le TARP: Too Big Too Fail Goes International. Awesome….

Today’s House Republican Leadership Press Conference (VIDEO):

Check out photos from the Forum earlier today here:
http://bit.ly/94DOuR #nobailouts

Against the VAT? Watch Congressman Pence discuss this and
other issues on “On the Record”:


Pence: American Taxpayers Should Not Be Responsible for Bailing Out


YouCut: A Project of the Economic Recovery Working Group:


Powerlines: CBO: Cap-and-Tax Will Force
Individuals Onto ObamaCare


Flatlines: CBO: ObamaCare Will Cost $115
Billion More


House Republicans Strongly Oppose A Value-Added Tax


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17 caught in search for deputy’s attackers

7 05 2010

While Rome Burns all the Liberals and Commies are playing the violin for all these poor, poor Illegal Aliens.
From KTAR.com :

PHOENIX – Authorities have captured 17 suspected illegal immigrants in southern Arizona as they continued their manhunt Saturday for smugglers who they say shot and wounded a sheriff’s deputy in a remote desert area 50 miles south of Phoenix.
Pinal County sheriff’s Lt. Tamatha Villar says the three matched descriptions given by the sheriff’s deputy who was grazed by a bullet fired by a group of about five smugglers Friday afternoon.

I am sorry people, we are being invaded and I think that Mexico is declaring war on these United States of America. Too harsh. Bull, our citizens are being killed and kidnapped, our police are getting shot at, and our border towns are being overrun. What would the brave men that died at the Alamo have to say about this situation? Now do you understand why the State of Arizona enacted their new illegal immigration law? They are under attack.
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Obama Gives Unions a ‘Massive Payback’ with Executive Order, Contractors Claim

3 05 2010

This is one of the most important blog posts that I feel I have ever done. This is a dangerous executive order. And mind you, this executive order was issued April of 2009, just five short months into his term in office.
from CNSNews.COM

The nation’s non-union contractors, who constitute the bulk of the construction industry, say President Obama has given a “massive payback” to unions by implementing an executive order that would help them secure billions of dollars in construction contracts on public projects — and a House Republican congressman agrees.

The executive order, implemented in mid-April, encourages federal agencies to use “project labor agreements” or PLAs on their construction projects, which could require any non-union workers to pay into ailing union pension funds and follow work guidelines set out by a union.

You have got to read the whole thing, and get “the rest of the story”. This is truly disturbing. And how is this going to affect “illegals” in the construction industry one has to ask? Please pass this information forward.
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Stern’s Possible SEIU Successor Could Make Union Peace Elusive

26 04 2010

I really hope that the unions in this country will be eating their own. I worked in a state as a Nurse that was a “right to work, state”, meaning, union and non-union workers can work side by side. And unions/union shops/construction companies were not allowed to stop non-union companies from placing bids on projects. What the unions do not like about that is: drum roll please—-it makes them less competitive. See, unions have to adhere to the salaries and benefits that they promised to each member of the union across the board, regardless of the individual employees experience or productivity. Non-union companies can take both experience and productivity into account when negotiating salaries and benefits, making the non-union companies and services more competitive. Unions need to go.
From Fox News :

Stern is leaving the SEIU as leadership is locked in battle with two other unions — hospitality industry union Unite Here and a breakaway local out of San Francisco. The fights are draining the union coffers, but Burger would seem unlikely to seek a diplomatic solution.

Stern’s fights are her fights, and Stern’s enemies are her enemies. Soon after Stern’s departure became public, the president of the breakaway National Union of Healthcare Workers made clear that Burger will not be able to make amends with his group.

“His likely successors, Mary Kay Henry and Anna Burger, have been tarred by the same ethics scandals and failed policies that marred his tenure,” Sal Rosselli said in a written statement.

Mary Kay Henry is another top SEIU official who could launch a bid to take Stern’s place — Stern selected Burger on an interim basis, but Burger will have to run if she wants to keep the job.

In the fight with Unite Here — which represents workers in retail, hotels, restaurants, casinos and other sectors — a chunk of the union’s membership peeled off to form a new union affiliated with the SEIU a year ago. Original members accused Stern of facilitating the split, and the two sides have been battling ever since over their bank account.

