Administration’s ‘Silent Raids’ Lead to Firings, Not Deportations

11 07 2010

Yea, this administration is so much fun! They really respect the constitution and the rule of law! Whoo, Hoo!!!

The Obama administration’s new approach to dealing with companies that hire illegal immigrants results in firings, not deportations, the New York Times reported Friday.

Instead of immigration sweeps at factories and farms which used to lead to illegal workers being shipped out of the country, the administration’s new policy—government conducted audits labeled “silent raids” by employers—usually only result in the workers losing their jobs, the Times said.

The Times article comes just over a week after the president delivered his highly anticipated speech on immigration reform, which was criticized on both ends of the political spectrum.

In these audits, federal agents examine company records to find illegal workers on the payroll, forcing “businesses to fire every suspected illegal immigrant… not just those who happened to be on duty at the time of a raid,” the Times said. This makes it more difficult for companies to hire undocumented workers to fill these positions in the future, the article explained.

These audits reach more companies than the Bush raids, employers said. This year alone, Immigration and Customs Enforcement have facilitated the firing of thousands of immigrants and “levied a record $3 million in civil fines,” the Times reported.This current policy is a contrast to the Bush-era work-site roundups where undocumented employees were deported en masse. It also represents the current government opinion that treating the nation’s 11 million illegal immigrants as criminals would overwhelm the system.

First, every place in this article that they state “Immigrants” or “Illegal Immigrants” insert- “Illegal Aliens”. Which is the legal term for non-citizens under Federal law. Second, how in all that is holy does this help? Where will all these displaced workers go, pray-tell? And how much money were the companies fined? Can they stay in business as a result? Don’t get me wrong, I hate companies that hire illegal alien invaders, especially when there are so many Americans are out of work. But, useless raids that waste tax payer dollars and put non-citizens on unemployment is ludicrous. Cause you know, that is where they are ending up. And by the by, every time a business is raided and the Illegals are ousted, Americans take the jobs that Americans do not want. Brilliant!
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4 responses

13 07 2010
Uncle Sam's Boot

Overwhelm the system? Geez, Maybe the system needs to be more effcient? Why not set up a court on site during the raids. When a person can’t produce proof of residency, or a social security number, They are placed in a holding camp until they can be deported. The simple fact is, prez. Barry and many politicos like him, want to keep the illegals here, and als have the appearance of being tough on illegal immigrants and the companies that hire them.

13 07 2010
Administration’s ‘Silent Raids’ Lead to Firings, Not Deportations (via Coalition Against Illegal Immigration) « Uncle Sam's Boot Blog

[…] Yea, this administration is so much fun! They really respect the constitution and the rule of law! Whoo, Hoo!!! The Obama administration’s new approach to dealing with companies that hire illegal immigrants results in firings, not deportations, the New York Times reported Friday. Instead of immigration sweeps at factories and farms which used to lead to illegal workers being shipped out of the country, the administration’s new policy—government c … Read More […]

13 07 2010

Dont waiste our money or time mr obama, deport these criminals when there caught here illegally. everyone vote this november for the person who is going to stop illegals, and secure the border. No or Never to amnisty!!!

16 07 2010

it`s amnesty dumb ass!!!!!!!

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