Health-care mandates could be ‘null and void’

23 04 2010

This article is extremely important–and long. But please muddle through it. This bill may be the most important issue of our life time. It may mean the resurrection of our Constitution. Or should I say the unearthing of it, because it is not quite dead yet, just buried.
From World Net Daily:

A group of Americans who believe the federal government overstepped its constitutional bounds in passing the recent health-care legislation is rallying allies to a bold and controversial initiative: state nullification of the federal law.

“Now that health-care reform has been signed into law, the question people ask most is, ‘What do we do about it?'” said Michael Boldin, founder of the Tenth Amendment Center, in a statement. “The status-quo response includes lobbying Congress, marching on D.C., ‘voting the bums out,’ suing in federal court and more. But the last 100 years have proven that none of these really work, and government continues to grow year in and year out.”

Instead, the Center is reaching back into the history books to suggest states take up “nullification,” a controversial measure that would essentially involve states saying to the federal government, “Not in our borders, you don’t. That law has no effect here.”

Like I said, please read the entire article, we must take our States back and our State sovereignty and kick the Feds out of our lives.
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Sen. Graham: Obamacare Doomed Immigration Bill

6 04 2010

From NewsMax.com;

Lindsey has crossed party lines to work with Democrats several times, most recently to hammer out a bipartisan deal with Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., on creating a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Some 12 million illegal aliens are believed to reside illegally in the United States.

According to Politico.com, Graham said that when he met with Schumer and the president to negotiate terms on immigration earlier this month, he expressed “In no uncertain terms, my belief that immigration reform could come to a halt for the year if health care reconciliation goes forward.”

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For the 2010 Census

29 03 2010

This was sent to me via e-mail,

For your assistance in providing an accurate and dutiful response to your law-abiding census workers. – MBray

To Whom it May Concern,

Pursuant to Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution, the only information you are empowered to request is the total number of occupants at this address. My “name, sex, age, date of birth, race, ethnicity, telephone number, relationship and housing tenure” have absolutely nothing to do with apportioning direct taxes or determining the number of representatives in the House of Representatives. Therefore, neither Congress nor the Census Bureau have the constitutional authority to make that information request a component of the enumeration outlined in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3. In addition, I cannot be subject to a fine for basing my conduct on the Constitution because that document trumps laws passed by Congress.

Interstate Commerce Commission v. Brimson, 154 U.S. 447, 479 (May 26, 1894)

“Neither branch of the legislative department [House of Representatives or Senate], still less any merely administrative body [such as the Census Bureau], established by congress, possesses, or can be invested with, a general power of making inquiry into the private affairs of the citizen. Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. 168, 190. We said in Boyd v. U.S., 116 U. S. 616, 630, 6 Sup. Ct. 524, and it cannot be too often repeated, that the principles that embody the essence of constitutional liberty and security forbid all invasions on the part of government and it’s employees of the sanctity of a man’s home and the privacies of his life. As said by Mr. Justice Field in Re Pacific Ry. Commission, 32 Fed. 241, 250, ‘of all the rights of the citizen, few are of greater importance or more essential to his peace and happiness than the right of personal security, and that involves, not merely protection of his person from assault, but exemption of his private affairs, books, and papers from inspection and scrutiny of others. Without the enjoyment of this right, all others would lose half their value.’”

Note: This United States Supreme Court case has never been overturned.


A Citizen of the United States of America

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House OKs illegal immigration measure

29 03 2010

You go Arizona!!

From The East Valley Tribune:

Without a word of debate, the House on Tuesday gave preliminary approval to a series of changes in state law designed to combat illegal immigration.

HB 2632 would allow police to arrest anyone who is in this country illegally and charge them with trespass, a state offense. That is designed to ensure that officers have clear legal authority to detain illegal immigrants.

This is what the American people have to do. Don’t wait for the Federal government to take care of you. Although, the constitutional role of the government is to protect its people from invasion. But they are not doing it, so we have to.
Take your states back people, take them back.
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Immigration rally draws thousands to Washington

24 03 2010

It didn’t take them long, did it? And it was not an “immigration rally”, it was an “illegal alien invasion” rally. That is what we call it on our radio show, The Uncooperative Radio Show.

From CNN:

Washington (CNN) — Tens of thousands of people turned out on Washington’s National Mall on Sunday to support the Obama administration in its next big battle, a renewed effort to overhaul U.S. immigration laws.

Speaking by video to the crowd, President Obama said he would do “everything in my power” to get a bipartisan deal within the year.

“You know as well as I do that this won’t be easy, and it won’t happen overnight,” Obama said. “But if we work together across ethnic, state and party lines, we can build a future worthy of our history as a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws.”

Obama’s appearance was followed by comments from Gustavo Torres, executive director of the Baltimore-based immigrant advocacy group CASA de Maryland. Torres told the crowd, “Mr. President, we are going to hold you accountable.”

Yes, Mr. President, a nation of laws that these people don’t give a rat’s ass of upholding. Congratulations!!!!
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National Coffee Party Day flops

16 03 2010

We just did the story about this new movement on our radio show, The Uncooperative Radio Show last weekend. This event on Saturday is going to be interesting to watch.

From WorldNetDaily:

Leading up to today’s “National Coffee Party Day” – the countrywide launch of a leftwing movement meant as an answer to the tea parties – a CNN article asked, “Will the Coffee Party rise to the scale of the Tea Party movement? Saturday is the first big test.”

If “scale” is indeed the measure by which the Coffee Party will be graded, however, today’s cup-o’-Joe kickoff has earned a resounding “F.”

Despite a news-media buildup over the past few weeks from CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, National Public Radio, Washington Post, Seattle Times and dozens of other outlets, the estimated 350 coffee houses hosting events around the country today welcomed mostly minuscule crowds.

Last year, the fledgling tea-party movement scheduled nearly 2,000 gatherings on April 15, Tax Day. Over the summer, tea partiers packed health-care town halls by the hundreds, overflowing venues and leading to lines running around the block. On Sept. 12, the crowd of tea partiers that flooded Washington, D.C., was estimated into the hundreds of thousands, possibly topping 1 million.

We will be keeping a eye on this movement and will probably do the story on the Uncooperative Radio show this weekend. I love it, the left and our elected “cockroaches” really believe that our Republic is comprised of “commies”. Well we shall see Saturday.
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Comprehensive Amnesty Threat

15 03 2010

From NumbersUSA:

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who also serves on the House Immigration Subcommittee, responded to Thursday’s immigration reform meeting at the White House by calling for more immigration enforcement. Rep. King also joined the recently formed Reclaim American Jobs Caucus.

“If President Obama is serious about addressing the immigration issue, he needs to focus on the millions of Americans who are out of work or worried about losing their jobs,” said Rep. King. “This is the time for the Obama administration to accelerate enforcement of immigration laws to make room for unemployed Americans — not grant amnesty.”

I agree. We also need to seal both borders, continue the raids on businesses that hire illegals, and when an illegal is found, not only send them back to wherever they came from, but send their families with them. That way we are not being cruel by separating families. They can go with the illegal and live happily ever after.
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67% Say Illegal Immigrants Are Major Strain on U.S. Budget

3 03 2010

I know this article has a lot of stats in it but it is very interesting

From rasmussenreports.com

As the country wrestles with a future of historic-level deficits, 67% of U.S. voters say that illegal immigrants are a significant strain on the U.S. budget.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 23% disagree and do not believe illegal immigration is a strain on the budget.

Two-out-of-three (66%) voters say the availability of government money and services draw illegal immigrants to the United States. Nineteen percent (19%) think otherwise and do not believe government money and services are a magnet for illegal immigration. Another 15% are not sure.

Your just not hearing this from the Lame Stream Media.
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3 Homeland Security computers lost daily

1 03 2010

From WorldNetDaily

Federal documents obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request reveal that two divisions of the Department of Homeland Security – charged with assuring the integrity of U.S. borders and the safety of residents – lost nearly three computers every day for a year.

But an official statement assures citizens that no “sensitive” data was lost.

A report on the computers, which were designated as “lost” or “not found during physical inventory,” was issued by the Independence Institute in Golden, Colo., after it obtained the federal paperwork.

Federal agencies also “lost” several computer switches valued at some $90,000 apiece and a multitude of vehicles, including a truck worth about $116,000.

But Jon Caldara, president of the institute, said the absence of documentation about the information on the missing computers
is what is most alarming.

Now, the article goes on to say “there’s no need to be alarmed, “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”. This administration is a piece of work. Well all bureaucracies really. When I worked for the state as a Nursing supervisor, five years ago, they bought all new computers for every department, but they did not wipe the hard drives clean so everyone’s passwords and any personal information that you were stupid enough to store on, said hard drive, went out into the public. Nice huh?
Not only did they use your tax dollars to update the computers, but they had to hire people to get the computers back and wipe the hard drives.
I love the government.

The report by the Independence Institute’s Todd Shepherd revealed that for fiscal year 2008, inventories from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Customs and Border Protection divisions show employees collaborated to lose no fewer than 985 computers.

Last week on our radio show; the UncooperativeRadio show. We reported that The Department of Homeland Security was loosing firearms as well. What the Hell?
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President Names Two Washington Old-Timers to Study Debt Reduction

24 02 2010

I love “change” in Washington. NOT! I mean “what the Hell?” The more they preach “change” the more they remain the same or go backwards, in Washington.
My President is running a two bit shell game. Shuffle,shuffle,shuffle. And “we the people are paying for it, with money or flesh”. Now, everyone bend over at one time, please, and touch your toes.

President Obama on Thursday named two Washington old-timers to scour the sofa pillows in search of some change — enough to bring down the government’s massive deficits by 2015.

Former Clinton White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles and former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson were introduced as co-chairmen of a debt commission, which will look to reduce the federal budget deficit to 3 percent of gross domestic product in five years.

Obama said they were “taking on the impossible.”

“They’re going to try to restore reason to the fiscal debate and come up with answers,” he said.

My president has yet again created a new committee/bureaucracy. Where is he getting the money to pay all these people?
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The Montana Shrugged Group

9 02 2010

From montanashrugged@gmail.com.:

Dear Patriot,

If you are in the Billings area l hope you are planning to attend our rally this Wednesday from 12-1PM!

We have had great success in these past couple of weeks with the media covering our events!

If you missed any of our shows on channel 7 “The Patriot Chronicles” they are now available on youtube! Please visit the following website: http://www.youtube.com/user/oilpatchkid8

Our guests so far have been CARY SMITH (R) HD 55, ROY BROWN (R)
SD 25, and KRAYTON KERNS (R) HD 58.

Coming up this Thursday our guest is Mr. Bliss Tew, regional director for The John Birch Society!

Copies of the episodes are available for purchase for $5.00. Please send an email to montanashrugged@gmail.com for additional information.

Please tune in!


Jennifer Olsen

We had these folks on our radio show, and they are Patriots, so check them out.

The Uncooperative Radio Show!

7 09 2008

Do to demand and donations, we are coming back to the airwaves, so to speak. Starting Tuesday Sept. 9th at 8pm eastern! So, stop by or download the shows at The Uncooperative Radio Show!

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Send The McCain Peso!

20 02 2008

When you get Republican donation requests, send them the McCain Peso!

McCain Peso

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Obama to San Antonio Rally: Immigration Not a ‘Political Football’

20 02 2008

Cross posted from The uncooperative Blogger

So why are you using it as one?

From WOAI:

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, addressing a rally in a heavily Hispanic neighborhood in his majority Hispanic city, said Tuesday that the issue of immigration should not be used as “a political football.”

Security of the border has to be combined with a pathway to citizenship for people who are already here, he said to cheers at a rally in advance of the hotly contested March 4 primary against Hillary Rodham Clinton.

“Let’s solve it instead of trying to score cheap political points,” Obama said.

Before he addressed the crowd, some chanted “Si, se puede!” — the Spanish equivalent of the “Yes, we can!” chant that has become a hallmark of his campaign and the cry used by the late Latino activist Cesar Chavez.

There is not one candidate fro president that believes in the rule of law. McCain has the exxact same position as Obama and Clinton, we have got to take back the congress so that conservatives will continue to block any form of amnesty for those in this country illegally.

As we know, the U.S. constitution means nothing to most of our elected cockroaches.

Article 4 of the US Constitution guaranteeing all states protection from armed, semi-armed, and unarmed invasion is being ignored.

Article 11 of the US Constitution granting Congress the power to set uniform immigration laws is being ignored.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

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Candidate Statements on Illegal Immigration

25 01 2008

Cross posted from The Virtuous Republic

What positions do the candidates take on illegal immigration? The
main contenders for president all have position “papers” posted on
their websites. You don’t need me to tell you who to vote for, based on
the illegal immigration issue, but I’m simply going to present their
stated beliefs and positions on this issue.

As you read the statements of the candidates from both parties, I
think it is pretty clear who is serious about immigration and who isn’t
and it is almost crystal clear who wants a border fence and who wants
to keep the masses across the border—across the border.

Considering that Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter both have left the
presidential race, it is incumbent upon those of us against illegal
immigration to make sure we don’t elect someone sympathetic to amnesty
and who will conduct business as usual at the border.

With that being said, here are the positions of the various
candidates on illegal immigration, as posted on their campaign
websites. (And as an aside, I noticed that all of the candidates used
very similar, if not identical templates and designs on their sites. I
think that this simple observation speaks volumes about our choices
this fall. Like their websites, none of the candidates stand out, there
are no originals….)


Immigration is one of those challenging issues that touch on many aspects of American life.

I have always believed that our border must be secure and that the
federal government has utterly failed in its responsibility to ensure
that it is secure. If we have learned anything from the recent
immigration debate, it is that Americans have little trust that their
government will honor a pledge to do the things necessary to make the
border secure.aboutmccain_picts_1.jpg

As president, I will secure the border. I will restore the trust
Americans should have in the basic competency of their government. A
secure border is an essential element of our national security. Tight
border security includes not just the entry and exit of people, but
also the effective screening of cargo at our ports and other points of

But a secure border will contribute to addressing our immigration problem most effectively if we also:

  • Recognize the importance of building strong allies in Mexico and
    Latin America who reject the siren call of authoritarians like Hugo
    Chavez, support freedom and democracy, and seek strong domestic
    economies with abundant economic opportunities for their citizens.
  • Recognize the importance of pro-growth policies — keeping
    government spending in check, holding down taxes, and cutting
    unnecessary regulatory burdens — so American businesses can hire and
    pay the best.
  • Recognize the importance of a flexible labor market to keep
    employers in business and our economy on top. It should provide skilled
    Americans and immigrants with opportunity. Our education system should
    ensure skills for our younger workers, and our retraining and
    assistance programs for displaced workers must be modernized so they
    can pursue those opportunities
  • Recognize the importance of assimilation of our immigrant
    population, which includes learning English, American history and
    civics, and respecting the values of a democratic society.
  • Recognize that America will always be that “shining city upon a
    hill,” a beacon of hope and opportunity for those seeking a better life
    built on hard work and optimism.

Border security and our failed immigration system are more examples
of an ailing Washington culture in need of reform to regain the trust
of Americans. In too many areas — from immigration and pork barrel
spending to Social Security, health care, energy security and tax
relief — business-as-usual politics prevents addressing the important
challenges facing our nation.

Mitt Romney:

Stop Illegal Immigration

Secure The Border. Follow through on Congressional commitment to
build a physical and technological fence along the southern border, and
secure other points of entry.

Implement An Enforceable Employer Verification System. Issue a
biometrically-enabled and tamperproof card to non-citizens and create a
national database for non-citizens so employers can easily verify their
legal status in this country.meet_mitt_romney.jpg

Reject Amnesty. Do not give amnesty or any special pathway to those who have come to this country illegally.

Punish Sanctuary Cities. Cut back federal funding to cities that are
“sanctuaries” for illegal immigrants and refuse to comply with federal
law or aid federal law enforcement.

Improve Interior Enforcement. Provide resources to enforce
immigration laws throughout the nation, and crackdown on employers who
continue to hire illegals with stiffer fines and penalties.

Encourage Legal Immigration. Streamline the system to recruit and
retain skilled workers and welcome the best and the brightest from
around the world to our universities.

Mike Huckabee:

On January 16, 2008 Governor Huckabee signed the Numbers USA: No Amnesty Pledge. To learn more click here.

Governor Huckabee believes:

  • Securing our borders must be our top priority and has reached the level of a national emergency.
  • I support the $3 billion the Senate has voted for border security.
    This money will train and deploy 23,000 more agents, add four drone
    planes, build 700 miles of fence and 300 miles of vehicle barriers, and
    put up 105 radar and camera towers. This money will turn “catch and
    release” into “catch and detain” of those entering illegally, and crack
    down on those who overstay their visas.
  • In this age of terror, immigration is not only an economic issue,
    but also a national security issue. Those caught trying to enter
    illegally must be detained, processed, and deported. As Governor, I
    ordered my state troopers to work with the Department of Homeland
    Security to arrest illegals and enforce federal immigration law.mike_huckabee_bio.jpg
  • I oppose and will never allow amnesty. I opposed the amnesty
    President Bush and Senator McCain tried to ram through Congress this
    summer, and opposed the misnamed DREAM Act, which would have put us on
    the slippery slope to amnesty for all.
  • I oppose and will not tolerate sanctuaries for illegals. The
    federal government must crack down on rogue cities that willfully
    undermine our economy and national security.
  • I oppose giving driver’s licenses to illegals and supports
    legislation to prevent states from doing so. In 2005, I signed
    legislation that prevents illegals in Arkansas from getting driver’s
  • I will stop punishing cities which try to enforce our laws and
    protect the economic well-being, physical safety, and quality of life
    of their citizens.
  • I oppose and will not tolerate employers who hire illegals. They
    must be punished with fines and penalties so large that they will see
    it is not worth the risk.
  • I oppose the economic integration of North America that would
    create open borders among the United States, Canada, and Mexico. I will
    never yield one iota or one inch of our sovereignty.
  • I will take our country back for those who belong here. No open
    borders, no amnesty, no sanctuary, no false Social Security numbers, no
    driver’s licenses for illegals.

I know that securing our borders must be our top priority and has
reached the level of a national emergency. I am as sick and tired as
you are that it is harder for us to get on an airplane in our home town
than it is for all these illegals to cross our international border

We cannot stem the tide of illegals until we turn the tide. Before
you fix the damage to your house caused by a leaking roof, you have to
stop the leak, which I am determined to do.

I supported the $3 billion Congress passed this summer for border
security. This desperately-needed money will train and deploy 23,000
more agents, add four drone planes, build 700 miles of fence and 300
miles of vehicle barriers, and put up 105 radar and camera towers. This
money will turn “catch and release” into “catch and detain” of those
entering illegally and crack down on those who overstay their visas.

But where is this $3 billion? The President threatened to veto the
bill it was part of! Now the Senate has again voted for this money as
part of the Defense Bill. I will continue to fight until we get these

In this age of terror, immigration is not only an economic issue,
but also a national security issue. We must know who is coming into our
country, where they are going, and why they are here. All those who are
caught trying to enter illegally must be detained, processed, and
deported. As Governor, I ordered my state troopers to work with the
Department of Homeland Security to arrest illegals and enforce federal
immigration law.

I oppose and will never allow amnesty. I passionately rejected the
amnesty bill that President Bush and Sen. McCain tried to ram through
Congress this summer after secret meetings of an under-the-radar cabal
of amnesty-loving senators.

I opposed the misnamed DREAM Act, which was a nightmare because it
would have put us on the slippery slope to amnesty for all. Because
once we open that door even a crack, we’ll never get it closed again.

I oppose and will not tolerate sanctuaries for illegals. The federal
government must enforce our existing laws by cracking down on rogue
cities and towns that willfully undermine our economy and our homeland
security by giving benefits and protection to illegals. The
consequences for illegal entry must be swift, certain, and uniform
throughout our country.

I oppose giving driver’s licenses to illegals, such as Governor
Spitzer tried to do in New York. I support legislation that would
prevent the states from granting this privilege to illegals. In 2005, I
signed legislation that prevents illegals in Arkansas from getting
driver’s licenses.

I will stop punishing cities which are trying to enforce our laws. I
will appoint judges who will uphold the law, not side with the ACLU
against cities like Hazelton, Pennsylvania, which are trying to protect
the economic well-being, physical safety, and quality of life of their

I will not tolerate employers who hire illegals – they must be
punished by fines and penalties so large that they will understand it
is not worth the risk. Once again, as with Hazelton, liberal judges are
gumming up the works. Right now, a court in San Francisco — Pelosiland
– has delayed enforcement of the “no match” letters for Social Security
numbers that the Department of Homeland Security will use to crack down
on those who hire illegals. If illegals cannot find work, they will go
back where they belong. I will do everything I can to hasten their trip
home by denying them employment.

I strongly oppose the economic integration of North America that
would have open borders among the United States, Canada, and Mexico. I
know we must have closed and secure borders. I will never yield either
one inch or one iota of our sovereignty. I will recognize no authority
but our Constitution.

I will take our country back for those who belong here and those who
are willing to play by the rules for the privilege to come here. No
open borders, no amnesty, no sanctuary, no false Social Security
numbers, no driver’s licenses for illegals.

I will Implement a broad-based strategy that commits the resources
of the federal government to the enforcement of our immigration laws
and results in the attrition of the illegal immigrant population.

Rudy Giuliani:

Rudy’s Position

immigration reform must put security first because border security and
homeland security are inseparable in the Terrorists’ War on Us. The
first responsibility of the federal government is to protect our
citizens by controlling America’s borders, while ending illegal
immigration and identifying every non-citizen in our nation. We must
restore integrity, accountability and the rule of law to our
immigration system to regain the faith of the American people.” – Mayor
Rudy Giuliani


Bring Order To The Border: Congress authorized the construction of
700 miles of border fence in 2006 and then appropriated over $1.1
billion for border security. However, Washington has only built a few
dozen miles of fence. Rudy will commit to building the fence – both
physical and high-tech – now, while deploying and maintaining 20,000
Border Patrol agents and measuring their progress toward ending illegal
immigration. It is important to accomplish this goal in order to
preserve and expand legal immigration.rudy_alabama.jpg

Implement BorderStat: Rudy will propose BorderStat to bring
accountability to measuring the progress in securing our borders.
BorderStat is modeled after the Mayor’s successful New York City
program CompStat which helped reduce the city’s crime by imposing
accountability. It will use key indicators to identify both effective
enforcement strategies that demonstrate tangible results and areas of
the border where we are failing so the failures can be immediately


Issue A Single, Tamper-Proof Biometric ID Card: Rudy will propose
the Secure Authorized Foreign Entry Card (SAFE Card) to be uniform for
all non-citizen workers and students, utilizing tamper-proof and
biometric features for secure identification.

Create A Single National Database Of Foreigners: It is critical to
America’s security to have one national database of non-citizens in our
country. Rudy will propose consolidating all existing databases into
one so a foreigner’s legal status can be quickly checked.

Identify Those Who Have Left The Country With Biometric Check-out
System: Forty-five percent of illegal immigrants in America came into
our country legally but overstayed their visas. Rudy believes we need a
biometric check-out system so we know who has left America and can
focus enforcement on those who remain.


Deport All Illegal Aliens Who Commit A Felony: America currently
only deports 14% of the roughly 300,000 foreigners who commit crimes in
our country. Rudy will commit to deporting all foreign individuals who
have abused their privilege of staying in the United States.


Require All Immigrants to Truly Read, Write & Speak English:
Rudy believes immigration and Americanization go hand-in-hand. As
President, he will propose that all immigrants who want to become
citizens must truly read, write, and speak English and learn American
civics. For the American experiment to succeed, we need a common

Hillary Clinton:

Reforming our Immigration System

Our immigration system is in crisis. The laws we currently have on
the books are inadequate and no longer serve our best interests. As a
nation, we place a premium on compassion, respect, and policies that
help families, but our immigration laws don’t reflect that.

Hillary has consistently called for comprehensive immigration reform
that respects our immigrant heritage and honors the rule of law. She
believes comprehensive reform must have as essential ingredients a
strengthening of our borders, greater cross-cooperation with our
neighbors, strict but fair enforcement of our laws, federal assistance
to our state and local governments, strict penalties for those who
exploit undocumented workers, and a path to earned legal status for
those who are here, working hard, paying taxes, respecting the law, and
willing to meet a high bar.photo_about_firstlady.jpg

Hillary strongly believes we need to do more to know who is in our
country by securing our borders and ensuring that employers comply with
the law against hiring and exploiting undocumented workers. She
supports deploying new technology that can help stop the flow of
undocumented immigrants into the country and an employer verification
system that is universal, accurate, timely, and does not lead to
discrimination and abuse by employers.

Along with these changes, Hillary believes we need to repair those
broken portions of our immigration system that irrevocably damage
families and force citizens and lawful immigrants to choose between
their newly adopted country and living with their spouse or children.
We have a national interest in fostering strong families. This is why
she introduced an amendment during consideration of the immigration
reform bill that would have taken steps to protect the sanctity of
families. Our American values demand no less.

And Hillary understands that our immigration policies have a direct
impact on American workers. She opposes a guest worker program that
exploits workers and creates a supply of cheap labor that undermines
the wages of U.S. workers. Hillary believes all workers deserve safe
conditions and decent wages. She supports an Ag Jobs program, which
will keep our agricultural industry vibrant while enabling agricultural
workers to receive the fair wages and labor protections they ought to

When Hillary is president, comprehensive immigration reform will be a top priority.

Ready to Lead

Hillary has advocated for policies to help smooth the transition of
legal immigrants once they arrive in the U.S. so that they can add to
our economy and culture.

  • She championed the Legal Immigrant Children’s Health Improvement
    Act, which would give states the option to provide federally funded
    Medicaid and SCHIP benefits to low-income legal immigrant children and
    pregnant women.
  • She wrote the Access to Employment and English Acquisition Act to
    meet the growing demand for English language courses and other job
  • She strongly supports the DREAM Act, which provides a path to
    citizenship through military service or higher education for children
    who were brought to the U.S. by their parents.
  • She offered an amendment to make family reunification the guiding principle of our immigration system.

Barack Obama:

The Problem

Undocumented population is exploding: The number of undocumented
immigrants in the country has increased more than 40 percent since
2000. Every year, more than a half-million people come illegally or
illegally overstay their visas.

Immigration bureaucracy is broken: The immigration bureaucracy is
broken and overwhelmed, forcing legal immigrants to wait years for

Immigration raids are ineffective: Despite a sevenfold increase in
recent years, immigration raids only netted 3,600 arrests in 2006 and
have placed all the burdens of a broken system onto immigrant families.obamabarack.jpg

Barack Obama’s Plan

Create Secure Borders

Obama wants to preserve the integrity of our borders. He supports
additional personnel, infrastructure and technology on the border and
at our ports of entry.

Improve Our Immigration System

Obama believes we must fix the dysfunctional immigration bureaucracy
and increase the number of legal immigrants to keep families together
and meet the demand for jobs that employers cannot fill.

Remove Incentives to Enter Illegally

Obama will remove incentives to enter the country illegally by cracking down on employers who hire undocumented immigrants.

Bring People Out of the Shadows

Obama supports a system that allows undocumented immigrants who are
in good standing to pay a fine, learn English, and go to the back of
the line for the opportunity to become citizens.

Work with Mexico

Obama believes we need to do more to promote economic development in Mexico to decrease illegal immigration.

Barack Obama’s Record

  • Crack Down on Employers: Obama championed a proposal to create a
    system so employers can verify that their employees are legally
    eligible to work in the U.S.
  • Fix the Bureaucracy: Obama joined Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) to
    introduce the Citizenship Promotion Act to ensure that immigration
    application fees are both reasonable and fair. Obama also introduced
    legislation that passed the Senate to improve the speed and accuracy of
    FBI background checks.
  • Respect Families: Obama introduced amendments to put greater emphasis on keeping immigrant families together.

 **This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration
(CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link
to learn more. Afterwards, email brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com and let
us know at what level you would like to participate.

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